President-elect Joe Biden participates in national COVID-19 memorial, featuring a lighting ceremony around the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool in Washington, D.C.
COVID-19 has killed more than 400,000 Americans in less than a year and infections have continued to mount across the country despite the introduction of a pair of vaccines late in 2020.
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#COVID19 #Biden #COVIDNews
“Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:” (John 11:25)
“A Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5
@Kazoo and I ain’t robot .
“I knew you before I formed you in the womb.” Jeremiah 1:5
@Johnny Lightning keep it up brother
@C Train you too my friend
All we need to do is know gods with us, no matter what Biden, Kamala, or anyone else does to this country
@Johnny Lightning FYI I’m a catholic and I don’t believe in abortion. That’s all I’m going to say. Your a bot.
Starts at 7:30
Utter king.
Excuse me? Amazing Grace is from the 1800s. It’s Public Domain, not copyrighted.
And followed it up with of all things, Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”, which IS copyrighted. Yeah, that makes sense.
Right! That was my exact thought.
Amazing Grace is copyright somewhere? You silenced this song??? What in the heck is wrong with you, Google?
It’s public domain
Well Trump has been silenced.
Every song is copyright lmao
Yep. That was terrible that they muted the first part
My prayers for all families who have lost their loved ones
@Bill Billson China bot, all you comment on this channel is hate. All you are is hate
@Bill Billson gtfo
@Kazoo — nahh i’m fine, just giving you dems the respect that you gave trump. Eat up lol
@Bill Billson keep up the good work man
@Bill Billson Well,they weren’t exactly loved if they were aborted
Very sad. I’m praying for the nation. – A veteran
Since when is Amazing Grace copyrighted?
It is not. Plus, even if it were, the song would have been cleared before the memorial. Someone made a ridiculous error.
one day this country will heal.. people will remeber this pandemic for a long time.. i myself will remeber this.. anyways..
Condoleances to all who have lost someone
YouTube really censored Amazing Grace, y’all need to fix your algorithm bc this is just insensitive
insensitive?? No. Don’t use big words to make yourself sound photosynthesis.
The healing begins. So grateful.
Wow, healing begins? After the retribution lists? 25,000 troops in Washington seems normal to you?
@Jennifer S that’s because brainwashed trump supporters cuased it
@lr- 85 yeah, defunding our own safety, ignoring 150 federal buildings damaged, 700 officers injured, 30 people killed, 100s of businesses looted + destroyed, destroying monuments, retribution lists from sitting Congress members- yeah we’re the brainwashed ones!
Dumbest statement ever. Who knew that if we change presidents everything will be better. That all the nation’s problems will be solved simply by changing a president.
@Angela L Your excited to about the Endless wars Higher taxes bad Trade deals $4.00 a gallon of gas. Can’t forget prison reform!
I Love these songs. God bless us all. God bless our government. God bless Joe and jill Biden. God bless our military and army. God Keep them safe. God keep us all safe. God Help us to move on. and get back on our feet again. Biden lead us to a bigger better life together as one. Reunite us all again. Show us the loving caring way back. We have faith in you Biden. We believe in you. Be safe and well out there everyone. Thank you president Joe and first lady dr jill biden. for this touching video.

Wonder do all the blacks that work for the system see the agenda for blk men like myself big money big business huh torture us
“If there are any angels in heaven, they’re nurses.”
a ton of them are evil. Don’t generalize.
@user 914127 yeah f those evil nurses
“To absent friends, in memory still bright.”
This virus has devastated our people, doctors, nurses and health-care system, it has shaken us to our very core, but it shall never break something that will endure forever, the American spirit!
May the Lord give strength to his people! May the Lord bless his people with peace!
Psalm 29:11
Trump never showed empathy. I hope america never ever gets a crazy man in power like him.
When biden dies…meaning pretty soon, I’m really worried about his vp. What she plans to do she’s full of pure wickedness.