New York Times Opinion Writer-at-large Charlie Warzel breaks down the ongoing feud between President Trump and Twitter with Ayman Mohyeldin. Warzel says while Trump doesn't have the "bite" to really go after tech companies and how speech is treated on their platforms, he can still cause them a great deal of legal pain. Aired on 05/28/2020.
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POTUS vs. Twitter Showdown Could Mean 'Massive Legal Nightmare' | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
Another shiny object to deflect away from his failures on the virus.
Trump like shiney… covid fake, shiney good
Charles Bartlett Trump is saying “bigger better, like nobody’s ever seen before I’m incredible it’s all about what I’ve done me blah blah blah,” “oh a piece of candy!” I bet her tweet about it before I think about my daughter again. And forget what my job is as president. I’m so cool, it’s all about me,”
Ban trump from twitter. I want to see him melt down again. It’s pure joy.
Do you. really want to see him. whine and cry
like a. baby 
The emperor got his hand slapped! He’s appalled
Shame trump didn’t act this quickly against covid19..
100,000 dead bodies so far and counting.
@Brenda Zorros I don’t and never will consider him a leader.
@Tom Fowler great idea but I don’t think twitter is courageous enough to do that.
@R L T Hey…… there’s “Russia Loves Trump” (RTL). How ya doing? Got any new slurs?
@DanielT 25 _why are covid deaths more important than flu? Dead is dead._
Flus don’t shut down economies
@WilMar Moby Trump 2020
So this toad can come up with an “executive order” in 1 day but had weeks to prepare for Covid and does NOTHING. Am I the only one waiting for the “list” of things he did in February that he promised that reporter
I remember that list that was promised to Katlyn Collins. She never got it right?
Wayne Waterman I think it was a reporter from CBS but I don’t recall her name. Either way, still no list

they are workshopping it in his office. writing a list takes a while. you’ve got to make up things you want people to believe you did.

He’s so butthurt about Twitter, that he responds the next day. He was warned about Corona for months and did NOTHING…
*100,000 plus dead Americans*
Donald Trump: why won’t Twitter let me lie to my morons?
@Vivian Stimpson Hahah, good one, Agolf Twitler.
@Halloween Knight only liberals get to lie on Twitter. You really believe this is about Trump only. Jesus you are dumb. I’m independent and not even allowed to have a Twitter account. You either agree with democrats are get banned. That’s the reality. If your a Democrat you always agree with them so of course you have never been banned.
For years now democrats have been taking away freedom of speech and claiming they don’t do it when you call them on it. Just be fair to everyone. Nobody is taking away your speech online. Sometimes I feel like registering as a democrat and get online and tell you I’m democrat. That way I can say whatever I want.
Trump wasn’t censored. They just put factcheck links on his posts. He can still post conspiracy theories etc.
who cares he’s just trying to distract report what’s important and the fact the he let 100k + family’s down
Zuckerberg is like Trump: “I take no responsibility.”
They’re talking twitter
I’m not sure that’s what he was trying to get across.
yea i see where suckaturd and fact check also.
Too bad that this president can’t care for 1 person who has CoVid-19 and is dying or being handled with brutality by the police in Minneapolis.
On the person who was killed by police brutality, he was a black man, that Chump is racist against. He whines constantly about Obama, over the fact that he was a black man, and a better person.
Trumpanzee is incapable of feeling anything other than how he feels. He’s a sociopath and his behavior is in keeping with that disorder.
Now the guy in Minnesota is Trump’s fault?
They said he’s going to sign an executive order. That’s the fastest he’s moved on a “public issue”. LOL.
On any issue
how about an Executive order to get people’s Unemployment cheques to them!
I’m glad to see our president is doing what matters the most: whining about the mods on a website.
Nothingseen………well he has to, he’s the whiner in chief
He broke the rules. Maybe just once hold him accountable.
jack dorsey should be ARRESTED for allowing his TwiTTer platform to be used by
Trumpf to hurl abuses and fling insults to one and all A,erican citizens Period
its another cover up to take attention off his failed covid 19 response
there was a response? I must have missed that report.
No, it’s retaliation against something that disagreed with him.
I’ve heard of people being blocked from their accounts for much less than the leader of the free world has done . Assbackwards world we live in.. .
That was quick…. imagine if he called it a hoax and just did nothing for weeks!
Denny I love that sarcasm!
he’s done nothing for six months now, except to help the virus spread.
And just kept playing golf, holding hate rallies in between.
he will not get anywhere, he is again blowing smoke and creating a diversion
It’s almost over. He can’t stay in office forever.
@James Baldwin it’ll be a good start. When the house is burning down, it’s best to get crazy grandpa to stop threatening the firefighters with a shotgun and let the firefighters in.
Thank the Lord!!
@WilMar wow….never mind. You ARE stupid. Again, go fcuk yourself.
@btinsley1 Sure it does if you’re paying attention to what the Repukelicons are doing. They want to make it so tRump will be their idol in chief for as long as possible so they can put nothing but hard core right wingnut judges on the bence and in SCOTUS thereby allowing for him to be the Bigly Oringe Shitbird in Chief as long as possible.
@btinsley1 maybe by Trump dying early
The “Fact Check” feature on Twitter is brilliant! He’ll be lava flow hot and bothered!
When else have we had a president lie this much? Commander cumquat
is a joke