NYT’s Peter Baker, Bloomberg Opinion’s Tim O’Brien, former congresswoman Donna Edwards, former TIME Magazine managing editor Rick Stengel, former assistant director at the FBI Frank Figliuzzi and former chief of staff for Vice Presidents Gore and Biden Ron Klain on how Trump’s ignorance and instability is impacting the Mideast and beyond
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President Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy: Chaos | Deadline | MSNBC
Lmfao! Trumps a pony dictators like to ride on! LMFAO!! that was a good one lol
Best line in a tweet all year!

He is a disaster and a national and international embarrassment. Can’t wait for Nov 2020.
@Josean Ponce stupid Traitor
@DDKaraokeOutlaw get ready to cry again Trump 2020
@Josean Ponce – Feel free to ignore the troll who *can’t spell ‘traitor’* …let alone comprehend its meaning.
@CynAnne1 try to over look this lying fool he’s to worried about my spelling to get any facts straight what a moron
Mayor Pete said it: There are no policies, the is a set of patterns of behavior.
Trump’s foreign policy is whatever Putin tells him it is.
@Mark The Fart Hillary this Obama that..stfu moron
Putin hit a jackpot with 45
His hands? Gads, he’s got the tiniest hands in the history of humankind– would he really/truly want to show us his hand size as a measure of his manhood? lol
@Katherine AT H2O : Only partly true. It’s all the women who lied to him over the years. Now, every time he uses the bathroom, he looks down and thinks, my hands aren’t that small. Wrong conclusion Donnie
@Rudy Penza he’s never had women chasing him for his manhood, only his wallet. Hes had to pay for every woman he has ever had. Sad life!
You know what they say: Small hands = Small brain
Tiny hands + tiny brain + tiny vocabulary = SAD!
@Spinko Kerplinko yawn….be best
Guys, Russian Trolls are good people! Stop this racism please!
@Chris lee lool say it like it is. No one likes a trumpturd
How can you compare Trump to any president he is not presidential material at all he’s a piece of ????????/
A piece of No 2?
spelled “EXCREMENT.”
Well… At least we found out what happens when you put a narcissistic incompetent businessman as the president.
He has presidential bedbugs
The world loves him. He’s having a love affair with all the world leaders. He’s made a laughing stock out of the US. It’s time to get rid of this raving lunatic.
@Hudson Hawk so the dossier that fusion GPS created and Clinton paid for got trump elected?,wow. Lol
@Dmitri Fukov What got Trump elected was Putin. He employed people like you too put out false narratives
@Hudson Hawk no first off I’m not employed by any Russian or trump or any affiliate. Second what got trump elected is simple,it’s the economy
@Dmitri FukovThe economy was doing fine. Remember the mess Obama inherited from Bush? The country was almost bankrupt when Obama took over. Obama handed Trump a decent economy. Obama did all the heavy work
Host and legend Nicolle Wallace made another on the nose analysis once again
…while sticking it up in the air.
One has to be reminded that he is Compromised by the Russians, thereby understanding his actions beyond his personality. He is acting out putin’s playbook! IMPEACHMENT ASAP..SHAME ON ENABLERS of this presidency!
Oh it’s only you msnbc viewers
Elle – And *only* ‘Russian press’ *were allowed* to film #45 and Putin in July…as Putin joked about “…getting rid…” of reporters.
And #45 *laughed right along* with the former *KGB agent* who runs Russia.
*No* other American President *would’ve allowed* such insults to *our* country.
But #45 loves his -banker- -mentor- ‘like-minded leader’.
*So* embarrassing for America…
Spreading chaos around the world comes back home to roost.
They’ve ALWAYS spread it EVERYWHERE yes even here! ALWAYS
This country has become a real banana republic.
God blesh the Unichted Schtached of Americha!
Lol i heard what you did there
It’s been a banana republic for decades now you clown
“The Orangeins of Covfefe: I Are #45”

Available soon…in ‘Dollar’ stores all across ‘Murica.
Mr Tyler YOU hit the nail right on the head .And it was funny too!
Congrats Poland on the Nazi invasion of your country. Of course there were good people on both sides
James Lade —
Only Donald Trump would congratulate a country for being under Nazi rule. What a moron!
@Manuela Costa Lima A QUISLING & a CRETIN (QUISLING, Norway World War II).
James Lade
I’m not sure, is that a direct quote from trump or are you being sarcastic?
In the day and age of trumpian lunacy, one can never be certain that the implausible is not reality…
Ditch Moscow Mitch and Kremlin Donovitch
Like describing a male Bad Seed, a child has us in the clutches of his hands.
Baba Baba left a teacher for 2019 about Bladimir and Trump -> They will try to assassinate Vladimir Putin. Trump will suffer a mysterious illness that will cause nausea, brain trauma and hearing loss.
Trump’s incompetence is fantastic to watch though. Keep it up Trump – the only thing funnier are those who defend him.
I’m going to the next Trump rally because I seriously wanna see who is supporting him, especially after we all know he’s incompetent and mentally ill.
@Steve H Good luck, but remember to keep the laughter down as you may disturb the herd and cause a “freedom” stamped
Trump smuggly primped himself after pushing that guy out of the way to get in front shows his deep seeded inferiority complex and peasant mentality.
*ding ding ding*
Chris Lee
It was the world stage and I can’t believe in his head he just couldn’t let another world leader walk in front of him… Seriously? He’s THAT petty? I’m not going to allow myself to be desensitized to his bull, otherwise I may end up finding it normal behavior
Oh yeah, we know trump is sucking up… Every time he meets with Kim Jong- un or Putin his knees are dirty…
…but his teeth are pearly white.
Carpet burns
And *that* explains *why* #45 carries breath mints with him *all* the time…
Why else would they be so happy to see him?
Trump’s foreign policy is like Melania’s Slovenian university degree: non-existent!
Yea…and she’s supposedly fluent in 5 or 6 languages..ha ha ha
…everyone treats him like an Imbecile…but his supporters see him as their Imbecile