The remaining suspect in a series of stabbing attacks in Saskatchewan may have been spotted on James Smith Cree Nation, according to police.
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Can Canada at least make basic self defence tools such as pepper spray legal?
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6
@aegisgfx ar 15 is useless if you are not proficient with it ,practice is imperative, a 12 Guage with buckshot is better for less experienced shooters but you still need practice
@Got any grapes? once was enough for their victims
Hopefully, this guys 60th conviction will put him in prison for a bit longer than the last 59 have.
Don’t kid yourself, he’ll be in jail for about 2-6 years, than released with a new name and different credentials
the 60th is 6ft under I hope.
@knganth3m Not too bright are you?
@knganth3m So why is Saul David Betesh still called Saul David Betesh, and why is he still in prison after 45 years? The same is true of Robert Wayne Kribs; Joseph Woods died in prison. The three of them were all convicted of murdering a twelve-year-old shoeshine boy in Toronto in 1977.
They still have not caught them
One was found dead.
@Zombiisugar them , can include one person
@Avus -gofo since when?
@Avus -gofo “them” is plural so that’s impossible.
This is absolutely horrific.
Which part? That they harboured him since May and now they are shocked he is working on his 60th conviction?
You can’t own something for self defense, but you can use what is at hand to defend yourself. Up to you what you have at hand…
legally!! your life is more important than years in prison alway remember that
Omg he should of been in jail for years now
He should be in jail and never see the light of day ever again
It is so hard to see this happen because this is my dads home reserve
Why do you think they harboured these guys since May? Too bad someone didn’t turn them in.
@Special Levo i totally agree
@Special Levo “They” That’s kinda fucked up.
@Eagle Creek117 “They” in this context is members of this community. It has been reported there are numerous outstanding warrants. If “someone” would have reported these guys, all this might have been prevented.
@Eagle Creek117 what’w wrong w they? it’s a pronoun used to describe a group. Just simple communication, no need to make it out to be more than it is.
When seconds count, the RCMP is completely clueless, lost, and incompetent.
You forgot, “corrupt”, in your list.
Omg I’m so scared- bad time to be Canadian right now..
Why you scard just defend your self if need be
Canada ranks as one of the safest countries in the world. If it’s a bad time to be Canadian, it must be a horrific time to be anything else. Count your blessings.
All the “news outlets” and police are like a day behind on all of the “updates”. No wonder he’s still out there.
No one in Canada has a right to defend themselves, their family or their property with a firearm, Trudeau declared, Daily Wire reports. “You can’t use a gun for self-protection in Canada. It’s not a right that you have,” says Trudeau.
Trudeau’s days are numbered
Better to be judged by 12.
And yet he has an armed security detail. Rules for thee…..
Horrible job on behalf of the RCMP.
They haven’t been able to stop any of this just recover bodies.
They won’t take him in alive that’s a fact, he knows he’s finished and if he is caught and aprehanded he’s never getting out of prison for the remaining of his life. He ain’t going down like that, if I was in his shoes that’s how I would go out. The Cops would have to take me out, before I’m captured alive.
What are these criminals walking the street for with 59 prior convictions.
Lottsa interections to hop around on to evade the law in our wonderful new and improved world of intersectionality zzzzzzzzZING
welcome to canada ! we are so nice we even have a hard time saying no to A$%holes
How awful I feel like the residents are sitting ducks , it should be allowable to defend yourself in extreme circumstances
Never should have let him oot, eh?
I cannot believe how assault knives are still legal in this country
My Condolences to the families! The R.C.M.P. Should put out a bunch of Planes flying over the highways and range roads, and Patrol cars at gas stations, that man’s vehicle is gonna need gas sooner or later! And they should also check if any of the victims vehicles are missing License plates in case he switched plates! Every province has their own colours on their plates!

If he ditches his vehicle? The police are going to need the K-9 unit dogs to track the scent! Also check for any missing vehicles from any of the victims in case he switches vehicles!
Stay Safe Everyone!

Thankyou to the rcmp for your service
Heaven knows why he is picking on the innocent. Would have thought he would have gone after the Canadian Prime Minister .