Pres. Trump’s defense team follows familiar strategy of denial. Chuck Todd says, “This new White House defense appears to fit into a pattern with this president where the first response to an accusation is denial and then … the response eventually gets to ‘so what?’” Aired on 1/30/2020.
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President Donald Trump’s Defense Team Follows Familiar Strategy Of Denial | MSNBC
This horrible for trump how can they not have witnesses.
Because McConnell can. He has the power to prevent witnesses.
@TAROT RYTHMS oh dont worry about money spent to convict a criminal… your party spent OVER a hundred million investigating Bengahzi and Hillary. didnt matter to you republicans ….donnie will just print more money as he has to keep wall street going…..
They have nor had witnesses because trump issued subpoenas stopping them. The issue has been held court by barr.
What I saw of it sounded a whole lot like “If the president does it then it’s not against the law.”
#ticktocktraitor #YouAreTheSwamp
President Donald Trump’s Defense Team Follows Familiar Strategy Of Denial
You left out obstruction and lying.
David V at least you didn’t leave out the whining and crying

Garbage president and republican party
Your garage Trump is the best
Do MSNBC anchors all really support Hepatitis/Rats/Bedlam/Fleas/Vomit/Feces/MS13/Derangement/Typhus/murder/Cartels/Lawlessness/Recessions-are-good/Septicemia/plague/needles/F-the-Police/E-coli/Squalor/Chaos?
Worthington yes
Trump will win in 2020 and rightfully so
The amount of corruption, criminals, traitors, treason, ignorance, incompetence and mental illness in the Demoncraptic party is MASSIVE. Most of them belong in a mental asylum or prison.
Are his attys over medicated, intoxicated, or just nuts?
I vote for nuts.
All of the above.
These lawyers so obvious so blatant Twisting word games desperately attempting to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE . period.
todd prifogle
so they are following the Democrat’s code of ethics? Kind of strange for Republicans to do that LOL
@Alex Hamilton What has Trump done to earn your vote or your trust? I’m actually trying to find out what he has done that positively effects your life directly. What law or bill or legislation?
@Chris Borden That is a legitimate question.
The answer is easy. Trump’s agenda actually has not effected my life directly. That is the positive thing. I don’t look to Government to do anything for me. I look for Government to stay out of my life so I am free to enjoy the freedoms guaranteed to me by the Constitution. The Democrat’s being controlled by the political left wants to control every aspect of my life. I saw this for 8 years with Obama in the White House. None of those fools running as Democrat’s would get my vote.
I dont understand how trumps lawyers were allowed to lie.
@chris leonard Because they figured if Schiff and the other Democrats can get away with it why not? LOL
this is disgusting omg these republicans do not care about the law.
@AL- BOT the republicans would roll over to be petted by their so called christ
@AL- BOT I will let you know when he says that.
@liberalthinker noname what facts?
They ignore the laws trump broke. They deflect nymaking baseless accusations against the bidens. They refuse to oppose trumps subpoena stopping witnesses and evidence
They lie under oath. It is absolutely disgusting and outrageously supported by trump trolls on here
@chris leonard what laws did Trump break? Let us investigate the Biden’s to get the bases for the accusations.. Have you ever heard of the court system to fight about subpoenas?
The Republicans say the House Committees conducted a sham investigation.
The Democrats say the Senate Impeachment Trial is a Sham trial, for different reasons than the Republicans call it the same thing.
Bottom line: both sides have mostly made up their minds. Majority Leader McConnell is working hand in glove with the WH attorneys to ensure the ‘acquittal’ of the current occupant of the WH. That behavior in and of itself creates the sham.
Welcome too the Trump Era, Where dictatorship is the new norm, And the truth and facts have become irrelevant, lt’s what ever Trump and his Regime says that goes, No matter what anyone else says !
Is it still illegal to punch a nazi?
@GuyRamiYou see a lot of Nazis do ya?
@C Rizzy only in the same amount that ted Cruz sees space pirates…
@GuyRami There are practically no Nazis in the US relative to the population so it’s ridiculous when people say “punch a Nazi”. All too often people use the word to discredit others they disagree with then it leads to violence.
One thing about trump …he hasn’t disappointed at all..I never expected anything good fr.him ..only evil..
@Allex Gibbs what you do wrong is been complicit in his lieing and deceiving ways …property isnt everything …its better to go backward to the depressions era than to have a corrupt president…with no moral compass …who rules a world power …power corrupts…and absolute power corrupts absolutely… the impeachment sham will give trump absolute power …watch out than…
@Wilson laing laing still haven’t said what I said is wrong and proved it. Just speaking in generalities to sound cool.
@Allex Gibbs is this steven miller…
Failing economy, less well paid jobs. Highest national debt on record, more racism, higher immigration, failing trade wars. Real facts dont seem to matter to trumpies. They want to believe the opposite to the truth and repeat trumps lies about jobs and economy. The refuse to check statistics from the American bureau of economic affairs as they show a failing economy. Trump and his supporters are influenced by russia who wants america to fail. Get rid of trump now and stop the rot
Epstein’s Beauty Parlour Boy has a new hairstyle. He must be longing for another massage !?!?!?!?
Constitutional scholars of the country need to affirm strongly and collectively how flawed the trump’s defendants’ Constitutional “argument” is. THE TIME IS NOW!
Trump should not have kept breaking the law in an election year. Bite me…
Evil, Failed, Impeached Trump has earned no respect and deserves no defense.
@Make Racists Afraid Again you should mind your foreign business.
And his supporters are worse. They know how corrupt trump is and still support him. They are sjameless
President Obama in the people’s interest tried to give every single American free healthcare, Republican said he did not have the power to do so. Now Republicans are saying the impeached Donald Trump has the power to cheat on elections because it’s in the best interest of the people
Having practiced law for 40 years and having been a prosecuting attorney and deputy assistant attorney I must say this lawyer Dershowitz is an embarrassment to the profession I don’t care how expensive he is.
“If a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment,”…WTF
Since everything Trump does he believes and is motivated by helping him get elected it would mean he can not ever be impeached. How stupid.
But then he was undoubtedly paid an absurd sum of money to defend Trump that can not be done without dropping in the morass of political misrepresentations, outright lying or trying to substitute huge masses of irrelevant garbage to confuse the real issues.
Trump just murdered a high government official started several investigations world wide that he violated international law ….. but if Trump were charged with that … to this high priced lawyer he would say that wouldn’t make him impeachable because he believed it was in the public interest.
In other words Trump can avoid impeachment simply by stupidly believing something is in the public interest.
But Dershowitz took sucker trump for all the money he could get…. we all know as McConnell said ,before the articles of impeachment were even decided on no way are we Republicans going to let our nominee for the presidency be impeached . He can’t lose what ever he says.
For the money we the taxpayers are paying for the Trump dream team, we’re getting shafted! They are doing a shoty job!
No Republican Senator voting against witnesses should be able with a straight face to claim their only goals are truth and justice.