President Donald Trump’s ‘Friend’ Stories Get Even More Egregious | All In | MSNBC

There's a strange pattern in a story that Trump has told several times about how he backed out of the Iran deal. Aired on 12/16/19.
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President Donald Trump's 'Friend' Stories Get Even More Egregious | All In | MSNBC

President Donald Trump's 'Friend' Stories Get Even More Egregious | All In | MSNBC


    1. @R McElhaney Ivanka is not from Slovenia, wtf are u talking about? She’s American and was born here. Now Melania on the other hand is not American so maybe you’re thinking of her

    1. @claire bigelow
      You know how stupid you sound? Trump has been tougher on Putin than any other president in U.S. history. Why would a lifelong capitalist like Donald Trump cooperate with a lifelong leftist Commie like Putin. Answer, he wouldn’t, and never has. Your fake propaganda on that one fell apart in about two seconds. Meanwhile Obama was “more flexible” while Putin invaded Crimea. Go back to Moscow comrade.

    1. @mon coeur pourquoi demandez-vous à tout le monde s’ils parlent français et essayez d’échanger des e-mails?

  1. One can always be 100% certain when Trump is lying , his mouth is moving or his thumbs are moving “tweeting” .

    1. Richard Thomas Yep, he’s right up there on the believability scale with junkies, adulterers & thieves.🤮

    1. or under indictment or under the bus or under suspicion or under investigation or under 6 feet of dirt (Barr’s friend Epstein).

  2. There is No Jim & He has No Friends & the French people don’t want him or his imaginary friend Jim to holiday in Paris

    1. Trump supporters are going to want a civil war against anyone who can’t see trump’s imaginary friend.

    2. @IsThatTrue OrDidYouHearItOnFOX their fealty to trump is just as imaginary look how quick they use the victim card when their bluff gets called, they’ll drop their guns when they see we’re not only marching toward them with crowns of flowers in our hair but singing dont get me wrong we may look like tinkerbell but we’re all “gunny” R Lee Eremy and will make use of that garden hose 😉😈

    1. Perhaps it is his “Mystery Friends” that he is talking to when he speaks of Himself in the 3rd Person manner.

  3. Just watching this short display of the orange moron’s deranged and dangerous delusions, makes it even easier to accept that every Republican in congress or the Senate has truly sold out their morality, their objectivity, their self respect, their respect for the American Constitution, their legacy, and most of all, their integrity. Trump is an incompetent half-wit, those Republicans presumably possess some academic or intellectual ability to see through his spewings – sadly, obviously not.

    1. They have long ago sold their souls. What you see is what they truly are. They wont change unless its for the worst.

    2. Siobhan Shavonne I think the old con man is running out of cons he just sounds ridiculous my goodness does he repeats himself over and over again even at the rallies he gets one clap he gets laughter and he continues on with the same old line rally at the rally he ain’t got no brain! covfefe anyone! Vote blue vote Bernie 🙂

    3. @Nancy Simmer I don’t know what normal person could listen to that for more than a minute. Sounds like jibber jabber jibberish. That letter published today proves it even more. He’s delusional.

  4. You know Trump is lying the moment that he says ” I have a friend.” Because he’s a sociopath, and sociopaths don’t have friends. They only have victims and accomplices, who end up as victims too.

    1. Kinda disturbing to think about what kind of games the two of them might play together. Isn’t it?

    1. @claire bigelow Patriot Act, illegal invasion and occupation of a foreign nation to purloin resources costing over 100,000 human lives and over 4 trillion dollars, and a stolen presidential election in Florida when Republicans strong armed the vote counters. Maybe you don’t want Dubya? Or you need to seriously rethink your position 🙂

  5. Trump loves to tell stories about people calling him “sir”…as opposed to the last “s@!t for brains” ….or in the future, “inmate”.

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