President Trump has reportedly met with Senator Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., to discuss possible action on gun legislation. NBC's Geoff Bennett reports from the White House.
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President Donald Trump And Joe Manchin Meet To Discuss Gun Legislation | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
BUT WHAT ABOUT THE TWO GUN LESIGLATIONS THAT WERE PASSED BY THE DEMOCRAT HOUSE ALMOST 200 DAYS AGO!!! We already have two bills ready for you Trump and McConnell! Why are you ignoring them.
Joe Manchin? ppfffttt –
Trump was only interested in what Manchin thought of his alternative map of Hurricane Dorian hitting Alabama.
Innocent people children and babies died and you make fun of a disaster typical Democrat
@KiTT FOXXE pff, that’s a bit rich coming from you lol
I doubt Manchin pushed for much. Not exactly the most democratic senator we have, given his voting record. To put it mildly. Primary him.
@C T he’s also the former governor of that state there was polling showing the current governor Jim justice trailing him
@kingsboro1 People in West Virginia like Manchin. But they definitely do not like Democrats. Trump’s 2nd biggest state margin was in West Virginia (and only 0.1% lower than his biggest margin).
@C T I know the last Democrate president to win west Virginia was bill clinton also the most resent state by state polling in west Virginia I believe was last year showing trump trailing sanders of course that just one poll there hasn’t been any recent polling
Scientific Methodology I mean, why even bother running as a democrat, when your clearly republican? He’s not even center left. He’s center right. The only reason I’m bothering to explain this to you, is because your clearly one of the ten literate people in the whole state, and I need you to communicate this to the rest of wv through a series of grunts and clicks.
That B$ regarding how our Constitution is set-up. Congress approves? the President vetos, Congress? SUPER MAJORITY throws the President’s veto in the trash and it becomes a law. THAT’S how it works.
If Trump vetoed gun legislation it would not pass Congress again. In Obama’s entire 8 years only one veto was overwritten.
trump said he’d pay for the lawyer and now he’s talking death penalty. pied piper
Joe Manchin votes 90% with Trump’s even the Kavanaugh fiasco
He votes with Trump 54.7% of the time. Before you think that is too high, consider that the other Senator from West Virginia votes with Trump 96.2% of the time, and Trump carried West Virginia by a margin of R+42.2. Also, most of the time when he votes with Trump (Kavanaugh for example), he had no chance of casting a deciding vote. Manchin has been trying to get some Democratic legislation through, but he knows that he is likely to be replaced by a lock-step Trump Republican next election cycle
Your officers have a degree in mental illness I could see This! But they don’t hold a degree in this field?
The supremacist jews running the show don’t want people having guns, so we should simply give them up.
Not a WHACK-JOB PSYCHO? Then why would you be against a background check? ? ?
I fight for more free speech not less with Orwellian hate speech laws
I fight DemocRATS returning us to the old establishment we all said was corrupt.
I spew love not hate calling us brothers & sisters instead of; racists & Nazis.
I fight Gorewellianism’s; SAVE THE PLANET!
I believe people have rights not groups of people like animals.
Joe, even though you vote for trump & GOP policies you still hold the Dem title. You might as well go spit in the wind.
gun legislation is already been legislated. It’s called the 2nd amendment period.
Again.. that one person isn’t named.
Wt? I stopped watching after they have not confirmed.
Unindicted Co-conspirator has 781,000 reasons not to support ANY gun safety measures.
Lip service. He didn’t do anything meaningful with the last mass shooting, what makes you think he’ll do anything now?
… OH, RIIIIIGHT. It’s almost election time. You might get lucky this time.
Why did Manchin even bother? The states have to take the lead in changing their gun control laws if they ever want to see these mass shootings stop.
How dumb is that? You can’t trust a word Trump says. A waste of time at best.
Hallie Jackson She’s a hottie and a fact-checker

No. No no no no. FFS not accellerating death penalty for these people. The absolute vast majority of them _intend_ to die, to “give their life” to their “cause”. With the extremely dangerous cult following growing for these ideas, shootings and people – _DO NOT _*_HELP_*_ THEM BECOME MARTYRS!*_ Especially(!) not while their attention is fresh and large. If you have to resort to state-sanctioned murder, bury them under the prison until the last sliver of their memory is gone, mimimalizing their mention and exposure to both the attention of other inmates, staff and outsside communications. _Then,_ go through with the execution.
If anyone is caught in the act of mass murder, there’s really no arguing innocense there. But we really need to thread _extremely_ careful when it comes to any sort of accellerating processing of death row executions. Solid research have shown that approximately 4% of death row inmates are innocent of their convicted death sentence crime. The research also states this is very likely a _very_ conservative number, as post-execution there is both significant govt. resistance and little motivation, to further investigate their cases. 144 people so far, have been exhonorated _while still alive_ on death row. Dedicated researchers studying unrecorded criminal data and ststistics, suggest the total number (including those on death row now, and those formely executed) to be vastly higher.
There’s no coming back from an execution. The debate whether or not to have capital punishment at all, is one for a different topic. But as long as it’s here, the hard data es pretty clear: The state is killing far too many innocent people by capital punishment as it is. We need to make abso-f*ckin’-lutely sure we got the right person in the right act, before commencing executions. As of today here in the US, circumstancial evidence and statements, weak or ambiguous evidence, character witnesses, expert witnesses that have little to no real expertise in the specific subject field – all these things play *_way_*_ too big_ roles in criminal convictions, for us to “hurry them into the ground”. One innocent life taken away by sanctioned force, is one too many.
If we cannot give life back to those whom have lost theirs – we should not be so eager to take life away.