President Joe Biden outlines his racial equity agenda, accompanied by Vice President Kamala Harris
US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris deliver remarks to outline the President's racial equity agenda and sign executive actions.
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“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln
God save America!
Sad but true; Election fraud is rampant in the United States
The lying Democrats and fake news people claim there was “No voter fraud” in the November 3 election
. Well this shows it was widespread.
OCTOBER 16, 2020
A New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100% of eligible voters. The numbers don’t lie but liberal Democrats and Fake News do.
No fraud he lied trump sooo much lie trump over 300.00 but thats ok the virus trump trump call biden a lie..he do tell the true hurts..biden and harris thank you sooo much god be with you.. Trump been office for years did nothing for the people..biden tell the guy stop dronking the kool-aid please.. The swamp is getting drain..amen
President Biden is using power wisely and well. Racism is a disgrace.
He didn’t cheat stop being stupid
@Justina Turnbough He did. Else they would have no problem conducting an audit if they have nothing to hide.
Have you been living under a rock?
Cheated to win. Proof overwhelming
100% you nailed it!
People need to wake up!
What about people who vandalized the DNC HQ in Oregon?
what about them?
if you think antifa is BLM, WRONGGG. those are domestic terrorist
@Gor1llaGr1pCooch1e Munch violence is never the answer, whether its BLM or those who rioted at the Capitol.
@Gor1llaGr1pCooch1e Munch antifa, BLM and domestic terrorists are all completely different except one thing, they are all unreasonably violent. it’s sad but oh well, we want it to stop but we’re almost used to lots of violence by now.
Antifa did it despite being “an idea”
I can’t believe the comments are on.
No trolls here. I just learned how to reply and I believe this election was stolen so…
@High Cholesterol so you coming at me like that is proving that we were not the ones that stormed the capitol YOU ARE. Back the blame train up.
To keep this sham going they will need to keep honesty out.
@High Cholesterol So much hate. No wonder your cholesterol is so high.
Guarantee this is the prewarm up for reparations…
It will be higher affirmative action quotas first.
@Slk Ken176 nothing is ever free… didn’t your mom teach you that…. and the bigger the thing the bigger the cost…..and whatever it costs it usually something you would never have been willing to give up or trade
Joe is lying through his dentures again, obesity is the norm in the projects.
Could it be because there are no grocery stores and the closest food options are fast food and dollar stores??
@Dana C Are there no grocery stores where you are?
Ebt is the cause
The government is an embarrassment.
Rising property taxes and fees are some of the biggest barriers to owning a home around where I live.
He looks like he could croak at any minute!

And then Kamala would be your president…..
but Joe will be ok.
This guy won the vote he has twice as many thumbs down if not more everywhere
He didn’t win the vote they cheated with rigged software and mail in voting
Yea…’s that work????
If you put 2 bands on different stages at seperate stadiums, one sells out, the other couldn’t pack a small bar room…..Which BAND IS MORE POPULAR???? THE ONE THAT CANT PACK A BAR ROOM ???
ITS A NO BRAINER……and they think the 6th was sooo awful??? These citizens are beyond pissed, some are going to sacrifice their very life, just to prove their point and TO FINALLY BE HEARD…….UNFORTUNATELY WITH THIS KIND OF LAST DESPERATE ACT OF PATRIOTISM, LEAVES NO ONE LEFT TO HEAR, LET ALONE TO LISTEN TO THEIR PLEAS FOR INVESTIGATIONS ON ALL FRONTS OF GOVERNMENT, LOCAL , STATE and federal, alike…..
youtube like ratings ≠ public opinion
from what i’ve seen there are more people on the right on places like youtube/facebook than the left on the same platforms
Equity, or equality of rights. You can’t have one without sacrificing the other.
Screenshot the comment section – this will be gone soon.
For sure the Marxist will not put up with this.
You can’t fight systemic racism by systematizing racism.
Biden is doing the opposite of systemizing racism; I think you may have miscalculated his words
Exactly, if you want to end racism, quit basing everything on race. Character is what counts MLK.
Injustice hasn’t stopped nor has the destruction of our country from the mobs destroying everything.
He looks like a grandpa whose spine is gonna snap at any minute!!!!
Didn’t he co sponsor the crime bill that led to mass incarceration of minorities.
It was a bipartisanship bill that even african american leaders supported at the time.
Yes he’s a hypocrite.
We choose not to talk about that !
Let’s not forget that if you vote for Trump, you ain’t black…I think politicans pander to people to get what they want and once they have it, they turn their backs on the very people who voted them in. Really sad that future generations are fucked
@chris johnson and he said unless we change things my kids will have to live in a racial jungle!
$-Read’ “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert”, by Dr. Robert B Strecker, a Medical Doctor with a PhD In Pharmacology who said, “There Is No Proof Any Vaccines Cure Anything”. Will U Accept Relief Money For A Vaccination??
Pretty sure I seen Biden on “To Catch a predator!”
He was!!! The pizza dude!

He fired a Black Surgeon General and Obliterated Girl Sports in his first week. Thief in Chief.
Anu Partanen’s book called “The Nordic Theory of Everything” shows how caring capitalism already exists in Nordic nations and works really well.