President Donald Trump Blames Blue States For Coronavirus Death Toll | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president on Wednesday blamed blue states for the country's coronavirus death toll and said that if those states were removed from consideration, the U.S. toll would be substantially lower. The panel discusses. Aired on 09/17/2020.
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President Donald Trump Blames Blue States For Coronavirus Death Toll | Morning Joe | MSNBC

President Donald Trump Blames Blue States For Coronavirus Death Toll | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. These people that think a party line constitutes moral superiority, economic prosperity and intellect are completely cognitively deficient. There is no such thing as humanity to trumplican faketriots. There’s a vast difference between, true Republicans, Democrats, Progressives and Independent voters and those who support and enable the current potus.

  1. “Nothing else like Trump’s ‘Cavernous Stupidity’ in U.S. history”
    – Historian and presidential biographer Douglas Brinkley

    1. @freebirdpv It takes a special kind of stupid to think the man who created this mess can fix it !!! Keep drinking the koolaid we shall see what happens in November

    2. I DID THE MATH. All numbers as of 9/17/2020.
      Blue state deaths: 103,905. Red state deaths: 91,783. Here’s the kicker:
      Blue states NEW cases: 11,796. Red states NEW cases: 32,924.
      Blue states NEW deaths: 227. Red states NEW deaths: 607.

      What this means is that Trump is lying like usual and the deaths and cases were mostly originally from blue states (i.e. March, April, May of 2020 etc.), sure, but now that Trump and the red states have played down the coronavirus and deaths for months, red states are THREE TIMES as likely to become infected and die as of September, 2020.
      One can argue the opposite that if red state deaths are removed, we’d have much lower deaths. Give it a few weeks and the red states will be leading in all categories. 🙂

    3. He is also a Left-wing ideologue. It’d be the equivalent of a Conservative citing to Ann Coulter to make a point.

    4. Dawn Curtis
      Like many on the Left, I find they have a propensity to lie. I’m quite certain your “own research” consists of searching for information that confirms your worldview just like all other humans. Therefore your “own research” is really just code for: “I sought out sources that fit or confirm my pre-conceived conclusions.” I.E, you sought out Left-leaning sources b/c it confirmed your prior beliefs that he was bad.

    5. BD
      Anybody can claim a trend is “happening” so long as the starting date you choose supports your preconceived conclusion, I.e. Red States are bad.

  2. they are American states he just don’t like the Democrats just like he don’t like Barack Obama anybody that comes against him he want people to kiss up to him if he don’t kiss up to him he will attack you. Just like the Pharisees and Sadducees that is what he is

    1. He should read the Montez report from Syracuse univ. PPl live longer in blues states of course the pandemic was not considered.

    2. Big B -The trumplican faketriots continuously ignores that fact. They also can’t comprehend an Independent Voter, it sends them into a synaptic storm, that their brains can’t recover from.

    1. To “president”? I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to provide some more specific dates as to when exactly this particular failed abortion became anything remotely resembling a “president”…

  3. Oh, you mean when Kushner and his “buddy’s” decided not to send PPE and other needed essentials to the Democrat states because they decided it would be good for the Republican party and Hitler if thousands upon thousands of black,brown and poor people were to die from the Trump Virus!!!!

    1. isn’t it odd, after all, we know now that it was November 2019 when Trump gutted the Pandemic response left behind from previous years?

  4. Donny is the President and He is responsible. Donny do Not Blame other Take responsibility Don t Play Golf⛳️⛳️🏌🏌🏌🏌🏌. Donny is is your task 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😤

  5. Does this mean California can leave now? If the president doesn’t want us, then we’ll just take care of ourselves.

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