During a Tuesday speech the president criticized those continuing to push the big lie on the 2020 election, and he called on 'Republican friends' in states and Congress to stand up and help prevent the effort to undermine elections and the right to vote.
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President Biden Implores Congress To Counter Republican Voting Laws
Biden’s home state of Delaware has stricter voting laws than those in Texas.
Delaware has less safe elections than Texas.. Allowing the communists to control the elections means one party rule.
Biden was told this, but it went straight out the other ear like everything else.
Sure thing , just remember he didn’t need your vote last time
@DC Moore I remember that !!!
Coming from a man that hid in his basement because he knew he already won because Nancy told him so. If you do the math, it doesn’t add up. That’s what made me know it was stolen
@Guided Meditation they needed them cranked up to HIGH to run the same votes 3 times!!! SMH. And only after chasing everyone home at that. *Where is the SHAME?*
@Colorado IsME It is all on video.. 2-3 camera angles. Add to that the sworn affidavits detailing everything from the false/fake premise for needing to evacuate the building.
@Guided Meditation Yes! I seen them. Plus others of one lady going in counting mail in votes. With the outside of the envelope not even filled out! You know my name, address, city/State and zip code. The return info. No one should be allowed to enter mail in ballots in the computer WITHOUT both parties being there. Who is to say they even entered them right?
Gotta show ID to get into the white house, but not at a voting booth….. gotcha.

How do think people register to vote, moron. Gotcha! They PROVE who they are and that they are eligible to vote. Why would we need a redundant system that adds another card to peoples wallets that allows them to vote? We already have the registration process which is 100% secure, admit it, you’re adding a poll tax, forty dollars, sixty dollars for a “voter ID card” that no one needs. And I don’t mind needing a license to vote, that’s fine, but a new voter ID card, that’s a poll tax, plain and simple. Also, these new laws restrict voting times and days in a specific way that targets people of colour, and also they make it possible for the legislatures to overturn the election results of the peoples vote. That’s the end of democracy right there, when a group of politicians can overide the peoples vote, that’s like Communist China for peats sake. NOT in my America.
He can’t even spell implore.
I’m sick of having to bring my ID to buy Beer and Cigarettes.
cut your hair and start dressing like man. (joke)
@peremptory expression
Even our Funerary Business has no respect anymore. The cremation place offered to make a egg timer or Timer for the Parcheese Game out of my dear uncle Marty. Things are out of control anymore.
Shouldn’t you carry your ID regardless of where you’re going?
It will remove important controls of discipline beneficial for the nation. Joe favored *mail-in ballots. And the machines and mail-ballots were altered. 2 + 2
Joe has done NOTHING to change the voting laws in his own state, which are much stricter than all these “Jim Crow” states!
It’s a lot of fun to watch the news. It’s amazing to see the lies that come out of your mouth. It’s amazing to see they spin “opinion“ as a news.
*”If everybody actually voted, the Republicans would never again win the presidency.”* _~ Donald J. Trump_
Well maybe but I don’t think there’s chance of that happening unless you let stupid people vote through tiktok
@TurtleGaming HD Stupid people have just as much right to vote as you do.
So, Biden is condemning Republican conspiracy theories — while perpetuating Democrat conspiracy theories —
“…it’s about who gets to count the vote…who gets to count whether your vote counted at all?”.
— but at least, I guess he’s finally admitting that Trump won fair & square, in 2016…right?
Article I, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution:
“The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators.”
Exactly, these schoolyard bullies and racist trolls never studied American History if they even got out of the 6th grade.
Imagine telling ppl to not make elections more secure
Is it me or does Joe – more often than not – look puzzled or even vacant?
Yea that’s not how it works. The states run their own elections as per the constitution of the United States.
Funny how this wasn’t a problem/issue for republicans until trump lost…
PRAYING cause it’s sad when truth is told people get mad.
It is funny that the guy running the real coupe of the government defending the constitution he is working on destroying.
If you have a voter ID then you ain’t black
– Sniffy-in-Chief 10% Big Guy
US Constitution, Article 1, Section 4: “”The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations…”
This is rich, after a whole presidency spent with news questioning the election and impeachment wasting rather than focusing on helping the American people, the new suddenly says we shouldn’t question the election … Hypocrisy at its finest.