President Biden speaks on Hurricane Ida damage and relief efforts | USA TODAY

President Biden delivers remarks on Hurricane Ida response, one day ahead of his visit to New Orleans, Louisiana.

President Joe Biden plans to visit New Orleans on Friday to survey damage from Hurricane Ida, which lashed southeastern Louisiana on Sunday as one of the five strongest storms to ever strike the U.S. packing 150 mph winds.

The White House said Biden will survey storm damage and meet with state and local leaders from impacted communities.

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#Biden #HurricaneIda #Hurricane

President Biden speaks on Hurricane Ida damage and relief efforts | USA TODAY


  1. “Put a fork in him, he’s done”- best quote I heard today. It’s too late to pretend you care about anyone, other than your own hide

    1. Check out biden’s phone call with the afghan president. Biden intentionally misled the nation. We need a special counsel investigation immediately.

    1. @Sreeram Reddy I forgot that our sitting president is immune to criticism because Trump was our last president. Your logic is completely fair and rational.

  2. He says think of friends and family trying to reach each other or those who need help..
    What about those he abandoned?

  3. Joe, “I could mumble away the hours While the Socialist gain the powers, Consulting the insane; And my hair plugs I’d be hatchin, while my dentures busy chattin, if I only had a brain.”

  4. Joe is grateful a hurricane passed through the united states, it s helps deflect the distraction for the disaster pullout mission in Afghanistan

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  6. It is so hard to digest seeing a
    leader of global power, reading every speech that he has to deliver. ,🤮

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