President Donald Trump speaking at the White House Rose Garden.

President Donald Trump holds a press conference at the White House Rose Garden.


President Donald Trump continued his effort to derail Jeff Sessions' bid to return to the Senate, telling Alabama voters he "made a mistake" in choosing him to be attorney general on the eve of a runoff election between Sessions and former Auburn University football coach Tommy Tuberville.

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President Trump speaks at the White House Rose Garden | USA TODAY


    1. Another political ploy.
      Trying to demonstrate what a” strain” he’s been under because he’s sooo worried about the re-election.
      Wonder what the colour is ” Goon Grey “? Only his hairdresser knows for sure.

    1. yea unless there a cure OK it will do that and assholes that do not listen to the experts not trumps fault its YOURS

    1. @Danny Short I mean I’d rather be poor than sexually attracted to a family member. ‘if Ivanka weren’t my daughter perhaps I’d be dating her.’ Also I like how you think wealth makes someone superior- some of the most heinous people in this world are those who are in the top 1% and are able to and continue to get away with horrible crimes due to their class and money

    2. C R Projection. We always know what Trump is doing because he accuses his opposition of it. Crimes, treason, dementia…

    3. Danny Short I am 100% for Trump! I just love how Trump trolls him he makes me laugh. Slow down please and quit being so angry. If you want to convince someone to like Trump you being angry isn’t a good way to approach people anyway. Maybe try educating them? Trump 2Q2Q! 💥

    1. Try actually listening for a change instead letting your Trump hate make you deaf to what is going on

    2. He is talking about the hypocritcal disaster Biden has been over 47 years, the virus, and china among any other important subjects.

  1. while he plays golf and then shows up , nothing to say but propaganda and the truth is not on his side it is in plain sight , nothing to say for soldiers ,

  2. Anyone got a word count on the number of times “China” and “Biden” were used during this hour? Where’s the press briefing?

    1. They cut away before the press briefing because he exploited the air time that was supposed to be dedicated to an international relations announcement by starting to talk trash and turn it in to a campaign speech.

    2. He read Biden released plans for the future.bur seems u was.not listening.maybe u would consider to take a few minutes out of your uneventful mean less life to possibly save this land open borders will destroy this .every one from around the world will come here with no check of their past.u people are not going to enjoy what Joe has publicly informed.

    3. Larry Speakman For a person whose last name is “Speakman,” your grasp of the language is…tenuous.

      And for the record, most people have not been enjoying what Trump has been doing, if you haven’t noticed.

  3. It’s incredibly cancerous to the access of information for one man to talk for 1 hour vaguely without any pushback on a single point

    1. When you are POTUS you have the power of bully pulpit. As much as you complaint and hate Trump even you can’t help but continually listen to him.

    1. @NexGenSlayer LOL you mean you think he’s doing a GREAT JOB? Can I have some of the drugs you’re on?

  4. He won’t get press if they stop airing it. Networks are giving him free advertisement again, since he cant have the rallies he wants. They shouldn’t show up.

  5. I was told to watch this because Trump was trying to sneak a political agenda in. But no, he wasn’t sneaking anything in. It was quite blatant, obvious and ham-fisted.

  6. We have people dying and the first thing he mentioned was that the stock market is doing well. Great! The wealthy are getting wealthier! 🙁 Someone needs to direct him to get a better grip on the commoners of America not just the wealthy 1% of Americans

    1. Without money none of that matters. Death and tragedy are a part of life. Life still goes on. If the market was tanking hypocrites like you would be blaming Trump!

    2. Lol Im not wealthy but still smart enough to invest what little I have into the markets. Shame that you don’t want everyone to get richer.

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