President-elect Joe Biden introduces science team | USA TODAY

President-elect Joe Biden's $1.9-trillion COVID-19 relief proposal quickly drew criticism from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle in Congress after he unveiled the plan Thursday.


Biden's proposal includes $20 billion for a national vaccination program, $1,400 stimulus checks and raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour. But progressive lawmakers wanted bigger checks and some Republicans argue the plan doesn't do enough to restart an economy decimated by the pandemic.

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President-elect Joe Biden introduces science team | USA TODAY


    1. Yeah…..makeS total sense!!!
      “Hope”? How did that Hope work out for Obie? Pitiful!!! WHO IS ON THIS “SCIENCE” TEAM?

  1. This is like when the teacher calls on that one kid to read out loud and he reads in the most monotone, boring way possible.

  2. Some questions to consider: How many 78-year-old presidents have there been in American history? Does health and age matter in national leadership positions in the United States?

  3. The whole World is laughing at you America! And there will be more reasons to laugh, for the next 4 years. So thanks you 😂😘

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