President Donald Trump Trails Dem Candidates In Hypothetical Matchups | Morning Joe | MSNBC

President Trump is trailing five 2020 Democratic candidates in hypothetical matchups, per new NBC News/WSJ polling. The panel discusses. Aired on 2/19/2020.
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President Donald Trump Trails Dem Candidates In Hypothetical Matchups | Morning Joe | MSNBC

President Donald Trump Trails Dem Candidates In Hypothetical Matchups | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. Eagle Eyes Did you see the record setting number of voters that showed up for Trump in New Hampshire? Oh…. you watch MSNBC…..of course you didn’t. 🤣

    2. Yes, I’m aware. I was referring to Joe Bidens lack of sustainability. I’m not sure what that has to do with a Trump rally but thanks for the input.

    3. @Rod Did you see those policies he talked about that would actually improve the lives and circumstances of the majority of Americans?
      Oh no, he doesn’t have any does he.

  1. I’ll never trust media polls after 2016.. media treats polls like the holy grail and it’s more like toilet paper

    1. @buddy smooth Polls are very reliable. You have to understand that a 4% chance to win means one WILL win 4% of the time. It happens all the time in poker and other fields that simulate math. Your objection is that a 4% chance to win won, and therefore all polls are unreliable. That’s not logical thinking. A 4% chance to win WILL win 4% of the time. Unlikely, but it will happen, given enough trials.

    1. @alienv5 No argument there. But you must admit that Iowa and NH doesn’t represent the total Democratic base. If Biden doesn’t win his own party, the party will not win the country.

    2. You believed them when they lied about the president so don’t cry now.They are called “fake news” for a reason.

    1. @Zeno of Citium That Russian troll isn’t British either, and he is just reading his talking points.

      Being “British” gives them some cover, but they argue republican points. Real Brits would reject the EC if they even bothered to know about it.
      In Europe and other countries that call themselves “democratic,” democracy is direct, no intermediaries to decide for the people.

      But Russians are lame subjects of Czar Vlad pOO.
      They don’t realize what possibilities freedom and democracy can offer.

    2. @handsoffmygun MF I almost feel sorry for Bernie.I did believe that Hillary owed him one,and she still came out of wineville and blasted him.

  2. They love to show this poll, but all the previous polls, where Bernie was the Democratic candidate who performed Best, or second best against Trump, never got this much coverage.

    1. @Butt49 Good And President trump Did Not Release his Taxes Either did he But They Are coming out So Get Ready! Cause We will soon Find out what he has been hiding. Cannot Hide Forever Cause The Truth Is coming out!

    2. Ask the polling organization to provide you with a detailed breakdown of their poll results. You will discover that their poll was NOT inclusive at all. They target their poll at the exact demographic that they expect to be favorable to a particular candidate. Monmouth, Quinnepiac and CNN do this sort of thing routinely, because they’re PAID to provide a targeted result.

    3. @Terry Tater those are all anti Trump anti american globalist loving news channels. Bernie is not a serious candidate. He’s just there to throw out socialist ideas and see how they poll. The dem candidate will be Bloomberg. He will choose Hillary. He owes her big when she was senator. They did alot if pay for play backhand deals. thank God above we are finding out ruled by those two families running against each other and then taking a break and giving us their proxy Obama well they ruled from behind. Obama ran against Hillary supposedly and then hired her like a good boy. Trump 20/20

    4. @Toob247 Toob247 . That was pure nonsense and trump cleared the Clinton foundation, hillarys email server and any other investigation into the clintons. It was late November. Cool how the tv lies for trump on the economy, the trade deals and the wars.. ……. Trump is a liar and you are living in a fantasy world. You might needs meds, for real.

    1. @Deborah Freedman If you think any of what you said is true, I don’t know how you possibly function on a daily basis. It must be hard to be that stupid.

    2. Izzy not enough about anyone of the candidates remember the most important thing is to get Traitor Trump out of office none of our issues will be addressed if It is still there and don’t forget the Supreme Court!

    1. @I.P. DAILY Where did you get that number from? America was greatest when there was a very high marginal tax rate. The rich will still have more money that they can ever need but the multi-billionaires will have to give something back to America that made them rich.

    2. @I.P. DAILY It’s a marginal tax rates so that high rate does not affect the first million dollars a year (I’m just guessing on that threshold). The point is the high rate only really affects the morbidly rich.

    1. Xbox Terbaik So gods will is that a mentally ill non Christian con man amoral racist sociopathic criminal should be president. Well then…the lord does indeed work in mysterious ways. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. @Moon Watcher great , now we are on the same page , indeed God works in mysterious ways , just watch his last days in 2nd term , it will be all over the news across the world, he will be the only president
      that can pull that off.

  3. That’s odd you show only this poll — as the polls I’ve seen have Sanders in 1st in head-to-heads against Trump, with Sanders being WAY ahead. Funny, how you don’t show those polls, though.
    …(sshhh. oh, that’s right, the DNC don’t want him to win).

    1. Real Clear Politics hypothetical match ups… This is the AVERAGE of the recent polls:

      Trump vs Sanders…. Sanders +4.6%
      Trump vs Biden ….. Biden +4.8%
      Trump vs Bloomberg… Bloomberg +4.6%.

      MSNBC chose the one poll that makes Biden look best. MSNBC is a giant organisation. This isn’t weak reporting. This is MSNBC lying to you.

    2. Everyone knows that Bernie has the best chance to defeat Trump in a landslide. You will never, ever see an honest and accurate poll on MSNBC, CNN or Fox.

    1. You need to pop a new flux capacitor into you Delorean and get back to the future, kiddo! This is 2020 not 2016! The sociopolitical landscape has radically changed since then. Try and keep up

  4. Seriously! He had the best shot of winning Iowa and NH according to You……I think you might be wrong and polls are all tv watching boomers..

    1. All the polls showed Sanders winning by a big lead in those states, not losing to Pete in Iowa, and tying with him in NH. Why are you so dismissive of people with more experience than you? Is it your extreme insecurity?

    1. “Trump will not be President, you can take it to the bank.” —-Nancy Pelosi

      Same lady who gets IPO money from companies like VISA, then haulting credit card legislation.

    2. @NDFOOTBALL so it isn’t made up of career politicians for each party that aren’t required to vote according to party or anyone other than who they themselves want not who we vote for? Okay then political scholar, please enlighten me.

    1. Oh you mean the 2015 and 2016 polls that accurately predicted Hillary would win the popular vote. Those polls, right? 😄

    2. @Moon Watcher They always said Trump had no path to the nomination and later said no path to 270. FAKE POLLS just like FAKE NEWS from Liberal Media.

    3. @R Ski so because you SEPPOS lie your arses off to hide your racism it’s the media’s fault? Very seppo of you is your poverty and zero chance of economic growth due to the Jews and gays running the world?

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