As the president now says he ordered the killing of Gen. Soleimani because he was plotting to blow up U.S. embassies, Trump and some GOP allies are trying to claim Dems who question the killing are somehow supportive of Soleimani. Aired on 1/10/20.
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President Donald Trump, GOP Attempt To Re-Frame Democratic Criticism | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Article 1 Section 8 : The Congress shall have Power To Declare War.
The War Powers Act exists solely to hold the President accountable to Congress.
@Alan aka FANG Fact: Trump does not care about the environment.
@Alan aka FANG lmao…this guy acts like he knows the impotus himself…lmao. Dude Trump don’t know you and don’t care….neither do the rest of us
@Máire Walton Are you worth being grammatically correct to? If you could still menstruate maybe.
@T 1000 “to”? Grammatically , that should be “too”. Maybe you can’t still menstruate.
@Máire Walton Thank you! I’ll have to look it up. Sounds interesting.
@djondjon You must be into anti semitic grammar nazi menopausal gilfs don’t bother it’s probably like throwing a hot dog down a hallway at this point.
Trump and his radical, extremist Yeehawdists have got to go.
@djondjon Bye Bi****
Go join Islam then
@FELICIA PARKER the last time I checked God was more then capable of doing his own dirty work. Trump needs to improve his golf game he doesn’t have time to do God’s dirty work. Why are you paying all that security if he can’t even get into the PGA.
No, Joe…not completely on the Iranians….TRUMP STARTED THIS. I am ashamed that you would weasel your country out of any responsibility for those deaths.
@Dave Roberts Civilian plane in Iranian air space shot down roughly two minutes after takeoff from Iranian civilian airport by Russian built missile operated by Iranian crew is not Trump’s fault. It is 100 percent Iran’s fault.
He may have been a bad guy, but he was an official of a sovereign nation. Assassinating him was a war crime and just made our troops and our Citizens in the region more unsafe than before
Saddest News … Correct
I agree, its all on low IQ trump. This is Joe, he is a isreal lover Iran hater so i already knew he would put the blame on Iran for the shoot down of the 737.
@Saddest News With all due respect to your legal expertise, it is the International Criminal Court and not Saddest News who adjudicates what constitutes a war crime. And, to my knowledge no such adjudication has been made.
Under United Nations law, a nation may attack in self-defense. U.N. Article 51.
Was self-defense justified? The known facts suggest Soleimani was not in Iraq to vacation but to further coordinate Iranian militia attacks on US interests including the US embassy. I guess it is possible he was there simply to enjoy some Iraq style BBQ, but I believe it unlikely.
And not sure how you reached conclusion Citizens of the region are more unsafe than before. Do you think doing nothing would convince Iran to stop its encroachment into Iraq? stop its nuke program? renounce its intent to destroy Sunnis, Western allies, and America?
Congress and Presidents =1 name i recall…….PIMPS.
Trump makes US less safe and ‘reckless’ leadership. Iran got Trump where they want. Go Ayatollah !
I don’t like Trump either, but I don’t think Iran has much considering they shot down a jet with their own people on it.
The Orange Blob needs to be removed from office PERIOD!
@jeff mcgowan it’s always buh buh Hillary, buh buh Obama. You trolls always prove the real people who’s not drunk off of that illegitimate president right…
jeff mcgowan. If you teacher was to read the wording of your mindlessly asinine comment, they would be the one crying.
put down the crack and these ignorant comments will slowly subside.
Trump likes to take any clear picture, chop it up and scatter it, then tell people to admire it’s new clarity!
Political word salad!
This is so correct! He thinks we all have the same quality of his brain a brain-dead biological chicken disaster. It is never his fault! and for McConnell and the so-called elected Republicans to not even be an impartial juror, they need to go, they are not lawful! They need to be fired.
Soleimani is Dead!
The deaths of those in the aircraft is not 100% on the Iranians, they and the 40 something mourners stampeded, would still be alive if Trump hadn’t ordered the assassination of Soleimani, don’t forget the others that died in that assassination, there were drivers and others too.
Everything Trump* does is RECKLESS!!
FELICIA PARKER you’re a proven liar, all caps won’t change that.
Michael Timely what on earth triggered the Felicia Parker person. Sounds like a Trump supporter! Terroists? More incoming shrapnel. Even I am not worried about terroists.
Why on Earth do you put up with it??
Thanks for the views from the projects…
Everything Trump does fails!
Donald Chump got that plane shot down. End of subject!!!
djondjon This comment is stupid because there is no link here. correlation is not causation.
I put that because Iran has a history of shooting down airliners. You people that suffer from TDS think history with Iran started in 2016.
Stop being dumb.
djondjon it’s like y’all started watching in season 20 and think you know the plot of the story.
djondjon Iran really downed its own airliner within its own airspace because of Trump. Got it. The 40 that died in the stampede at Soleimani’s funeral must also be Trump’s fault. Hate Trump so much that you abandon logic.
@Howard Ross
I am quite well aware that there is a long (nearly century long) history of tensions between the two countries. However, I disagree on your assessment of the current situation.
I do agree, though, your comment was stupid (and irrelevant) to the causation of the very _recent_ incidents being discussed in this thread. Stop being dumb, Howard.
BTW, since you seem to like “whatabout”s, I seem to remember 290 lives lost on Iran Air flight 655 on July 3, 1988 …
@Howard Ross Nothing to do with logic but just applying some existential thinking. Goes back to imminent reasons for killing Sulemani.
Trump needs to be held accountable for at lease most of what he has done.
As long as Trump voters think that Donny will get rid of the “brown people” then they don’t care how dishonest he otherwise is.
This is why I reregistered democrat to vote for Andrew Yang.
Hey ho I cant believe the racism that still exists. I naively thought we were better than that until trump was put in the whitehouse.
He’s soooo evil!!
@Alberta Shaw My skin is mix so i’m like ” Hello what are you going to do with my type.” And I hate white people treating darker skin people bad. Some people in my school that are white think they can boss me around.
Person: Do this!
Me: No, I will not. Go out room.
He committed a crime and if someone dies in the act of crime in America you go to jail for 2-degree murder.
who started this problem is responsible for all these deaths period
Trump The Chumps Ignorant
Started This .. Mr Macho Needed To Flex His Fat .. Yellow Bellied Coward ..
albert herrera that is correct
That’s what I just tried to explain..Finally people on the same page..
@Toni Iversen
There goes Joe showing he’s still a republicon. He’s been fooling us all along. Joe, you are dismissed! #RepubliconsYouAreFired
If this was the last president they would’ve hung him for treason before this happened

I think she’s right THIS ORANGUTANG IS SICC 

And thicc.
The Iranians would not have fired missiles if Soleimani was not killed. So, yes, I put that on Trump.
Sure is Trump’s fault
everybody all over the world is saying that
@T 1000 you don’t know those people…they ain’t coming here to shove their religion in our face. You are just ignorant
Fox news should be disbanded like they did the Trump charity