President Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi appeared together Monday at a joint rally in India attended by more than 110,000 people. The event is part of a two-day visit to India by Trump. Jonathan Lemire reports. Aired on 2/24/2020.
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President Donald Trump Makes First Visit To India As President | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Clearly Mika has never attended a yoga class
@Dan Tanna – as did Oppenheimer – I am become death, the destroyer of worlds – he learnt Sanskrit specially – Indian science on all aspects of life was millennia ahead of the West.
@Ian Dalziel Kha ki baat ko Kha le ja rhe ho?
Jo-Anne Prentice instead of bashing Mika how about bashing Chump, he can’t pronounce Namaste
Too funny

“For Michael Bloomberg to those of us in the media, to the Democratic Party, to donors, to CEOs. Many in this establishment are behaving, in my view, as they face the prospect of a Bernie Sanders nomination, like out-of-touch aristocrats in a dying aristocracy.” Giridharadas
@Hildebeast Clinton and trump’s cult members are enabling trump and his boss Vladimir Putin, he and trump have their tentacles embedded in every branch of the government!! If reelected, you watch trump take us out of NATO, he knows he is to do this for Putin, because Putin wants to restore the countries of the Soviet Union, Ukraine was just a trial run so trump is helping him there, too!! trump makes Hollywood look like Boy and Girl Scouts!!
The Establishment Democrats are the 1970s Republicans, they left the Republican party after Reagan radicalized it.
@Sharon Snow Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia,
Lol wow. “nuh-mah-stuhh” Don’t all white American women know that word?
@MrTulipvang Like with their “muslim ban” now
Existential Crissy & E.C. jr lmao that’s what I thought
@Thierry Vastel … You can go to these Muslim Countries Yemen, Syria, Iran, Somalia and Libya if you want to… I feel much safer when they are not here..
Don’t forget where from the sundar pichai
*The way that she said namaste
She doesnt know that the word ‘namaste’ is an ancient sanskrit word which means ‘welcome’ and sanskrit is a oldest indo-european language.
What do you expect from the left wing news
@lawm fanai
This chick is right wing like her ignorant husband.
@Tarid I think it also infers, ‘ I honour the God in you’ as recognition we are all creator Gods.. Except Trump of course lol.
Namaster to India
Meanwhile MSLSDNB still reporting Joe Biden’s golden leg hair
1:58 Mahatma Gadhni, Ye Bappu ka naam kaat Raha hai
Mahatma gadhni
he is overrated
That is what gadni deserves
Reporter can’t pronounce Gandhi. Sad.
Vishnu Venkatesh …is it important? people in India don’t know some pronunciations in America…You’re funny!
because they dont like gandi ,gadni,,whatever ,they love godse like indians
she’s not a reporter
Don’t be so harsh,the democrats cannot count votes either
_“The world waits with bated breath on whether a Big Mac is smuggled in the back of the Taj Mahal”_
I like McDonald’s what’s the problem?
Does your mother eat big Macs?
Pls, don’t forget the french/Kiev/Slovenian fries…sorry… I forgot they don’t grow potatoes in Russia too cold…OK then….? make it regular French Fries))).
@Matt A
Matt, momma is never stupid, but she sure can be BIG & FAT…?)
@Peg Leg fox views no dirt bag Donnie brought a big bag of McDonald’s burgers
I wont say strong men but I will say strong men
Johnny Dave c
Hes gonna have strong. Lol

Good one.

So India is keeping him? Hasn’t that country suffered enough?
MSNBC need to do their homework
@S M They are much worried about Trumo tower being vacant or occupied. These media houses are corrupt to the backbone.
No point. They are rotten to the core. You can’t polish a turd.
Their source are leaks from liberal government employees.
If Adam Schiff isn’t writing their lines for them, they struggle.
@Big Ern He is doing Russia’s work for them !!
Got stuck at Namaste
Got stuck at Gandhi
Whats going on MSDNC?
to much vodka
qassandraable You’re a sheep
He said msdnc. Or mslsd works too.
Looks MSDNC didn’t get the full pay cheque from radical Je- Ha-dee-s

Indian Empire shall rise again!?!?!?
@B J India has alot of
@9206370 your life=

Yes India rise will prevail in Asia. In ancient times budddhism spread from INDIA to China, Japan and even to Korea.
What will make of anchors who can not pronounce “Mahatma Gandhi” and “Namaste”? Just asking.
Because it a vocabulary they use every day. Do you chastise non whites who can’t pronounce English words? No, of course you don’t because you respectfully forgive those that are not used to, or who haven’t got the gist of the pronunciation. It does work both ways.
Why do we need to perfectly pronounce words? Indians are always asking for special treatment
Their language is English not Hindi dude.
Can you speak perfect English without any errors?
“What is Trump going to eat?” What kind of commentary is this? The remark of the correspondent about contrasting Trump’s trip to the Dems at home was puzzling. That’s being kind.
Looks Trump likes beef and other non-vegetarian food, but they have decided to serve only pure vegetarian food for him. I’m not sure if tats a big deal, but this news was one of the headlines in indian newspapers
Don’t worry he will eat big huge pork burger by the hands of Muslims:)
the stadium was filled with people of color- i thought he was a racist?
He is ,he will speak to him but he would not let them into America.
Racism is one of the four pillars of the Republican the other three are guns, Jesus and corruption
James Ricker wasn’t Jesus brown
@Ron S says the pictures of him early white Christian’s took directly off a Roman temple who took it directly from Greek god Apollo. That’s Christian, white Jesus, which the Bible said had kinky, fuzzy hair like lamb’s wool.
Sorry Ron S., I misread your statement. Yes, I believe he was brown.
mahatma gutney…i know that dude from middle school
The so called literate Americans & then they wonder how we all here take away the world our ways.
Bloody shameful.
@Blog4Justice how’s the weather over there in North Korea?
what a bee-aa-chh
Only like 100 people showed up to the Obama’s Visit…This is Great relations India and America United!
Wy blade

When she stumbled over Namaste and then sighed loudly, my heart soared.
I love how she is struggling speaking namaste #curry