Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testifies before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, amid increasing scrutiny of changes at the agency that Democrats worry may hinder the elections in November.
The USPS has been criticized recently for operational changes and cuts to service that lawmakers say cast doubt on its ability to handle a surge of mail-in ballots. At Friday's hearing, committee members say they plan to press for answers to address concerns about those service delays. On Monday, DeJoy and Chairman of the Postal Board of Governors Robert Duncan are scheduled to testify before the House Oversight Committee, where they're likely to face pointed questions about cuts and service changes at the agency.
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BIDEN 2020
Lock him up!
He need to get fired this man are dangerous for the election
Need lovely

All you heard at the Democrat convention was how horrible the American people are and how we must change. Bash President Trump constantly and that’s about it. What you did not hear is anyone speaks of their platform of the Democrat party. Seems odd, doesn’t it? It is so bad they must talk about anything else but what they’re going to do. Not a word of the unrest in Democrat-controlled cities across the country. The fact Democrats are trying to sell Biden & Harris as moderates show what they’re afraid of.
Right now we have Democrat Mayors ordering police to stand down while the city is looted, burned. citizens beat in the streets, monuments destroyed, police stations attacked taken over and allowed to be occupied. Antifa and BLM founder is a Marxist, (the media is hiding this fact) are the criminals behind this and the Democrat city and state leaders are complicit. A sneak preview of a Biden/Harris administration. These attacks on our cities are accomplished under the guise of “freedom of speech” but in reality, it’s the freedom to commit anarchy on a wide scale with leftist city & state officials turning a blind eye.
If Joe Biden is elected President America will be on fire…..only Biden won’t send federal officers.
Biden stated he’s going to “transform America” If you vote for Joe Biden it will be for a far-left platform. Biden has stated he is a” progressive,” he must follow the radical left’s agenda or he won’t get the support (and he is) of Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, Karen Bass (Leader Congressional Black Caucus), llhan Omar, Elizabeth Warren, Val Demings, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Valerie Jarrett,. Rashida Talib, Stacy Abrams, Ayanna Pressley, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, Pramila Jayapal. (This is the core of the socialist’s wing of the Democrat party) and is firmly in charge, not old, confused Joe Biden. Biden will be a puppet to Kamala Harris and those mentioned above.
Jim fox Says you and thy lying, treasonous Donald Trump!
Louis DeJoy’s interview mannerism’s (Not looking into the camera) says he is lying!! Body language 101.
@Wheelz Conversely, a seasoned liar like Donald Trump can sell someone beachfront property in the middle of the state of Wyoming if they lack due diligence. (YOU)
@ra15899550 How you know Trumped lied? Maybe MSM lied.
Maybe you are lying saying trump lied.
Wheelz Lol
Lying sob just like Trump and his effing mockery of an administration….they should all be hanged for treason against the American people and for their abysmal failure to protect the American people!!
@Carine Zitella Boy are you going to be upset and confussed when Trump gets 4 more years and all your democrat herros start going to prison. Spying on a campaign, lying on the fisa warrents, fake dossier, prepare yourself. It’s coming.
Why would the USPS be expected to generate revenue when no other public service is? The military, public schools and libraries, national parks, police and fire departments and the infrastructure are not required to generate revenue. None of them have been forced to fund pensions 75 years in advance, as the post office was in 1996. Except for the VA, no other federal institution has been targeted for privatization the way the USPS has been over the past 40 years. If you don’t want to pay UPS or FedEx $12.00 to mail a bill or a birthday card, please call your Senators at 1-844-889-3222. Ignore the message that prefaces connecting you. You can leave any message you want to. Please call both of your senators (you will need to make a separate call for each one). The Republicans are behind the push to privatize and especially need to hear from us.
Note to Senate thank you very much for helping me and mine with voting choices..
When they have you in handcuffs will you be laughing?
Biden / Harris Platform & Goals:(Do you know?)
Socialist llhan Omar stated recently, she will support Biden who has “one of the most progressive platforms in the history of the Democrat party.”
*Citizenship for 20 to 50 million illegal aliens, DACA, TPS recipients, and their families with a cost of billions to taxpayers.
*De-fund Police. Kamala Harris called it “re-imagine law enforcement” in the senate. Biden recently stated he was in favor, quote “redirecting law enforcement finds.” Police funds will be distributed to other programs. If Biden is elected you will see de-funding law enforcement countrywide.
*Free Healthcare for Illegal aliens, DACA, TPS recipients (taxpayer-funded with one estimate at 52 trillion)
(Watch Biden and Harris raise their hands in support.)
*Massive tax increases. Biden has stated he will raise taxes to over 71 trillion. With his platform, he will have to.
*Sanctuary Cities & States. Biden & Harris supports sanctuary cities.
*Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Green new deal.(which would create massive unemployment, 100,000 jobs estimated in the transportation industry alone.) Biden & Harris support.
*Reparations for the race’s harmed by Caucasians. Biden & Kamala Harris committed to Al Sharpton to support Sheila Jackson Lee’s reparations bill in the House. Basically a tax will be levied on all Caucasians in America. (you can’t make this stuff up)
*De-fund & terminate border patrol & ICE. Funds used for other programs. * Climate Change: Biden climate change plan will cost trillions of tax dollars & jobs.
*The Second Amendment will be under attack even more under Biden. Biden stated, “Beto O’Rourke will be his gun Czar,” Hell yeah I’m coming for your guns.”
*Ending of all private / employer-based health care. “Medicare for all”, Feds run everything. This is Kamala Harris’s baby. Kiss goodbye to your healthcare plan if Biden/Harris wins.
*Illegal Aliens eligible for welfare & food stamps. (Elizabeth Warren’s plan adopted) Endorsed by Biden & Harris.
*Free college for all, including illegal aliens (taxpayer-funded with estimates in the billions). Bernie Sanders’s plan adopted. *Decriminalization of illegal entry into our country immediately.
*Open Borders.
*End all deportations of illegal aliens immediately, if you get here, you stay. Bernie’s website calls it a “moratorium” on deportations.
*Drivers Licenses for illegal aliens (already happening in states with Democrat leadership. Biden & Harris endorsed
*Destruction and erasing our history. Democrats want to make this election all about President Trump. NOT their platform & Goals for obvious
**Truth is TRUMP Promised him that if he delivered TRUMP Vision He will make this BOLD head guy’s wife American Ambassador in Canada**
It Is Easier For RUSSIAN HACKERS To Interfere With Poll Voting Than Mail-In Voting
There Is NOT A Fear Of Mail-In Voting. There IS A Fear Of The RUSSIAN HACKERS Not
Getting Enough Data From Poll Voting To Alter The Election.
Democrat party has lost my vote!
I’m not into depending on being a victim like they want me to be.
And I saw first hand what former First Lady/man tried to divide black white yellow brown!
Before it was just black and white, now the black crooks in office want us to hate everyone that’s not black!!!
Biden / Harris Platform & Goals:(Do you know?)
Socialist llhan Omar stated recently, she will support Biden who has “one of the most progressive platforms in the history of the Democrat party.”
*Citizenship for 20 to 50 million illegal aliens, DACA, TPS recipients, and their families with a cost of billions to taxpayers.
*De-fund Police. Kamala Harris called it “re-imagine law enforcement” in the senate. Biden recently stated he was in favor, quote “redirecting law enforcement finds.” Police funds will be distributed to other programs. If Biden is elected you will see de-funding law enforcement countrywide.
*Free Healthcare for Illegal aliens, DACA, TPS recipients (taxpayer-funded with one estimate at 52 trillion)
(Watch Biden and Harris raise their hands in support.)
*Massive tax increases. Biden has stated he will raise taxes to over 71 trillion. With his platform, he will have to.
*Sanctuary Cities & States. Biden & Harris supports sanctuary cities.
*Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Green new deal.(which would create massive unemployment, 100,000 jobs estimated in the transportation industry alone.) Biden & Harris support.
*Reparations for the race’s harmed by Caucasians. Biden & Kamala Harris committed to Al Sharpton to support Sheila Jackson Lee’s reparations bill in the House. Basically a tax will be levied on all Caucasians in America. (you can’t make this stuff up)
*De-fund & terminate border patrol & ICE. Funds used for other programs. * Climate Change: Biden climate change plan will cost trillions of tax dollars & jobs.
*The Second Amendment will be under attack even more under Biden. Biden stated, “Beto O’Rourke will be his gun Czar,” Hell yeah I’m coming for your guns.”
*Ending of all private / employer-based health care. “Medicare for all”, Feds run everything. This is Kamala Harris’s baby. Kiss goodbye to your healthcare plan if Biden/Harris wins.
*Illegal Aliens eligible for welfare & food stamps. (Elizabeth Warren’s plan adopted) Endorsed by Biden & Harris.
*Free college for all, including illegal aliens (taxpayer-funded with estimates in the billions). Bernie Sanders’s plan adopted. *Decriminalization of illegal entry into our country immediately.
*Open Borders.
*End all deportations of illegal aliens immediately, if you get here, you stay. Bernie’s website calls it a “moratorium” on deportations.
*Drivers Licenses for illegal aliens (already happening in states with Democrat leadership. Biden & Harris endorsed
*Destruction and erasing our history. Democrats want to make this election all about President Trump. NOT their platform & Goals for obvious
I just want these Criminals out of the government.
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Fire him period.
Why is this sob still in this job????!!!
Why all this activity just before the election and just after Trump’s conspiracy theory that there will be cheating in vote by mail with no evidence. Incidently I suspect with the underhand methods employed in making voting harder and how it’s affecting almost everyone, I suspect that the frustration felt by most is how Native Americans, Black Americans, and POC, Latinos etc have been feeling about the injustice brought about by systemic racism for centuries!
Nojoy needs to go! And the sorting machines need to stay!