President Donald Trump: ‘I Never Asked’ Barr To Hold A Press Conference On His Ukraine Call | MSNBC

President Trump claimed he had never asked Attorney General Barr to hold a press conference to say his phone call with the president of Ukraine was not inappropriate. Aired on 11/08/19.
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President Donald Trump: 'I Never Asked' Barr To Hold A Press Conference On His Ukraine Call | MSNBC


    1. @Ryan Lengacher If the sky is blue and you tell a Liberal that it is blue – to them you’re lying and they’ll proceed to lie about you lying about the sky being blue.
      Yes, they are idiots. LMAO!!!

    1. TRUMP 11/8/2019 : That was not me on that call, I don’t even know those 10 angry people who testified. They were probably never trumpers that represented me and my administration, but I never met them , they may have been coffee boys at one point even than I just don’t know. They are probably the deep state that infiltrated my administration so I will have my personal DOJ Bill Bar investigate this matter and be cleared of all wrongdoing. Thank you

  1. Lol oh look, Trumps hands are “directing the choir again” … We all know what that means when his hands start flapping….HE’s LYINGGGG!!

    1. Yes when he does the elevator open and close gesture he’s lying .Don jr. does it to , watch his the view interview.

    2. @Kimberly Moyer – Did you see *how much* plastic surgery Kimberly Guilfoyle *has had* done in the last year? 😯
      She looks like one of those silicone ‘love dolls’ now…! 😏💋👎

    1. He probably brags about his poops at home and calls them “perfect,” making everyone come to the washroom and see.

    2. There’s only been one Perfect Phone Call in history, and that was the time that George Costanza’s phone conversation with a woman was going so well that he threw away his notes of topics to discuss.

    3. It could mean he asked the the Ukrainian government to conduct an investigation on joe bidens son because he was concerned about the corruption there and nothing else- why wouldn’t it be perfect phone call? he doesn’t force anything on them in return for self political gain from a foreign government at least I don’t see that

    1. @Drew Erpenbach I am SS’ing your posts and reporting you to the FBI and House security council as a troll posting propaganda for a foreign power trying to subvert our Constitution and election.
      Google isn’t anonymous, dumbfuck.

  2. Being a senile liar has to be tough when you’re constantly screaming and rambling in front of recording video cameras.

    1. Relative Insanity If the New Democratic president gives his or her first talk in the White House garden with the helicopter rotors roaring in the background, it will be like the twist at the end of a horror movie! Imagine! 😱😂💙

  3. He doesn’t understand what he did, he lied to himself so much he believes his own lies give him a polygraph now

    1. Could you imagine his explanation for failing the polygraph?!?! “Deep state”, “Hillary”, “Obama”, they all set me up!!

    2. Psychopaths like tRump can pass & fool polygraph tests easily cause they are like sharks & sharks have no feelings. Sorry Sharks! I know there are nice nursing friendly sharks but you know what I mean. Yes, tRump is a compulsive pathological liar. We have all have encountered a tRump type psychopath in our lives & we prefer to keep our distance.

  4. Trump’s always lying, And when he gets caught, He will lie about the lies, Now that’s some deep 💩 !

  5. The final proof that Trump did something, his lie denying it.

    When Trump tells a lie, he is speaking his native tongue. Treason is, of course, his regional accent.

  6. I didn’t ask him, I don’t think I will, I shouldn’t have to, if I did I think he would do it, not saying I didn’t, but I didn’t ask him to” My mind begged me to end it after hearing that.

    1. I’ve never had a perfect phone call. Usually phone only rings when somebody wants something. Oh crap…somebody did want something. 😅😅😅

    2. It was a perfect call. Just the perfectest perfect.
      So perfect that his Dad finally told him he loved him. Oh, wait….

    3. I get your point but I feel like they just let him rant on. Like with a toddler temper tantrum. Let them go on and laugh inside at the nonsense they spout.

  7. “I don’t know anything about the $130,000 payment, you’ll have to talk to Michael Cohen” Fake News as put out by Donald J. Trump I would gladly trade Nixon’s peace signs as he got on the helicopter over all this insane ranting by the fabricator in chief.

  8. “The phone call is perfect” is an incoherent rant that he keeps repeating. How high of an IQ does one need to understand this?

    1. What else would you call it a fraudulent phone call? Perfect means he was concerned about joe bidens son’s corruption activities inside of ucrania so what’s the big deal why do you stand against our president what did he do that was wrong with this phone call?

  9. Well Trump does like to speak in the 3rd person, so maybe it was that 2rd Donald who told Barr to make a statement saying he did nothing wrong.

  10. Why does anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth? He’s a compulsive liar. It’s been proven time and time again. He behaves worse than a 5 years old.

    1. Luis Melendez Jimenez at this point it’s easier to count how many times he’s told the truth. Fun fact…a five year old can also count that high. 😆

  11. Trump: “The news is fake. Only what I say is true.”
    *This is so wrong. A US President is saying this? Can anyone lie more than this? And get away with it?*

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