White House coronavirus experts have said Iowa gatherings should be limited to 25 people, yet the president violated his own White House's advisory on Wednesday when he held a rally for thousands in Des Moines. Aired on 10/15/2020.
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President Donald Trump Holds Packed Iowa Rally Despite WH Advisory | Morning Joe | MSNBC
I give up defending Americans when people call them stupid.Prove them wrong NOV,3!!!
Trump fans: let speed and more speed, more daring and more daring, taking advantage of every hour, every minute, proceeding to the decisive and victorious front.

Biden threatened Ukraine that if the prosecutor going after his son wasn’t fired he would withhold 1 billion dollars in aid and implicated Obama was supporting this decision. The prosecutor was fired in 6 hours. 1-minute video proof.
Watch “Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired” on YouTube
Email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian biz man to dad
@G D 7 Minnesota Mayors have endorsed Trump.
America will get out of control 220000 crazy but Trump cult don’t care so it’s going to spread come the winter 50000 a day that will double by November
Mighty America Going Astray.
if you havent prepped you better start today,,,this will be the darkest, coldest,hungriest,pitiful winter ever. TRUMP2020 MAGA 4 EVER
The death rate will rise up because of something called Seasonal Depression. This will weaken immune system and makes it more likely for a severe Covid infection. 100000 cases a day may lead to 10000 deaths a day because of the limited hospital capacity.
It’s not going to double! Australia got a small loss of control in a single state for 2 months & saw 26 times more covid deaths than flu deaths for the season as a result!
Just released research on virus survivability shows it’s survival time increases 10 fold for each drop of 6c in temperature! This IS a winter virus! Only the off season has been seen so far in the northern hemisphere
Die like flies.. life is for ourselves or these politicians…???
Be frightened about this Republicans you’re all going to get sick and you’re going to have long-term illnesses that aren’t protected by law
Biden threatened Ukraine that if the prosecutor going after his son wasn’t fired he would withhold 1 billion dollars in aid and implicated Obama was supporting this decision. The prosecutor was fired in 6 hours. 1-minute video proof.
Watch “Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired” on YouTube
Email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian biz man to dad
@Zoo Man
40% of all deaths occurred in a nursing home. DOJ seeks data about COVID nursing home deaths from 4 Democrat states | TheRecord.com
@Zoo Man
45 second second video proving the death count includes people who did not die from the Coronavirus.
“THE DEATH COUNT EXPLAINED: Dr. Ngozi Ezike, director of Illinois Department of Public Health” on YouTube
@Lillie Bobson false. *One* case was reported in the us. Funny how the media acted like it was the end of the world.
But, since I have to hold your hand and guide you through my obvious satire….
That was the point. Only one confirmed case in America. I was using a flawed discussion point to emphasize how ridiculous it would be to shut down the entire country and regulate people’s freedoms on the basis of a singular case
Trumpism seems intent on crippling America before been voted out of office.. I think Psychologist call that Narcissistic Revenge.
@JZ’s Best Friend
Hunter Biden’s e-mails. 
Russian Collusion been Debunked.
Fake News Media trying to block Americans from seeing
@American Patriot Russian interference has not been debunked. What Muller said was that he had found no proof, himslf, that Trump colluded in that program of interference. Since then, the financial records have proven it, but since McConnell blocked the process of impeachment and one cannot charge a sitting president with his crimes, there has been a hiatus in the usual process of charge, try and convict. Of course Trump also wants to further reduce the role of civil juries because they tend to return more honest verdicts.
@American Patriot Was it 29 ‘good’ people indicted by Mueller? You call yourself ‘American Patriot’, supporting a Russian asset and ergo traitor? People like you make that a void term.
TDS is crippling the country not Trump
Do it all for Trump today to give America the future.

Fools are fools, you can’t do anything about that. At this stage, if someone goes to these gatherings is braindead. Sadly same as with COVID-19, there is no vaccine / cure for stupidity.
@dls951 Trump thinks you are a huge looser! He finds it disgusting touching people like you. You’re a disgusting freak to him.
Anyone downplaying the human suffering and death is a sociopath. Today another 1000 Americans are gone because of this world wide plague.
@Ex republican exactly
@Ex republican he is adding to the slaughter with every ridiculous rally he holds. Such a disgusting creature we haven’t seen since Hitler.
When people are so dumb, democracy becomes a disaster to the nation
@Kamal Pada And your proof is…..?
If you have a lot of stupid people, democracy can be dangerous. How can you trust uneducated people to make the right choice?
so when You decide that the people are not dumb……that’s when democracy isn’t a disaster ?
thank God we have You to call that one for us
It requires an awakening. Propaganda and distorting visual media is a growing phenomenon
@Lee M I believe Nobleman is saying that democracies only remain democratic if the people use some intelligence when voting. Choosing a leader based on reality tv experience and a chequered business history shows a missing link there.
Every where Trump goes the cases jump.
@Piratessong A pandemic affects everyone, but somehow it’s all Trumps fault.
@Brobold Keep living your dream.
@Piratessong You’re acting delusional.
@Brobold Trump isn’t president of europe so what does another continent have to do with the incompetence and irresponsibility of Trump?
@Jay M You’re getting my point, but still relating it to Trump.
Every country is dealing with this, and the cases are apparently rising in other countries. Trump has nothing to do with it, because it’s an endemic virus, and blaming him is insane.
A man who can’t protect his own family from the virus… definitely can’t protect the country
He’s not even trying. American people, use your own brains!
@nick d No, Trump is not capable of protecting his family or Americans.
his just a cult leader that wants his followers to die for him.
So…..any Man who’s family have contracted the virus shouldn’t run for President ?
this idea came from your head ?
@Lee M a man such as your president who has lied played games with people’s lives and ended up catching the virus because of his selfish ways got his family infected…shows that he can’t provide protection for his family nor this country…a real man would know better and apparently he doesn’t so yeah that’s in my head….this is what happens when you don’t do the right thing…and if you don’t like what I said I really don’t care truth is truth
I bet if we start suing him for reckless endangerment he will think about it.
@Common Sense I don’t draw pictures for dopes.. learn comprehension…
@Grace Bertrand what did Don promise the people that is equivalent to Castro?
@Common SenseEl taino. did you not understand his explanation.
@Common Sense why does it have to be equivalent to Castro?!
@Marla Hill Because it’s relevant. In 1959, Castro said a lot of things to fool the people. Those same things he said back then are the same things many in the Democratic party are saying now. What’s your thought? You think it should be compared to someone else? Are you offended by the accurate comparison?
Trump is on a comedy tour while our loved ones are dying..
The world is looking at superman and

@Richard Isinu your English is as bad as hers. A Christmas decorater…she’s come a long way huh?
This is not Trumps fault. We don’t care about Covid-19. The world is not about Covid-19… Die if you should.. Live if you will… Its all up to you..
USA is sending an SOS and the only way we get out of this catastrophe is by voting
America, we are better than this.
@Igor Vann try a butt plug and a mask.
@B E if?
No way that loser will
Biden threatened Ukraine that if the prosecutor going after his son wasn’t fired he would withhold 1 billion dollars in aid and implicated Obama was supporting this decision. The prosecutor was fired in 6 hours. 1-minute video proof.
Watch “Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired” on YouTube
@dls951I’ve never heard of that, I guess you already did.
no you’re not
I see he still doesn’t get near anyone to shake hands. Ask yourself why…if he says he’s immune, why doesn’t get near his fans.
Would any sensible person want to shake hands with a Covid patient, hopped up on steroids?
Stop crying little girl
@Deborah Freedman You do have a point but then the next question is, “are there any sensible people at a Trump Rally”?
Then you would cry and say he’s attempting murder by shaking his supporters hands
so…you don’t like him ? or you do like him and want him to get nearer to his fans ?
When they was passing out common Sense Trump supporters got in the wrong line.
@Eden Lamb can you say, “Heil to the chief”? It’s my right to be a “stupid” liberal, like it is your right to be a fascist, tiki torch carrying republikkkan.
Biden threatened Ukraine that if the prosecutor going after his son wasn’t fired he would withhold 1 billion dollars in aid and implicated Obama was supporting this decision. The prosecutor was fired in 6 hours. 1-minute video proof.
Watch “Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired” on YouTube
Email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian biz man to dad
@Richard Heikkila I think the Bidens will be living in Russia after Nov 3 because Hunter has been receiving bribes from Russian financier. It is in the news or are you blind?
@Richard Heikkila
q anon did not cause this. BLM protests have cost more than 2 billion dollars worth of property damage almost all of it in Democrats cities. The cost of processing more than 14,000 arrests. The thousands of people who became unemployed and lost their businesses because of the damage to their property. The hundreds of people injured or intentionally or unintentionally killed during these protests. And the billions of dollars in class action lawsuits against Democrat Mayors and governors.
And Democrat Party and media still LIES these are peaceful protests.
Why is no one blaming the people who attend these rallies. Their are idiots s just like him.
Sorry couldnt quit hear you from your basement…
@Richard Isinu spoken like someone with a true 3rd grade mentality, which just goes to prove they are right about the stupidly you display…
Bill Scott Sir, I live in the reddest of red states and we don’t have basements. I live in southern Louisiana. Basement are not possible because of the water. So I’m not in a basement or attic. I do wear a mask every where I go. I social distance ever where I go. So if you would like to burst my balls on that feel free. If you makes you feel like more of a man go ahead. Love ya!
@Marla Hill Thanks for the speedy reply, Marla.
@Margie M 98% survival rate sooooo only two outa a hundred will die,,probably old and sickly already. Im not worried its all about staying fit and eating right. I ran 2 miles today and when I say ran I mean I was moving fast. Stay fit and stay healthy Margie baby. TRUMP2020 MAGA
Jim Jones (trump)telling everyone “it’s ok to drink the kool aid “.

Orange kool-aid isn’t half bad
“People wearing red hats and not wearing a mask must be accompanied by an adult at all times.”
That was really lame
Remember, nobody changes their minds at a Trump rally. This isn’t for the sake of any campaign. This is just for the sake of Trump’s enormous, undeserved ego.
He has to have his followers eat out of his hand!! Next they will be drinking kool-aid
undeserved ego ? so he doesn’t deserve his ego ?
Trump to Americans : ”don’t worry, I feel great !”
McConnells giving Trump a wide berth that should be a warning to all Republicans
Yep lizard survival instinct has kicked in with Mitch !
@Scott Wilson nothing wrong with lizard instinct.
Trumps rallies remind me of the Jim Jone’s cult massacre. His mindless minions were drinking the Kool_aid laced cyanide s he ranted through his loud speaker!
@angelinshagows the media has lied to you. Wake up already. #Walkaway!
I said the same yesterday. Its Jones Town but instead of 1,000 dead over 200,000 and his cult super spreaders believe they are doing God’s work.
@Guardian Angel 99.96% survival rate little girl. Don’t be afraid and whatever you do, don’t watch MSM TV propaganda.
That’s what I was just thinking, and they have the audacity to call liberals sheep.
how can a Trump Rally remind you of a massacre ?
in a massacre people are Not moving and they’re mostly Dead
at a Trump Rally people are Totally excited and moving and waving all the time
I think you meant Trumps Rallies are the opposite of the Jim Jones massacre
because that would make sense you Dork !