President Donald Trump Asked If He Would Attack Iran With Nuclear Weapons | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence discusses the Trump administration’s scattered response to the attack on Saudi oil facilities with former Obama deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes and New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof. Aired on 09/18/19.
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President Donald Trump Asked If He Would Attack Iran With Nuclear Weapons | The Last Word | MSNBC

President Donald Trump Asked If He Would Attack Iran With Nuclear Weapons | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. At least he won’t drop nukes… you know that’s a lie, he just needs to be triggered and that clown will nuke some place.

    1. @Bankroll 2 The man is a moron and a con-artist, not a businessman. That is an insult to real businessmen everywhere. If he didn’t have his daddy’s assets and silver spoon shoved in his mouth his entire life, he’d be flipping burgers somewhere.

    2. It sounded like his original answer was he would use ultimate force, then he back peddled when directly asked about nukes….. this is one of the reasons why this President needs to go, he changes his mind within seconds of being questioned.. he doesn’t know what he will do, and he fired his entire cabinet, so he has nobody competent to ask……

  2. Donald lies about the weather, he has no credibility and cannot be trusted with something as serious as starting a new war. Impeach before he gets millions of people from all sides killed.

    1. @Chris M
      So we knew, we knew at the time he sent that tweet, it was not going to hit Alabama, but rather than admitting he was wrong, this man suffers from such severe psychosis that he was willing to alter a weather map, commit a felony.
      18 us code two zero seven four about false weather reports and it states whoever knowingly issues or publishes any counterfeit weather forecast or warning of weather conditions falsely representing such forecast or warning to have been issued or published by the weather bureau. United States signal service or other branch of the government service shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 90 days or both.
      youre just not getting just how serious this is, are ya?
      just need to protect your orange gawd

    2. @dan mac – Guess from what you stated, it is as serious as the weather-people lying. Sure, they never know for sure but going into hurricanes and intentionally making things seem much worse is lying. Multiple weathermen have been called out for that. I live in a hurricane prone area, see it every time we get hit with a hurricane

    3. @Chris M again, trying to protect your orange gawd
      it’s a felony, dude, and rightly so as peoples lives are at stake

    1. @Good Crusader Bear …..But he did say it. Just because you heard it from the internet doesn’t negate the fact that it’s true. What if he found out about it in the newspaper? Or on the radio? Would that person not believe it because it was in the paper or on the radio?

    1. @Franz Leopold Neumann Because Trump is a blatant nutcase. The whole world can see it. Can you? Or are you another fuckwit Trump supporter?

    2. @Franz Leopold Neumann
      During a foreign policy briefing several months ago, Trump asked three times in an hour, “If we have them, why can’t we use them?”
      jesus dude, try to keep up

  3. Send Trumps family to fight for Saudi Arabia in a war with Iran. Trumps will not even fight for USA. Fake bone spurs will be hereditary

    1. @em KO Same can be said about USA & Isreal supporting Saudi-Arabia, Who supply isis and al-quada in the past? US and Saudi.. Salafi/whabisme is terroriste ideolgy and its only allowed in Saudi-Arabia..

    2. So that Iranian propagandists can confuse and confound by writing things like
      “Why would Iran attack a Japanese oil tanker — while the Japanese PM is visiting Iran?”

    3. @em KO why would the US have forces in the Middle East, Europe, China, Japan causing nothing but trouble? They are selling for billions of dollars weapons to hostile countries killing civilians and children with US weaponry? Did the US bring democracy in Libya? Did de US bring democracy in Iraq? Did de US bring democracy in Afghanistan? Did de US bring democracy in Syria? Why is the US letting SA to decide if the US should go to war with Iran? The Twin Towers were brought down by terrorists from SA. I do not get this!!

  4. How did we get here? The president says he won’t use nukes, and we do not breath a sigh of relief. We just wonder if he is telling the truth.

  5. Trump has created this crisis?????? He did not fire this drones.. as far as I know?? But you seem to have other sources that say that US has caused this attack?????? BS of the highest order with MSNBC

  6. A little word comes from Tehran but they mean it. Trump on the other hand talks a lot and he has no credibility. He is a talker. Talk, talk, talk..

    1. Yes, and will continue to do crap like that as long as the U.S. muddies the water afterwards and basically upholds the Saudis no matter what.

  7. Well come on in all you big strong men, uncle Sam’s got himself in a jam again. And it’s one two three four What are we fighting for ?

  8. When did the media turn into Highschool instigators, trying to appeal to Trumps child like fascination with appearing “strong,” and asking leading questions encouraging a response that would likely start a war?

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