President Joe Biden is set to give a primetime speech Thursday night on "the continued battle for the soul of the nation" as early voting in the November midterm elections draws nearer.
Related: Here's how midterm elections work:
Biden will deliver his remarks outside Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia, known as the birthplace of American democracy and where Biden launched his 2020 presidential campaign.
The speech comes after Biden introduced aggressive new rhetoric at a Democratic rally in Maryland last week, accusing Republicans of "semi-fascism" and saying he doesn't respect "these MAGA Republicans," referring to the political movement spawned by former President Donald Trump.
That rally kicked off a midterm effort to label Republicans as increasingly extreme, with Democrats arguing abortion rights, the survival of Social Security, climate and democracy itself are on the ballot.
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#Biden #Speech #Live
6:30 speech starts here
Coughed 3 times.
“we’re gonna end cancer by going after the Amish Organic Farmers”
And climate change too
Are they going to use F 15s against the Amish?

@Will Duke they deleted your comment …come back tomorrow and any negative comment towards the theif in chief/dictator will have disappeared. I see they are not counting thumbs down
I just need to come back home after my mission I think I just need to settle down and raise my own family too, I really need a perfect soulmate
Uh whut
“We the people” so weird coming out of his mouth.
You’re just not used to hearing it
Uh… What happened at 9:51 and the Golden dove on the flag? Was this a set and a digital back ground?
screw what you believe what can we actually do?
George Washington is thinking to himself in heaven: “my God, this is what me and my troops endured Valley Forge for”.
Gee, that red and black background framing his lies reminds me of something…
Nuremberg rally 2.0
This guy is so full of bologna. Funny how 2 separate times sirens rang
“We do not encourage violence”
Its a big joke joe
Why the back ground RED.. lol
kind of matches
Good speech
Yes, it will get Trump elected.
wassup with all the water and whats up with all the wheat like nothing real was addressed here but a couple quips to secure a vote against trumpers
The speech would make a good drinking game. “Democracy“ drink! “Equity“ drink! “Extremist“ drink! “MAGA” drink! “Trump“ drink! LOL

Oh, I forgot one. “Threat“ take three drinks!
So this address basically doesn’t address the current state of this country.. just keeps taking about Trump .. geez it’s been 2 years anything new
is he actually standing behind a bunch of glass barriers?