President Biden delivers remarks on the importance of American manufacturing, buying products made in America, and supporting good-paying jobs for American workers.
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#Biden #Economy #Jobs
Sooner or later that lady doing kung fu on the right side is going to just start shrugging like “I got no f***ing idea what he’s trying to say”
I agree
Investment are the ones stepping stones to success , investing in what create wealth
Hi, I’m Alicia Brown from Georgia, I’m single looking for long term and serious relationship with the right man. Looking forward to hearing from you soon
@Winston Kate Hi, I’m Alicia Brown from Georgia, I’m single looking for long term and serious relationship with the right man. Looking forward to hearing from you soon
Just 13 percent of the roughly 50,000 illegal immigrants released in the US without a court date — and ordered to report to Immigration and Customs Enforcement — have bothered to show up, a new report said.
Over one million illegal immigrants have been released into the United States since Pedophile Joe was installed to run the country.
“Buy American”..
and you better hurry the f up before I run them all out ..
“My TelePrompTer tells me to tell you to buy American”
“Even though I kill American jobs and infrastructure while approving them for Putin”
Ah ha… last!
Sure Trump lost more jobs than any other president in history.. sleepy Joe putting America back on track
@William Barr Pre pandemic, before democrats shut down their own citizens jobs, there was 7 million more people working.. Nice try.
@William Barr and speaking of “pandemic” see how Pelosi Congress just killed a bill from reaching the floor demanding an investigation to the Wuhan lab, Biden kills an ongoing trump state department investigation, and Fauci emails show the world’s preeminent virologists contacts Fauci in Jan 2020 urging him to have the Wuhan lab investigated, they citing they believe no doubt the Wuhan virus is created from gain of function. Any challenge?
@Luntershaptop Fukinov *there were
Is Vegas taking bets; what date biden is forced to step down due to dementia.
So sick of his personal stories. He is so FULL of it.
17:49 The president of the Demented States confuses Trump and Obama.
As per the United States Senate records, in a roll call vote on the passage of the bill to implement the NAFTA during the first session of the 103rd Congress on Nov 20, 1993, Joe Biden was one of the 61 voters who stood in favor of the bill.
This is soooo great…earlier today, Bloomberg tried to live stream this event on YouTube!
The instant “live chat” was activated, a TIDAL WAVE of relentlessly negative comments
overwhelmed the system and shut it down…it never was reactivated! Americans obviously
love President Baked Potato…NOT!!!
Over one million undocumented immigrants have been welcomed into the United States since President Biden was elected to run the country,
so they all deserve jobs before American citizens do.
Investment are the ones stepping stones to success , investing in what create wealth
Most intelligent words I’ve heard today
Hello,how are you doing,,I was in my comment section when I come across your comment, I’ll like to know you?
the judgeS handlIng the georgIa caSeS need to Stand an charged them all In contempt of court bullShIt or are theSe judgeS protectIng the democratS ?
the county’S republIcan-controlled board of SupervISorS haS called the (cyber nInjaS) audItorS Incompetent.
So let’S get It on record!!! and Start the arreStS
god bleSS amerIca and thIS channel!! Subbed grateful…
when are the SenatorS goIng to grow a backbone and enforce the lawfully ISSued SubpoenaS and uSe the law to obtaIn the needed ItemS
god bleSS you to everybody who IS workIng hard for thIScountry and the world we pray every day
I got one can’t waIt tIll the audIt IS done and releaSed. I’m wIllIng to bet democratS wIll try to have the fIndIngS Sealed!