Ontario Premier responds to a question about the province's COVID-19 framework and says he is taking a balanced approach.
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thought was going to run as a conservative…
He knows the lockdowns are BS but can’t come out and say it.
bought and owned by china. You can see who is a chinese operative right now. Who ever does not talk about china with covid, is bought and owned by them. Ford and these corrupt “politicians” are all owned by china.

@sweiland75 this guy works for China
Of course he can say it, he chooses not to. Shameful.
He….FORD….next time you ask ….to help you to fight USA…Buy some oil first from the west…USA does…
Ford is part of the problem in this country.
He is not the imbecile calling the pandemic a conspiracy.
@sweiland75 a real pandemic is 12% death rate not 0.04%.
@sweiland75 Stay in your basement with your dust mask on. Deadly C19 is everywhere. I will let you know when it’s safe to come out
@sweiland75 The survival rate is almost 100%, and you’re calling others “imbecile’s? lol
What a FOOL !!!
This is not about you.
Hey Ford, go raise your Chinese flag and celebrate their System
JT would admire this
You need a whole of government approach, you cant shutdown the entire country.
The virus will shut the country down for him. In a month from now.
@jaliz2000 lol, how’s that going to happen?!?
the flu will shut down a country?? Lol, you’ve been watching too much fear porn.
It is accurate. The confinement is absurd and everybody knows it.
You listen only doctors who advise for a lockdown.
The only way to take a risk but you are to afraid to do so when in fact it’s the only way to go back to sanity.
The WHO has actually advised against lockdown, they they continue to do it. Surprise surprise.
I agree with Ford. Small, median businesses are the back bone of the Canadian economy. We won’t have a strong recovery if many SME go out of business, and if you think business owners are just going to start another business after the vaccine, you are wrong.
Vaccine for what?
yeah…for what…???
Vaccine for what?
Remember when Iceland got dumpster for their politicians and took their country back
@Brooke S The IMF loans
I remember that they arrested the banksters and put them in prison .
How much did China pay you Doug
@Reborn Maggot And butter
Not china, the Rockefeller.. “Creature From Jekyll Island” is an excellent book from 1995, that PREDICTED and EXPLAINS this fake crisis. Look it up, you will not regret it.
@Old Greg
Captain Cheesecake’s blood type is probably ‘milk fat’ or ‘gravy’
@Reborn Maggot Once he goes to prison for this. He’ll lose plenty of weight, don’t worry. Or he’ll be dead from a heart attack once the mob breaks down his door. Cheese cake still in hand.
Thousands of doctors all over the world have spoken out against this garbage and they’re all BEING SILENCED AND THREATENED.
Which doctors
He says, she says. Go lick some hospital doorknobs and get it over with then. It’s getting out of control and something has to be done. You are not a doctor obviously, so shut up.
@YankeeUseMasksOrDie They wouldn’t have to censor doctors if those doctors are wrong; they don’t want anyone challenging their authority. You have to wake up, this will only get worse until everyone pushes back.
Dr. Andrew Kaufman is one
Oh it’s very accurate. We see through you Doug, right through to the other side.
He’d make a great Burger King mascot with his bloated belly and face.
Find out what is tyrannical by seeing what you’re not allowed to criticize
You are spamming your bs online right now so guess you proved yourself wrong. Practising fallacies huh?
@MrMusashiMusashi don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house
I finally agree with him on this. Yes, you can’t just shut everything down.
Xiberator about time someone said something sensible!
I wonder for how long the protests outside Ford’s house will stay peaceful?
Nothing should be on “lockdown” except maybe LTC facilities. We know you’ve seen the real stats.
What dirt do the CHICOMS have on Doug Ford? Sex, drugs, and kiddies, just like the rest of the politicians?
..and yet the average person in ON has never met a single person diagnosed with covid19, last reported death was a single case back in August. You can have a million cases but if no one is dying or showing any symptoms, then WHO CARES?