President Joe Biden signs Inauguration Day proclamation and Cabinet-level nominations inside the U.S. Capitol building. Aired on 01/20/2021.
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#PresidentBiden #InaugurationDay #MSNBC
President Biden Signs Inauguration Day Proclamation And Cabinet-Level Nominations | MSNBC
What a Relief.
No more Traitor Trump.

@Q RU that could well be the dumbest comment on Youtube.
@Q RU Biden is your president
@Q RU either your stupid or your saying that out of spite.
@Q RU unless you count the 100 million people that watched from home because they wouldn’t let anyone attend in person even if they tried to go there
@Cory Allen News Flash: your existence is fake!
WAIT… He’s not going to hold it up as a trophy with a big cheesy grin, like a toddler who just pooped in the toilet for the first time? Oh, I must be having PTSD from the past 4 years with Mango Baby.
Or say
“This a TREMENDOUS executive order, it’s going to be great”
“No one has seen anything like this in the history of our country”
“It’s going to be BIGLY”
while playing his imaginary accordion
@Lloyd B I’M playing games?? Dude, you’re the one ruining the day for everyone else. Now I’m done responding to you, because I don’t have time for your idiocy. Just go away!
@Glen W .You missed my point entirely & set the narrative to suit your beliefs. You’re a twitt liberal, butt hurt pansy. Your comments are full of propaganda & blind hypocrisy. Apples to apples, bonehead.
@Firecat Crone .You were a dumb fick way before that. You’re in denial, & brainwashed.
@Jeff Plamenig .Ya. If he did, he wouldn’t remember it.
Finally, someone with some basic dignity.
Unlike American Citizens….
Good to have someone in that position who understands his own dignity.
Plus empathy and an education.
this is so weird not hearing YMCA blare in the background, just people getting to work right away, like a mountain breeze!
@Tessmage Tessera YMCA was not a bad song, but it has now been ruined by Trump, any other song he plays, the artists immediately send cease & desist letters
@Double Ace Ymca is the Young Men’s Christian Association. You could rent rooms, go swimming, hang out. When I was little I often went to the “plunge”. It was swimming just for females, about once a week.
@mandings36 Is that why he used ymca? Because it was all he could get? I wondered if that was the case.
@Emma West yes generally speaking, the “older” artist aren’t going to rave or fuss if you use their songs, but most artists dont want the association or appearance that they ok’d the use of their material — basically YMCA was all he can get without getting shutdown
@mandings36 It is also possible that the Village People no longer own the publishing rights to that song. I’m sure they hate it when Trump plays it, but they may not have any say in the matter.
Wow so nice, he’s using an actual pen and not a black marker!
@West House , obviously your more triggered then I am, cause I was just stating facts due to visual observation of the out going president and to those previous presidents that have resided in the white house. No psycho analyzing here. Your reading way too deep into a simply comment made.
@Kelli Lynch do provide supporting evidence that normal and rational people use only pens. Il wait
@West House go ahead and do all the research you want on normal and rational people using pens. I’m sure google can help you out, if need be. But I have things to do. So have a great day and I hope you find clarity in your never ending search to your question.
Ya, you are pointing out the important differentiators…thank God it was not a sharpie…lol you Dems are too much
Imagine having a president who doesn’t feel the need to show the document on camera! Oh wait, we don’t have to imagine it, it’s real
WOLNI LUDZIE #Trmp# #Melania #Texas

… i niewolnicy w kagańcach “grupy Bidena”
MOBILIZACJA dla wierzących – codzienna MODLITWA BY WYGRAŁ TRUMP !
Albo zwycięży zdrowy rozsądek albo zniszczą nas globaliści !!!
Imagine being as wrong as you are lol
@Anne Austin apparently you here to divide and create confusion/so GTFOH-trolling the reply section.
@Get A JOB LAZY you are irrelevant and delusional. GTFOH-trolling
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel Go get deprogrammed/
I know and you know and we ALL know how WONDERFUL it is to see a president sign something and just close the book and not show it like he’s in kindergarten at show and tell! So nice to have professionals at the helm again.
@ha ,-zi Yeah….kinda like when Pelosi had all those Impeachment Pens made up as mementos and passes them around like cigars.
@Sky Lindsey have you been reading too much very badly written fiction?
@Emma West mmmmmm… An article about the pens can be found in the Associated Press and Washington Post to name a few. Pictures too! Selective Memory is a condition that strikes many….so don’t feel singled out. History just isn’t important anymore.
@Sky Lindsey I don’t feel singled out. I missed a news story, that’s all. By the way, sanctimony is not a good look on you.
@Sky Lindsey
When you buy your way through school and never learn to read or write, like Trump, Yes letters(a,b,c,d,f…..) are probably smoke and mirrors to you.
I can finally breath easier. Jesus christ that was the longest four years of my life.
@mark Evans what was that? Sounds like the snow flakes are the ones crying. I guess seeing agent orange leave in such disgrace has many in his cult on the verge of mental break down.
@Lilith Kenis Have a closer look at his face. Its exactly what and who he is.
Maybe for a guy fooled into believing he was a Russian agent. For me…These last 4 yrs have been fantastic for my community. Everyone had jobs, our household incomes were up, my investments were high! Just peace and prosperity and the only folks upset were powerless Dems and China. 2024
@Education is key Sounds like right wing white privilege and racism to say that everything was great. You missed the reality of what took place the last four years. I bet your name is eric trump in reality.
@Education is key If it were in fact as great as you stated, guess what? Chump would have been re-elected. But as it is in reality he lost. He’s a loser just like you.
Imagine that, a president that doesn’t sign everything in magic markers!
Kamala harris is Joe’s boss, he doesn’t know whats going on
@Cory Allen
You lost Nazi, get over it.
@Cory Allen prove he has dementia before you claim it. I could claim you have Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer, heart palpitations, or a whole myriad of health problems yet it wouldn’t be true cause I’ve never met you and don’t know your health condition. Kinda like how you don’t know Biden or his health.
@Cory Allen trump is the fakest president lol
I think everyone else below has already said everything I’m feeling. Am an independent, neither Dem nor Repub, always voted for person I considered most qualified for position, personal feelings aside. 2016 was Hillary, this time around Joe without a second’s thought. So happy to have a real & competent person as POTUS once again!
As an independent you voted for a mainstream party lmaooooo
What kind of democracy only allows only two establishment parties to run? Got to love that oligarchy!
Now, who wants to volunteer to go into Ben Carson’s office and tell him that Trump is no longer president?
Touching my nose

Who wants to volunteer going to tell the Out N Proud Bois that dumbo donald is no longer fake-russia-puppet-president?
When a president is more interested what’s in the document, than his own signature.
You only need to ask yourself about red states with the same question but exchange white and GOP.
Dude! My exact thoughts!
@Starr Davis
Trump’s probably in his Bunker, lining up his little green toy soldiers, renting a general uniform, making a cardboard podium to keep playing dictator WANNABE AGOLF TWITTLER!!!
Probably putting some recorded cheers and applause in the place to give it a little more feeling to it.
“Build that Wall!!!”

“Repeal and replace Obamacare!!”
“Fake News!!”
@Patriot Proud
Go play with your “invisible F35 fighter jet”
That “the enemy cannot see”
According to cadet lieutenant colonel Sargent Spanky Bonespurs Trump.
It’s probably in your backyard somewhere.
Or also playing golf or tweeting.
Start decorating everything around him with gold , Especially his name in gold letters!

this whole thing feels surreal
Yep. It’s like an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation when the Enterprise goes through a fissure in space and reality changes into a violent war-torn reality and Guinan is the only person who kind of knows what’s going on and tries to get things to switch back to normal.
“A storm can never rage forever, and darkness only lasts ’til dawn.” – Carly Simon
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel Jezebel and Ahab unceremoniously kicked to the curb today. God is good.
@I believe In something
Go back to Canada maybe?
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel dude get some mental help
1 Peter 2:13-25
“Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.”
Romans 13:1:
“Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.”
Mark 12:17
“Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
Stop worshipping your tangerine idol!
I don’t care what the Talibangelicals in your Sunday social club say — YOU ARE OUT OF LINE.
If you hear anything in “church” about the #Insurrection please call 1800 CALL FBI.
@Firecat Crone The bad guys in the fight can be easily identified. They lie, cheat and steal. In truth, Trump won the election. He was the clear preference of a majority of the American people. Biden is illegitimate, fraudulently installed by extremely dark interests. The fake news has always been the mouthpiece of those interests. The Capitol ‘breach’ was staged/instigated to blame on Trump and to trash the American patriot movement. Notice that the fake news people have been given their buzz words to repeat — ‘mob’ and ‘insurrection’. Their MO is very old and worn.
It feels so much more Grown now the toddler has left.
Live it up now, I’m sure you will be signing a different tune in few months.
And it feels so much more genocidal now. Which country will Biden start a war with? Syria? Ukraine?
@GOD719 Think Trump nearly started a war with Iraq or Russia so.
Yep, Racist Joe is what we want? Speaking of that, why do so many Dem cities with complete Dem control treat Black Americans so badly-Chicago, Baltimore…Better question might be why Black Americans keep voting for them
Remember this day when China rules over us and gas is $5 a gallon
I’m sorry, but why is he not demanding huge crowds and bragging and instead getting straight to work!? And why is his face not orange I don’t understand…
Yes very confusing what happened? And why is his hair white usually it’s fake
Thank you! I enjoyed such a good laugh
@John Majorenos I don’t understand why his hair is not weirdly folded.
Or tweeting
Going to play golf
Starting to decorate more stuff with gold
Finally we have a REAL president again after 4 years instead of a swamp creature!!

@Janet Grant Keep crying those Conservative tears. We all know you’re mad

Lol…Racist Joe is your man!
@nightrale814 Speaking of that, why do so many Dem cities with complete Dem control treat Black Americans so badly-Chicago, Baltimore…Better question might be why Black Americans keep voting for them
@Janet Grant you were lied to by trump about the election fraud lol
@Trapkos no you were the one who was duped…that’s why you cowards hid everything and refused to show it…don’t be stupid…it’s obvious sorry you got duped
wish you all the best Mr. president!!
As a Norwegian living in Bolivia; the relief the whole World are feeling now, is immense.
Congratulations on having a President again after all this time, USA!
The abominable orange creature was never a president…
You obviously were used and played like the rest of the not too bright sheeple…..follow the light you have just been duped….fool

I couldn’t agree more!
@Bob Hager Bob, play nice. Sandra is right and we should not be rude to those wishing us well. We all should have something called manners. And be happy that Sandra will say a prayer for you. She’s pretty nice person to be doing that. Be well..
Mind your business
Thank you. The amazing thing to me is that so many friends and allies are still speaking to us. It’s been awful and it’s GOOD to be back.
Lol the like to dislike ratio says it all
Republicans: “BIDEN will never step foot in the white house. He will be arrested before he gets inside”
January 20th: “hold my beer”