Donald Trump said on Monday that he was protecting coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, even as his own DOJ tries to destroy the ACA. Aired on 01/13/20.
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Pres. Latest Lies About Push To End Healthcare Coverage For Pre-Existing Conditions | All In | MSNBC
Funny the Republicans are trying to take this to the supreme Court to have ACA repealed while at the same time trying to claim they want to provide health care for everyone.
@lil jack russell My research shows the facts. Facts are, democrats supported SLAVERY, ABORTION and SOCIALISM. Always on the wrong side of history. They preach about it themselves every election cycle! Hillary was in front of the nation on public broadcast in the last debates openly supportive of late term abortions up until the moment of birth. Also, Socialism is also another form of slavery, albeit a more sophisticated yet more broadly damaging form than the blatant slavery democrats fought to maintain in the Civil War. Much like the present impeachment coup, the democrats also tried to unjustly remove Lincoln from office, lets hope a radical leftist doesn’t pull a JWB.
@deanerhar murder and abortion are completely different. If they were the same thing, abortion would be illegal. Murder is illegal.
@princeoftidds wow, such logic… Slavery used to be legal, doesn’t make it any more morally justifiable. Murdering babies is legal because democrats make it legal. Killing is killing. Calling it something else doesn’t change that fact. Taking the life of an innocent individual is murder. You are evil if you think killing babies is okay.
And how is the GOP going to defend this latest claim of Trump’s?
Assuming they even have a alternative healthcare plan that is.
(they don’t)
@hung well You are hung well.
I guess we are both lying there…
@deanerhar What’s stopping u from shopping for a new plan, dingus?
@Fahim Ahmad I did, dingus, and that was the most “affordable” one.
@deanerhar Then I suggest u get rid of it an put yo self in the mercy of the ER billing dept, meathead…
I think Gop intentions are obvious, if you watch the latest concerning
the Senate impeachment trial.
They Keep stroking Trump’s ego and
avoid fairness for
anyone except him.
He is a liar by birth !!
@deanerhar But we are not responsible for the deaths of millions of people. He is a con , iiar and attention seeker.
@Fred Bogdon obviously a lie from you, but just for a moment suppose 8t was true, you despise him because of it, right, but it IS ok with you when trump does it 15,000 times
@J R Ignorant words coming from a lying attention seeker who pretends to know everything because you watch some propaganda video. This doesn’t remove coverage from legal citizens, only people here illegally. Why should we pay for the world’s healthcare when we are 22 TRILLION in debt. We are not a wealthy country, we can’t afford this crap nor should we. All those here illegally can sign the paperwork if they want to continue to enjoy all the benefits of a country they illegally broke into, but they need to start paying taxes like the rest of us law abiding citizens and stop being thieving criminals. If a thug illegally breaks into your house, it is not your obligation to treat them like your baby.
@deanerharWe legal citizens do very well know that who is fooling who. What is right and what is wrong and of course who is the person looking for extra attention and praises.
@J R So if I break into your house, you will feed me, clothe me, cover all my utility expenses and pay hundreds a month plus deductibles and remaining balances for whatever medical expenses I incur? Send me your address, I’ll be on my way, I don’t care if you have a fence around your property!
He constantly lies, and he counts on his low-information base to spread the lies. He knows his word is gospel, they’re not smart enough to question their tangerine master.
@deanerhar Yea, I’m not reading your whinyass drivel, honey. Your cult leader lies, and you believe him. That’s unbelievably pathetic.
@CShield ROFFLMFAO Don’t know what it is. Ok mr dump!!!
@hung well Mr? Am I supposed to know what it is?
Trump: “I was the person who saved pre-existing conditions to your health care. A lot of people don’t know this but it’s true. In fact, my bone spurs were the first recorded pre-existing health care condition.”
I saw an article that actually explained that saga, the Dr that wrote that letter lived in an apartment in a building Trump’s father owned, “write it or get evicted, pick one.”
@Martha Martha Quotes = satire
Ridiculous statement. The two don’t equate
OMG….. doesn’t he ever STOP
Not according to fake news.
Pathological liars don’t think they’re lying. It comes naturally, like breathing.
Trump can’t speak or tweet without lying. SMH
I guess he is choosing to forget John McCain’s casting vote.
John McCain is the best Democrat ever…
@RickK RocKStar No he was the best republican.
That’s right, it was John McCain that
saved the day with
ACA while going
through cancer treatment. I’m
so grateful.
I want to
remind people
that Obama got
Bipartisan support
for the ACA when there was a Republican majority
in the House and
@Melanie Garrett well now he’s dead Soooo
@RickK RocKStar Just think a bit deeper. He may be dead and gone, but his legacy lives on for millions of people. Not what Deluded Donald wanted. Losing by one vote that was given by a Republican is about as big an insult that could be given.

This clown is simply a buffoon beyond imagination. There’s no other way to put it.
@Fred Bogdon Nope, you dream on snowflake. The GOP has always wanted to end pre-existing conditions, and never had a health care plan to replace obama care.
@Fred Bogdon Your another Fumb Duck
@Fred Bogdon
Israeli bot.
@Fred Bogdon let me guess you’re a trump lover and you want to emulate him by posting false claims,
why exactly do you post either lies or things you haven’t a clue what you are talking about. Maybe you should go get a clue 1st
Sneaking in back door to mess with s.s. and ssi people on disabilty like myself need this i can still work but can do what i used to my job money goes right to my rent if the pres stops or cuts us off ill be homeless living in my 30 yr old honda im to old for that i gave 50 yrs ofloyal service to help build our country constuction worker i was hard labor and now i like others are going to get smacked in the face for our service?? Leave social security thehell alone ifyou want to lose votes cut ourmuch needed benifits im not a bum i dont sell my money to anyone i use it to pay my bills and keep a 48 yr old trailor over my head yes america im a bluecoller american remember us?? They said there doing the jobs americans dont want to do no no no we got pushed out of the work force move aside we are going to replace you that was bush it became harder and harder to compete for jobs when all the slack got taken up by others. I did all those jobs like landscape concrete carpentry ect . You name it now im wore out i aint asking for the world just a little bit of what i put in is that to much to ask ?? Just leave the s.s an ssi alone!!!
I do not need an article, everyone I know on SSI has received an increase. Your saying you have not
So, technically he has not touched your SSI. The truth, Our system is screwed, it needs to be replaced. Social Security is running out of money, that is a fact. With some of those on it, not working as long as they should have. And then some claiming disability over a broken toe. That FICA money taken from your paycheck was not saved for you in a “trust fund.” Politicians misled you. They spent every penny the moment it came in. In 2018 SSI went into the red for the first time. So what do you think should happen? Keep giving money, that simply does not exist?
Vote Trump Out!!
Vote in the primary
and every possible
election in your
@Verdical _Arts
israeli bot.
“I’m protecting you,” said the mobster while robbing the store.
Pesident Obama with his Obama Care Healthcare plan covered preexisting conditions!
Just like he covered and got the money to fund and start building the WALL and of course Trump wants you to believe that he did both!
He’s a Liar and his pants will be on fire when the Iranians and PUTIN do this MORON IN!
He finished!
His sheep are mind controlled. Only explanation.
You give them too much credit. They have no minds to be controlled.
Iff you know that trump lies all the time then why is he still in the White House? why would you want a president who is a compulsive pathological liar? It doesn’t make sense
Because Hillary is a more well known pathological liar with corrupt ties within the DNC. It was a choice that was easy for the people to make. Trump so far has done quite well despite the constant dishonest smear campaigns against him perpetrated by the DNC combined with Clinton and Bloomberg money. They control MSNBC and other networks.
All I’m saying is, the more he opens his mouth, the more support the GOP loses. The lose of his supporters may be minuit, but it is still a win for democracy. So trump, if not removed, has zero chance at winning, unless he declares authoritarian rule, in which the people will deal with his removal, by force.
Well, then it stands to reason that the Supreme Court should, at the very least, make a public statement outlining exactly what the Trump Administrations case is. They should NOT be a participant in his LIES by virtue of silence.
Still haven’t figured out your 1% owners, lol!
Good job, Chris, but you need to say this LOUDER and more often, or it will just get lost amongst all the other noise. Which is probably what was intended.