President Biden details his conversation with Putin and US’ relationship with Russia | USA TODAY

US President Joe Biden delivers remarks on Russia from the East Room.


The Biden administration on Thursday announced the expulsion of 10 Russian diplomats and sanctions against dozens of people and companies as it moved to hold the Kremlin accountable for interference in last year's presidential election and the hacking of federal agencies.

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#Russia #Putin #USATODAY

President Biden details his conversation with Putin and US' relationship with Russia | USA TODAY


  1. He’s staring REAL hard at that teleprompter. This video is low quality as hell, go check out washington posts stream and watch his eyes in crisp HD lmao.

  2. “It’s funny when Joe referred to Putin as a killer lol”

    Russian bot. They think that is funny.

  3. The video is blurry and it isn’t by accident. They are trying to hide something, maybe his ugly beady little eyes, or his dentures coming out when he talks.

  4. He also said that if we find out they interfered… That means all this darn time… We didn’t have proof!

    1. @Youtube is a Fascist yes she did dude lol she was getting sue for over a billion dollars and finally testified a few weeks ago saying it was a lie 🤣stop watching Qnuts or whatever news media you watch lol

    2. @Youtube is a Fascist easy do you have proof the election was stolen besides the fact that you’re lying about mail in ballots

  5. Me reacting to anything Biden says : LOL!!!! And I am not american, how could they vote for him? Misterios del mundo

    1. It was either a guy with political experience or A guy orange spray tan that almost started World War III and we did vote for him there were no voter fraud so just give it a rest

  6. A great mumbled speech, reminds me of mother in-law who is in stage 6 dementia. That hand signer should win a medal for figuring out what the hell he was saying.

  7. Awww reminds me of when my best friend’s 6 days a week drunkard great uncle would try 2 join in conversations. Mumble, mumble, hiccup, smoker’s cough, rant, rage, stumbles around, mumble, spit, fights imaginary boxing component, falls over, accuses everyone of pushing him, stumbles back up, curses, mumbled words of the Lord’s prayer, starts crying, asks if anyone has seen his best friend who brought him there(Captain Morgan) spins around, face plants, a few grunts then the rhythmic sounds of snoring. Nothing like Memories

  8. Love how the news media ignores the 3 to 1 down voting on all videos involving Biden, including his inauguration.

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