President Trump tweeted that he and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau agreed to close the U.S.-Canada border over the coronavirus outbreak, but will allow trade to continue. Aired on 3/18/2020.
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President Donald Trump And Justin Trudeau Agree To Close U.S.-Canada Border | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
Did they really shake hands?! Way to go, the best way to set good example how to spread a virus. How can the public take this virus spread serious if world leaders go around still shaking hands
No, they purposely mix footage to make you think that. Typical stunt from the fakestream media.
You probably knew it was an old photo but the media brainwashed you to believe your own lies
They should at least be wearing disposable gloves !
Say hello to the Patriot Act and the Agents that follow us for posting what we do
Its an old video SMH
Earth is closed for 30 days.
Thats waysict!
@1994CPK I think he’s incorrect. The bigger risk is next flu season. During the Spanish flu it was the 2nd year that killed the most. Hopefully the Chinese Flu wont be like that.
@Jeff Leblanc yeh that’s the info from the Australian government, minimum 6 months, that’s why they’re not closing schools & are still allowing social gatherings of 500 people outdoors & 100 indoors, cause they say whatever they do must be sustainable for 6 months & 2-4 week closures are useless
@star_chan I’m cherish alien invasion
How will I be able to go see my man in Canada?
Lucky Canada
They just want to keep the Trump Virus out of Canada.
I have a question, so what’s this whole thing about because I’m not getting any of this.
Love my American cousins but let’s not visit for a while m’kay?
Imma visit you and cough on you
Sounds good, cousin. And when we meet again, we will wash our hands together.
Much love to my northern cousins, take care and see ya when this all settles down

Junior Sanchez yes, research is being shared worldwide. It is not a cure, but should lead to better faster testing.
Lots of love to Canada
from the USA 
Should have closed the borders a long time ago like in the beginning of December
@Taran LaRousa you’re right. Expecting a response in December is foolish. Trump’s response has sucked though.
@Micah Bell um this pamdemic has been known about since december. I remeber reading about it before chrostmas and i started bring my hand sanitizer with me every store or place i went to. Trump dismantled the team used to help implement federal policy on issues like this and also didnt take it seriously at all. We could have been taking steps and getting the testing ready and getting ventilators and medical supplies ready 3 months ago. Trump is an imbecile and so is everyone on his team. He dors things that are good for keep the economy in a bubble but still explodes the deficit and debt (fiscally conservative republicans are a myth) and deflects blame off of himself and onto others. He acts like a child in more ways than one. Not saying clinton or biden are any better. They are all hacks. We should start giving minimum iq tests for our countries le qa ders so we arent lead off a cliff by these Neanderthals. 8 would vot bernie or ron paul in an instant. People who are ideologically different but have stuck to their beliefs and not flip flopped because it was politically expedient. They are also very strongly against curroption a la them wanting to audit the fed and wanting to make sure mega corporations are either kept from monopolizing or controlling our politcal system.
@Average Joe78 what…he CANT express an idea?
@anne-marie Andrews there were community acquired pneumoniae this past fall….
You are not aware of the facts.
“I think it’s a question our doctors should help answer.”
Almost every Doctor in the past week “NO STAY INSIDE”
adults what countries?
@D Hova Actually most explorers didn’t think the Earth was flat, most explorers knew the Earth was round. They just didn’t know the Americas were here so they thought that it was a much longer distance to travel to India and thought it would be more dangerous.
You can go for a walk, a jog, a run… outside, alone or with your live in spouse. Just don’t socialize when walking. Don’t stop for a coffee, a beer, an ice cream cone .
@speaklike adults Dont forget Zinc and Cod lIver oil………
where’s my thousand dollars
You’ll probably get it after you can show you’ve voted for the orange imbecile.
@Stephanie Brennan your mixing apples and oranges. Yang wanted to give $1000 to get voter support, Trump is doing it to help support us during this troubled time.
@Dennis Madigan Yang wants to help people too! And do you really think Trump isn’t doing this to get reelected? Of course he is! Look here ladies and gentlemen… an all American hero giving us money through hard times… give me a break.
@Stephanie Brennan sometimes a cigar is a cigar
Check is in the mail
Canada just breathed a huge sigh of relief…..
@Sue Smith “Plus, I NEVER put the words Trudeau and Leader in the same sentence.” True, I’m the one using this!
Nope! Roxam road is still open letting in illegal immigrants
@Listen and believe, no I will not! Hahaha nice!
@Sue Smith …..And trump is a slobbering moron…..
@YouTube Fangurl ….trump couldn’t find Canada on the map…..
Govt leaders:

Kissing as a standard greeting is why COVID swept Italy.
Hand shaking isn’t that bad, especially if people wash frequently.
France people kiss more than Italians, Just wonder if they are more “reserved” in releasing results?
that picture if them shaking hands is old – at this time March 18 Trudeau is still in self isolation
Mar largo law is on it’s way little by little!
Eddie Haskell spell it right
Sure, China set a more authoritarian example.
Eddie Haskell that s That s true > .there where two wicked clowns met > Trump and Bolsonaro
That should’ve been done already
It’s a great time for a hike or to go fishing
and shaking hands in the thumbnail,,, sigh
Gaming the algorithm, yeah the clickbait is obvious in this one
Everyone:” Trump’s not my President”
Trump: I will give every American $1000
Everone:”Where’s my $”
Andrew Yang is our president.
@Al Huerta
The bailouts to farmers is socialism.
@Creator where’d you get that great stuff you’re smoking
@xserenticx sorry, but universal income was actually passed by the house during the Nixon Administration…the concept is not a new one.
He meant real Americans. Not dems or the left
When the thumbnail is from another meeting. We don’t have to talk about that though.
Finally!!! Jesus! Literally everyone in my town who got infected is because of non essential travel.
Good news for Canada. Well negotiated Trudeau!
That beach thing reminds me of the movie Independence Day when the people go to the top of buildings with big welcome signs to greet the aliens
Please help!!
I have a layover in the U.S for my flight from Toronto to Tokyo in a few days. Does anyone know if that is considered essential travel ??