CTV's Kevin Gallagher questions Ontario Premier Doug Ford on his response to the feds' use of the Emergencies Act.
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I love how Trudeau is standing behind ford with a slight grin. “just do as we discussed and I won’t break your legs”
Perspective thou hast none of. They aren’t bed fellows. Just because they agree on the Emergencies Act doesn’t mean anything other than that.
That’s not what happened but ok
@ransom182 you trust your government huh
So true
Ford seems to be going steady with Trudeau
@coolbuddydude1 for starters, there are no air horns allowed within the city. But there were no permits acquired for the demonstration. Even PRIDE follows the laws for protesting.
He takes his sockets off
@Langley Believer when the government breaks laws they should absolutely be held accountable. As of right now the government has not Infringed on your rights
Cheesecake stuffed socks
One big show, it doesn’t matter who you vote for, one team one goal absolute control
Those become psychopaths, it is typical for individuals who desperately want to lead and being in charge, absolutism, despotism, nepotism, autocracy etc…
Bunch of crooks
I disagree. I would never vote for the conservative show
Scratch my itch I’ll make you millions$$
what about when the rail ines were blocked…why was that allowed to happen?
Nothing Ford said meets the threshold.
@Nature and Physics Then please answer the questions I have posed, and explain it to me.
After hearing his answer, I conclude he’s a total bum.
Ford is not a lawyer. He was asked his opinion and he gave it. Sorry if you didn’t like his answer.
You weren’t listening then
@Sean Higgins where was Ford ? Trying ..like every politician involved..to stay as far removed as possible from the mess.
He went to the cottage and turned his cell off.
Let it be Trudeau’s problem.
May I ask Doug Ford why he had tolerance for the massive amounts of tents that were set up in Queens Park awhile back. Seems I remember citizens complained back then with no response at the time.
Doug Ford definitely won’t get the drooling maganorth qanut vote
He said it in the presser with Trudeau…Ontario and Canada were losing s $$billion worth of trade A DAY with the States.
Try to focus please.
@BCUZICAN the may have blocked trains but our truckers did a booming business during the time…in short the damage done was minimal to our economy.
Now the border blockades was a different story….
What about your decision to give police unlimited powers to arbitrarily stop citizens on the streets during COVID-19?
Who cares what Ford thinks? It’s federal jurisdiction and his hindsight ‘thoughts’ don’t matter the slightest bit.
I love how they keep talking about the borders, even though they disbanded before the emergencies act…
@Leon Cardinal
$2.4 Billion Canadian dollars per week.
@initiall so that’s about $200 USD then?
@Jim Wilson Your Russian schtick is thin, Dmitry
@Nature and Physics

None of those reasons are what the Emergencies Act was written for.
Then pray tell what did the Harper govt write them for ????
Wait, did Dougie just say “Ottawa”? When the F did he learn the whole of Ontario isn’t contained in his precious GTA?
His true colors shining through!!!! When it comes to standing for our freedoms, lives will be disrupted, just ask Ukraine.
Americans can mind their own business. Your opinions are moot.
Why do they bring up the border being blocked as justification? The border blockade was cleared before the emergency act was envoked.
Indeed, but not after the blockades did considerable economic damage. What was to prevent them from reorganizing and hitting Sarnia or Cornwall next? Endure more damage?
@john15008 So now we use the emergency act in anticipation of protests or activities we don’t like? Not the greatest road to go down don’t you think?
@john15008 did the lockdowns and mandates do any damage to businesses? Childhood development? Low income families? Retired and elderly?
I feel gaslit every time government complains about economic setbacks from actions.
@Babylon USA What’s false? The setbacks from the mandates?
yes, the inaction, inattention and running away of Trudeau is what caused the protest to start with…
@Dexter dexter you think the convoy was more disruptive than government has been the past 3 years? Funny
@bsstyle123 yes
I firmly believe Justin has something on Ford. Probably some skeletons in his closet with regards to his late brother or other family in my opinion. The way Doug flipped on mandates and restrictions and started towing the fed line after speaking with dear leader is suspect at best.
I strongly believe that as well. They have something on him.
What Ford owes Trudeau is that he ( and Alberta and Saskatchewan) did not want to be the heavies and declare the Provincial Emergencies Act and deal with it as was their jurisdictional duty. Trudeau took all the flack.
Doug Ford is an open book…plain and simple…he needs $billion from Trudeau to keep healthcare afloat in Ontario.
Govts always need money.
No secret there.
@Samma Vitae trudeau like his oldman didn’t pass the buck.
Sure, because it’s impossible to conceive that he just simply disagrees with you and the other convoy snowflakes on the pandemic.
“Who Says Protests Are Supposed To Be Polite And Peaceful?” -Chris Cuomo
It’s interesting how aboriginal groups can block railway systems and roadways for weeks and sometimes for close to a year and are immune to the dozens of serious laws they,ve broken and yet we incite the emergency act for mainly bylaw infractions.
He brings up borders yet the borders were cleared peacefully before the Emergency measures Act was enforced. I have zero tolerance for Ford. And I’m a conservative
But Ottawa and Ontario were both under states of emergency at the county and provincial levels. So nothwithstanding conventional laws included, what powers did the EA give authorities that they didn’t already have?
Weird…. They didn’t evoke the emergency act when the “supporters” of the Wet’suwet’en were blockading the railway lines and highways to major hubs prior to covid.