Pres. Biden remarks on counterterrorism operation | USA Today

Islamic State leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi has been killed in a U.S. military raid in Syria, President Joe Biden announced on Thursday.


"Last night at my direction, U.S. military forces in northwest Syria successfully undertook a counterterrorism operation to protect the American people and our Allies, and make the world a safer place," the president said in a statement.

"Thanks to the skill and bravery of our Armed Forces, we have taken off the battlefield Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi—the leader of ISIS," Biden declared.

The raid took place in northwest Syria on Thursday, the same region where the previous leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was killed by U.S. special forces in 2019.

Biden said that all U.S. special forces who'd been involved in the operation had been successfully returned. Early Thursday the Pentagon had called the operation "successful."

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  2. Good lord, who among you Democrats believe joe Biden could even come close to passing a high school equivalency test ? lol All of you right!

    1. Yeah, call me when Biden spray paints his face orange, says he wants to date his daughter and claims Mexico will pay for our border wall.

  3. Democrats just can’t stay away from war, can they. Should have sent the special forces to the southern border, or the Soviet front, where they’re needed most, Brandon.

  4. Brandon shouted “C’mon man! If he would have just crossed our southern border, we would have welcomed him” LGB

    1. Joe Biden 1st year report card gets F-
      🆘 Sorry Joe Biden you are a total utter failure as President. Here are some reasons why. You asked what are Republicans for? Just name one thing. I will name you 11 things republicans are for and so are most conservative Democrats I know. So how does that sound? Here they are. 
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      2. End the rapid inflation on everything we buy weekly since you took office like Food & Gasoline. 
      3. Seal the Mexico US border where criminals and drugs are flowing in daily.
      4. Require voter IDs to vote in US elections. We are required to show an ID to fly at all US   airports, buy liquor or cigarettes to name a few. 
      5. Lower US Taxes $$.
      6. Fix all the shortages on products taking place from coast to coast since you took office. 
      7. End evil baby killing Abortion. Helpless babies have rights too. 
      8. Stop giving foreign aid to countries that hate us and don’t share the same US values. 
      9. Stop the defund the police nonsense in democrat run cities.
      10. Don’t allow CRT to be taught in taxpayer funded schools since all it does is divide the country like democrats like to do using the race card to Jenna up the democrat voting base. 
      11. Joe Biden stop telling 🤥 lies. American voters can see right through your lies.
      Democrats are going to lose big time in a midterm elections.

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