President Donald Trump Escalates Attacks On Lawmakers Of Color | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Former Obama White House official Jesse Moore joins the MTP Daily panel: John Podhoretz, Gabe Debenedetti and Zerlina Maxwell to discuss Trump's recent attacks on Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.)
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President Donald Trump Escalates Attacks On Lawmakers Of Color | MTP Daily | MSNBC


    1. If trump spoke to anyone about anything, msnbc headline: trump attacks person of color with hate speech and words we dont like.

      Y’all need to go back to the rocks you came out from under.

    1. @Mike Nunyabizness Who cares about sentence structure here?
      Emotions don’t care , so be kinder .

    2. I’d just book him into the local care home assuming he’s got enough money to cover it, then forget about him.

    3. IF I say that people of color are treated better by the media than people of European parentage, THEN a few far-left people will report my comment, and YouTube is owned by Google, and Google is liberal… so YouTube will “deplatform” me. So, I feel like my thoughts cannot be expressed online unless I agree with liberals.

  1. Why does everyone keep pretending that Trump has some sort of “strategy?” He’s a mad man! He’s like a barking dog! Don’t try to make sense out of anything he says or does!

    1. @David Gainey If the economy is getting better explain why people are still losing their houses and why are we having more homeless than jobs?

    2. @David Gainey I would argue that the economy is not getting better at least for most people I’ll be at the rich are getting richer and if you use the stock market as a gauge of economy then yes but if you ask the average man on the street how his pocketbook is doing you going to get a different answer

    3. @Nicoletta Ciccone Those poor dogs in Mexico are malnourished & abused! I wish they would learn how to treat their animals better!

    1. @Dave Waldon you’re right, that’s why Trump stepped up. You know how many rich people could have been helped with those billions of dollars? The rich just had enough of this nonsense to use billions to help everyone in this country, they’re poor because they don’t know how to handle money. The rich should get all the money, and if they’re blonde, pale with blue eyes they should get more money. Papa Trump’s dream.

    2. @Richard Darlington yes… even if the truth hurts. Better than sweeping it under the rug, like most Democrats.

    3. @J. Noble “cult” Well if it is a cult, then I am enjoying the kool-aid, cause Trump is telling like it is! He doesn’t mince words.

    4. Donald Trump and his followers are racist white supremacists. They should just admit it and deal with it like they have a pair.

    1. Trump is promising today’s Confederates the dreams of their Southern ancestors; segregation and white supremacy. Decorum is not high on the list of Trump’s priorities.

  2. In a way it’s great. At least now the racist are self-identifying themselves so we know who they are. I can see they are the ones complaining the loudest about being called out for being racist, while defending and justifying said racism.

    1. @Naomi Ogle How do illegal aliens vote – and, why would they? When I registered to vote, I had to prove that I am a US citizen. So, how do the illegal aliens vote? You’re so sure that they do, so surely you can explain how, can’t you?

    2. Glad you’re so concerned.
      Now tell me exactly what Trump said to Cummings or the for haters that was racist? Don’t take him out of context I know what he said.

    1. Would you explain to us what happened to the 16 billion dollars in federal grants that went to Elijah Cumming’s district, why the FBI raided Baltimore’s city hall, the mayor’s office, the mayor’s home, and the mayor’s 2nd home? Also, why were El Chapo”s wife, Barry Soetoro, Nancy Pelosi, and Ilhan Omar all in Italy last night? Thanks!

  3. Jesse Moore is such a dreamboat! Wow! He’s so handsome! A very attractive man! Smart and articulate–too!

    1. MSNBC definitely needs to have him back for more input. Can’t get enough of his eyes, not to mention, it distracts from all the crap of that bottom feeder. 😉

    1. Curious George facts are not racism. Ask the City of Los Angeles about, Skid Row, South LA, Watts, etc. All parts as bad as Baltimore.

    2. @bngr bngr The poorest states in the United States are red states. So you’re right #Facts are #Facts! Wealthiest state in the United States are Democrat-run blue states. Facts are Fact! Don’t run from them embrace them.

  4. Trump hates the media the same way a criminal hates the cops the same way a wife hates a cheating husband they catch on every lie that comes out of his mouth and it’s exhausting. Because all he does is lie.

    1. if you have not noticed yet, the media is controlled by democrats. They spread fake news all the time against Trump.

  5. Trump must be confident that Russian will elect him again – Mitch McConnell is blocking extra election security-

    1. Not really elect him, but help to elect him. But yes, everybody knows Russia was, is, and will be working hard to get Trump re-elected. And you can see it here in the comment section. Lot’s of supossedly Americans defending Russia’s non-interference.

    2. @Somkit What about the Steele dossier bought from russia used against him in 2016? Is that the Russia collusion your talking about?

    3. @Dino Can you quote me were I talked about collusion? As far as I know, only Trump supporters talk about collusion. Is that why you brought it up?

  6. Corrupt Vs We the People
    They want you DIVIDED.
    They call us names.
    They make threats.
    They censor.
    They lie.
    They project.
    They cheat.
    They steal.
    They harm.
    They are sick.
    They are evil.
    At some point the streets (for them) will not be safe.

  7. Our Colors Are Red White & Blue! Not Black White & Brown! We Are A Family! Come Together Right NOW

  8. I would tell senator Meadows, be careful who you call a friend. You will have to answer to GOD for it.


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