President Trump increasingly testing the rule of law following his acquittal. Aired on 02/13/20.
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President Donald Trump’s Post-Impeachment Vendetta | Deadline | MSNBC
*Hey, MAGAtrash?*
*Why is your so-called “president” so despicable and vile?*
@Raptango_NA Steve Mnuchin, Wilbur Ross, Betsy DeVoss, these are the ones he chose to help drain the swamp?! Good grief
@A La Zay Aye “and he employs illegal aliens and gets his own products built in China, don’t believe the press releases of a compulsive liar” I dont care if clothes are made in China, its our heavy industry that we cant replace so easily
@Raptango_NA so you’re pro globalist now? He’s strong on borders but employs undocumented immigrants? Is he possibly a lying hypocrite and you have to twist your justification trying to defend the crook?
@A La Zay Aye “so you’re pro globalist now? He’s strong on borders but employs undocumented immigrants? Is he possibly a lying hypocrite and you have to twist your justification trying to defend the crook?” Globalists are leftist morons. No I’m not a globalist. I’m a voter, that votes for policies that work for America. Regardless of what the corrupt media promotes. It just kills you that lots of people support Trump because he’s doing a great job doesnt it? Too bad. Go cry in the corner with your nonsense activism. .
Well here it is…
welcome to Donald Trump’s orange Banana Republic…
@Robot Hunter

@William Bailey the word “colour” confused you? Go figure.
1) There is a perfectly good reason my keyboard’s autocorrect uses the British dictionary.
2) if misspellings make you “un-American”, then Trump can’t legally be president.
3) learn how to spell ” you are”
ok so when dictator don is removed. Will that solve any problems that the megas have mistakenly thought trump was the solution?
We gotta work on that…
With the Tumbleweed hairdo
Jail criminal Trump
Throw away the key
@george lahmon if you aren’t convinced by the facts, you tube can’t help you.
@canuck what about Ukraine,LOL exactly what law did Trump break considering even Ukraine said they were not pressured. Somehow asking about corruption is a crime and not the actual corruption.
@canuck considering the articles of impeachment didn’t even accuse him of extortion, you know why because even Piglosi and Schiff knew no laws were broken.
@canuck what crimes has Trump committed,just because you disagree with his policies does not make it illegal or even unethical.
@george lahmon you are not intelligent enough for me am muting you.
Disloyalty gets rewarded appropriately.
Treason has its price as well .
Mike Dunigan Little do they realize that their actions guarantee, according to their own fairy tales, that they will not be embraced but shunned for their worship of the antichrist.
@MusashiMiyamotoSama Fighting irrationality and bad reasoning with the apposing has been failing for 50 years. Longer than I’ve been alive people have been calmly explaining to the stupid and crazy. They do not care they do not listen to your calm words.
@Lara Jones I don’t get why the world has to be bathed in fire before their sky daddy will come down and hug them. But it’s in a magic book from long ago, it was even revised so you know it’s more magical and even more book!
@Mike Dunigan What makes you think that the opposing side would listen to irrationality instead? Furthermore, upholding the foundations of a Democratic society requires reasoned argumentation. Your approach and justification for that approach is a proclamation that the people that you label as crazy and stupid are correct in so far as there is no point in reasoning with anyone you label a certain way.
We all are swayed by bad reasons and motivated reasoning. If you embrace the value of championing Liberal Democracy, then you must champion the values of the Enlightenment. Among them are reason, believing as few false things as possible and the most true things as possible. Only by speaking the truth as far as you understand it and in a manner that supports sound and valid arguments does Liberal Democracy stand a chance. If you reject this, you are just another member of a mob, a mob that you think is justified. Unfortunately, so does the other mob that you oppose. Unlike, that side, however, you supposedly value Liberal Democracy.
You can try to justify your bad arguments as long as you live, but they will never become good arguments.
Good luck
Barr protected the criminals involved in the Iran-Contra affair.
@Dan Tanna wrong on all counts. Don’t smoke crack while watching right wing propaganda.
@Dan Tanna ~You’re not even fooling yourself, Doc…how the heck you expect to fool others with that Putin puppet-pie nonsense, specially baked for ready consumption by Republican cult Trumpettes to weaken and destroy America? Did you know, for instance, that nasty Devil’s tool you’re sucking on so hard was first used widely by 1920’s Communist Russia to propagandize the masses? Would suggest doing the research about Whataboutism, but suspect you already know all about it! #moreRussiasanctions
Barr invented the statement “I don’t recall” that Oliver North repeated a 1000 times.
Where’s Susan Collins, no press conference on a learned Lesson?
@Tony Johnson Amazing, isn’t it, since her job is literally to speak on behalf of we the people.
she is walking human garbage
@Tony Johnson She looks like she has Parkinsons, she shakes like a leaf. She is as incompetent to be a US Senator as you can get.
Banned from the Olympics and World cup,
Russia can
still participate In America’s 2020 Elections
The Olympics were originally sun god worship . that is why the torch is light by the sun today when A new olympics is started ,
@george lahmon Mc cabe is a liar , Trump kept him from testifying .trump is a criminal and when his protection is over , he will get his .
Republican Senators (except Romney) are cowards! How can they do this to our country? How can anyone think that this is OK? It is not. Trump is unstable, unhinged and dangerous. We need to get him out!
They don’t care what they do to our country, as long as they maintain power, and the ability to set foreign policy, as well as domestic policy, and stack the Supreme Court in conservatives favor.
The people need to stand up for the rule of law.
Republicans in Congress are not.
He would be in prison right now without them.
Stones a bum. Incarcerate him!
Split this country already. The most hated state California should lead the way. Let the GOP keep their orange dictator.
That’s a joke, “WE” are not treated the same. That’s been evident since all these American traitors have been sentenced.
America, see how politicians are treated as opposed to average Joe
or Jane that’s our government. What should we do about it ? VOTE
Is any of this a shocker? Republicans created a monster with that acquittal.
@Ken Bugbee but Constitutional traitors, like TRUMp, hold water…with two hands.
They didn’t “create” it (it was always there eating up public resources and trash talking), they unleashed the monster in themselves
@george lahmon how’s the weather in Russia?
Ken Bugbee T’s favorite book -maybe the only book he’s ever wanted – is Mein Kampf which book lived on his table next to the bed – per his 1st wife’s biography. Which obviously is his own “How to Win Friends and Influence People” type of personal-guidance book. Obviously. As for me, i prefer The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. T could go over there and live in t-tower moscow and take moscow mitch wi him. U could go too, and be their helper♥️
ya’all will do well in moscow, guaranteed♥️
Ken Bugbee In case you didn’t know, it was a *far*-*right* political party. Thanks for playing. Bye.
Trump must be impeached again
Remember when we thought Paul Ryan was the worst of ’em and added him to the “Invertebrates” Wikipedia page? If only…
Yes. The good old days. When bad guys were bad and good guys didn’t bother to vote.
Two weeks ago the question was: “Is the President immune to the law?” the Senate answered that one. Now the Question is: “Can the President’s immunity to the law be extended to his cronies?”. Given Barr’s excuses and assertion that this was what HE intended to do anyway, does anyone want to take bets??
Honorable Patriots want nothing to do with this corrupt fraud and his comrades
I’ve seen ppl charged with much less evidence serving extraordinary outrageous sentences!!!! If only they were good friends of the president!
We are better than this America we must stand up to all bullies and tyrants!!!
No! We’re not
Barr is a pig and corrupted to the bone!!! He needs to RESIGN NOW!!!
The Russian Puppet is the most corrupt president in the history of our republic!!!