President Obama campaigns for Biden in Philadelphia | USA TODAY

Former President Barack Obama travels to Philadelphia to campaign on behalf of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Former President Barack Obama steps onto the campaign trail Wednesday with a drive-in rally in Philadelphia as Joe Biden and President Donald Trump battle for key swing state Pennsylvania.

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#Obama #Election2020 #Biden

President Obama campaigns for Biden in Philadelphia | USA TODAY


  1. *He made these people in the comments mad* 😂😂😂 I can only imagine how the Orange man is feeling right now.

    1. @Ben
      Oh Benny boy,
      Your virus party is over! Sorry, but your riot bros let the cat outta the bag. Will people still get sick? Sure. Will CASES go up? Duh! But deaths are way, way down due to therapeutics and supplements. Smart people have been building up their D3 for months, like Anthony Fauci. He takes 6000 IU daily, and he doesn’t weight 150 lbs soaking wet. Pack up your hand sanitizer, put on your mask, and go back to your life!

    1. @Rob Bax when he wanted to take actions the haters blocked his every move. I actually forgot my problems for a while there. Love you President Obama.

  2. That was a great speech. Said so much of what I’ve been thinking over the past four years. “Who does that?” Exactly.

  3. This is totally disgusting what is happening in the USA. Why Joe is hiding in the basement and this man is campaigning for him. He has good speech, that’s all but he doesn’t know anything about economy.

  4. Biden is probably better off NOT having this guy endorsing him. A no longer relevant ex government employee.

  5. FBI shutting down foreign election influence. Trump invites more foreign influence. Very sad. Thank you FBI. Now arrest Trump. 🇺🇸

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