Rachel Maddow looks a thesis put forward by the Washington Post's David Ignatius that Donald Trump exacted personal favors related to the Paul Manafort case from the government of Ukraine in exchange for granting a June 2017 meeting to Ukraine’s then-president Petro Poroshenko. Aired on 11/01/19.
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President Donald Trump May Have Worked A Previous Ukraine Quid Pro Quo: WaPo | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Uhhhhh-ohhhh someone made a Boo-Boo.
… oops he did it again.
A boo – boo. No this is another pile of you know what. The Out House
is in need of a plunger.
Corrupt bone spurs Donald Trump strikes again. Its a cartoon.
@Nevyn of OZ 1973 One could make a case this is a Russian cast of internal subbotage intent here. BTW, you failed to mension the Trump administration had to change the standard of rating employment rating. They are now ranking someone is employed even if they work only 1 hour a week. No administration previously had done this.
@Ian Home, so is a Russian bot.
These facts need to get added to the articles of impeachment. Rudy must testify under oath.
@David Wilson right on
@RojoDiver you’re my new hero!
Manaforts actual total was listed as 12 million dollars.
Let’s not forget the banker in Chicago who loaned him a series of loans totaling about 16 million, even though he managed a veteran’s bank, of which Manafort was not a veteran. The bank manager who wanted his quid pro quo.
Manafort was the key liaison between the Russians and Trump campaign. If he was to cooperate with Mueller probe, he would expose the entire collusion scheme
Darling Dear for sure
That was just the cash from Yanukovych
Darling Dear And the one thing Paul “I’ll run your campaign for free” Manafort absolutely insisted on was that Trump pick Mike Pence for VP. I wonder why a political operative, beholden to the Russian mob, would be so insistent on a nobody like Mike Pence?
I have only one word to type about this report,Interesting !
Verrry interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krD4hdGvGHM
@Flabby Bum When I hear ‘Quid Pro Quo’, I think – Creepy Joe.
I have another word, “Incriminating”
@Mind Freshener
Then your “mind” needs another “freshener”.
Because when I hear Quid pro quo, I think “Donnie Con”.
@Flabby Bum Yep, and what Trump and cronies have done is criminal, always has been…
Every single politician understands that Putin owns Trump. Every single one.
@RojoDiver I can still see Trump in Helsinki with Putin upon that podium, after the hour long one on one meeting with Putin. The way he looked like a little boy. “I don’t see why it would be Russia who hacked into the election”. Pompeo knows what went on. And Bolton was sent some place else intentionally. Pompeo didn’t want him there. The National Security Advisor should’ve been there. I can’t wait for Bolton’s testimony.
@Denise Eugene can Remember how he sent Steven Miller out to tell us, “THIS PRESIDENT WILL NOT BE QUESTIONED!”.
@Enrico Palazzo da comrade. Americans be foolish. Putin have no interest in US having corrupt leadership.
@Barbara McCormack Not sure about Bolton. I think he was credible enough behind closed doors to say that it was messed up, but I think.in public he will protect his party and state facts whilst maintaining that it wasn’t illegal. Indeed he is trying to avoid testifying at the moment.
Hope one day the crooks are replaced with honest leaders
@Terry Michaels All name-calling and no serious discussion. Why?
This is extremely troubling.
You are just being troubled?
You are just now being “troubled?”
Moscow Maddow twisting like a pretzel. So creative ‘what ifs” Fact While Putin invaded Ukraine Bareback Hussain sent only MRE’s and sleeping bags!!!! Conley wears the medallion of Lenin in video. Most every conversation says ‘do me a favor” or “I want” Durham is over the target..all this impeachment is just more desperate fog to obfuscate distract the voters. Maddow takes Putin “book money” to propagandize lies, twist, smear and ‘what if’ The millionaire house painter. Hey Hitler painted houses and was a failed artist..Exactly like Maddow, and made her fortune on a book! She should work for Burger King, she sells low information and IQ idiots a fresh Whopper every day.
@Brian Wurch Please change your canned reply. You’re not earning your rubles if you just copy and paste.
@Brian Wurch da comrad. Americans foolish!
I keep saying it, we don’t know half the sh%t Trump has done yet, next round will be his criminal acts with the Saudis.
@Lennart Krantz why are you here if you love FOX so much?
Terry Michaels you were never a democrat …so just stop lying loser.
@REAL BLACKS KNOW THE TRUTH Go watch Fox news then. Why are you here?
@Jeff go back to Fox
Oh Rachel, Rachel….have you just hit the nail on the head !!!
Unfortunately ignorance and hate has become her meal ticket. There is no productive niche for her otherwise
David Ignatius is the one. Rachel is thankfully putting him on blast for us.
@Richard Miller The only hate I’m seeing is hatred of the facts if you don’t like them.
@Wallace Where are you are seeing hatred of facts?
We should all be ashamed we allowed our democracy and country to be dragged through the mud
Kyle Busch Has over 200 Wins In NASCAR
well, when you are old enough it will be your civic duty. If you don’t bother to vote don’t complain that things are not going in the direction they should be. We wouldn’t be dealing with trump now if people would have taken the time to vote.
fucku whitepeople I mentioned what was stated about the voting with Trump. Someone hit me back claiming like I did not hear that at all. I made a comment stating that the voting don’t seem to be fair or something to that nature.
fucku whitepeople
you really need to change your YouTube name, it makes you sound like a racist and/ or really, really stupid.
Just sayin
No wonder trump wants the post and any other news outlets that bring to light his criminal activities stopped, isn’t that what a dictatorship looks like?
Criminal Activities? Name a actual crime. He hasn’t broken a single law.
Moscow Maddow twisting like a pretzel. So creative ‘what ifs” Fact While Putin invaded Ukraine Bareback Hussain sent only MRE’s and sleeping bags!!!! Conley wears the medallion of Lenin in video. Most every conversation says ‘do me a favor” or “I want” Durham is over the target..all this impeachment is just more desperate fog to obfuscate distract the voters. Maddow takes Putin “book money” to propagandize lies, twist, smear and ‘what if’ The millionaire house painter. Hey Hitler painted houses and was a failed artist..Exactly like Maddow, and made her fortune on a book! She should work for Burger King, she sells low information and IQ idiots a fresh Whopper every day.
MELGAMANIAC IS THAT THE WORD ?? power- crazed this is the man in the oval office. trump is on a power trip at the expense of our freedom and the destruction of a great country. my heart weeps.
Fantastic. Javelins. So thats what president zalenski was referring to with his press conference with trump
President Trrrrrrr
ANY politician that provides protection to a CORRUPT president doesn’t deserve the PRIVILEGE of holding office.
Nancy was right, with Trump, all roads really do lead to Putin, but there have been several Ukrainian stop-overs, along the way.
The corruption within Trump’s administration is shocking and widespread!
You logic is shocking. According to Maddow Ukraine is at war with Russia (not true, technically its a civil war within Ukraine), but Putin is able to control Ukranian government any way he wants, and Maddow had just proven it.
I think they should investigate EVERYWHERE Giuliani has gone in the last year ,doing dirty deals for trump all over the world since trump was elected!!!!
Ghouliani’s favorite song ia AC/DC’s Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.
They are. Bill barr has Durham on it.
And they should look into where Rudy is getting all his money from!
@Antony Stringfellow Yeah i agree lets look into this whole Ukraine thing, where is hunter?
I’m looking forward to seeing how the White House spins this story. That is, if they even try to spin it. Maybe Trump will just say, “Article 2 says I can do whatever I want, so duck off.”, like so many other times.
@Dave Ponsford – The OP made the arguement about executive orders so yes, it is. I did not take issue with Obama’s executive orders, he was within his rights to issue them, as is Trump. Maybe you should read what EO’s he’s passed as many of them are mundane.
@Gary Maruna – Great question! Maybe running a country and dealing with non-stop investigations for the last three years was a little distracting.
trump is misrepresenting what article 2 says……..on his own benefit, lets not forget that…………he pushes and pushes, just to bend as much as he can to get away with what he wants
Herman Lipshitz Trump said Obama was a terrible president because he used Executive Orders. So arguing about Trump using them, especially when he’s doing so for personal corrupt reasons and not for the country, means people have a right to call it out.
I also remembered that time, when they announced that the investigation against Manafort were dropped. I also thought that Putin or Trump were behind this.
@Slime Hank If you follow Trump, your stupidity is already confirmed.
@Slime Hank “your grammar is terrible” … “your stupid” …
Okay. Think I’ve found my biggest internet dummy for today.
@RojoDiver Happy comment viewing. The day is young.
@MrDeedsly It’s 11:18 pm here so I think I’ll have to give the award to Skank, I mean Slime Hank, for today and clock off.
@Slime Hank His grammar is by no means worse than yours. Stupid troll.
They ” do this all the time. Get over it”. Remember when ‘reciprocity’ became his favorite word? This has been going on all along. About time it’s coming to light.

These people thrive on seeing how much they get over on the rest of the us. We are not stupid or deaf or blind. And we ARE watching you!!
@Amina2544 O he’s going down
It would be OK if he wasn’t doing it for one of the people in his campaign.In the Mueller case Trump’s, like Nixon, biggest problems was abusing the power of the President to help friends in real criminal trouble like Flynn and Manafort or perceived trouble like Don Jr. This is not a case of Ukraine having anything on Trump but very good information about Manafort/Ukraine and money, in the end he got busted for enough crimes.
@Amina2544 For some reason people in this country have become too addicted to their electronics. It’s so much easier to sit behind their computers and think they are actually doing something about the situation. We took to the streets about everything we thought was wrong in the 60’s and 70’s. I don’t know what it’s going to take to get people to hit the streets. Maybe when the public hearings are televised?? That was probably the most significant event that convinced the country that Nixon had to go. Patience. This cannot last forever.

And STILL vote for them! What is wrong with us?
Seems that when Mulvaney stated “we do it all the time” he was, for once, being completely honest. We just didn’t know how honest.
Oh… He knew.
He was liberated! and the majority of us realized and caught it in real time we were just wondering when we all come to light smh
Moscow Maddow twisting like a pretzel. So creative ‘what ifs” Fact While Putin invaded Ukraine Bareback Hussain sent only MRE’s and sleeping bags!!!! Conley wears the medallion of Lenin in video. Most every conversation says ‘do me a favor” or “I want” Durham is over the target..all this impeachment is just more desperate fog to obfuscate distract the voters. Maddow takes Putin “book money” to propagandize lies, twist, smear and ‘what if’ The millionaire house painter. Hey Hitler painted houses and was a failed artist..Exactly like Maddow, and made her fortune on a book! She should work for Burger King, she sells low information and IQ idiots a fresh Whopper every day.
@Brian Wurch Then why do you listen to her and post? Oh, yeah. It’s your job, troll. Get back in your hole.
@Brian Wurch The training of trolls has to improve. This is just too stupid to be taken seriously.
Remember Mulvaney’s “We do this all the time” “Get over it”.
yes….those words will go down in history……….
@El Pitirre you dont get it
@Eli Dicken No, not exactly. He’s not right. Had he stated “best interest”, I would not have said this. “Interest of the United States” can mean Government alone. You would have to run a petition or call on a vote to obtain the “best interest” of the United States. Joe Biden did no such thing when he held aid for “interest of the United States” he acted in the interest of the United States Government, which is not the “best interest” of the United States. You see son, the Government does not know the “best interest” of the United States until it asks the population first.
@MAGA Magic The only clown in town is in the W. House. The illiterate in chief.