Portland protesters clash with federal agents as courthouse fence breached in 'riot'.
RELATED: Is it legal for Department of Homeland Security to send federal agents to cities?
Portland police declared the latest clashes a "riot" but protesters say it's been largely peaceful.
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#portland #protests
Remember guys. If they get arrested for a federal crime, thats racism.
Federal police protecting a Federal building seems to make sense.
if you leave the buildings alone, stop defacing them n trying to destroy them, the feds will leave u alone!! so simple!!
That goes against these spoiled liberals logic
No mention of the shooting between protestors, or the molotov cocktails that were found along with a rifle and several magazines of ammunition.
See that’s why you watch the live feeds. Good job telling us the truth and speaking out truth to the comments section I’ll look into this even if I’m the only one that ends up knowing what’s actual truth here.
AmnFisher Those were “peaceful” molotov cocktails and “peaceful” magazines of ammunition

@Oh Great one LOL!!!!
These “protesters” can’t even explain why they are there.
All I know is, we’ve been in lock down for 7 months so I see a crowd out their, theirs a lot of noise, fireworks, and it looks fun, so I joined” (most of their true rationale
George Kirby
Its either that or looking at themselves in the mirror
For George Kirby & Brenda Taylor
It’s the beginning of the Communist take over.
It’s not protests, it’s riot.
All Biden voters.
Natty Bumppo people voted already?
NUKE CHINA thought voting was done at the voting booths ? Not mob rule.
That’s not how it’s done. But trying to talk sense to you is useless.
USA Today and Communist Tomorrow. If you MSM networks think that Americans will forget your role in this, you are sadly mistaken.
@John Oslavic lol me too
Everything is a big giant joke to some people.
Hurr durr funny one liner.
I’m waiting on these anarchists to turn on these MSM and try to burn down their buildings.
Natty Bumppo CNN Atlanta, and CNN called the police to protect them. Protection for me but not for thee. Elites acting like they are the only people who matter since 4000BC.
Communism is perfectly legal, you’re a petty tyrant ha lol!
Wake up America the MSM is lying about the “peaceful” protestors
When will arrests begin of the enemy media?
Rioters=Biden voters.
“protestors say it was LARGELY PEACEFUL”
translations: we acted like idiots and tore shut up
there is no war without death. Be careful what you wish for. Don’t poke the bear.
Memo to media .. THESE ARE FULL BLOWN RIOTS .. you might make a note of it. Or lose all credibility
97% of the people milling around are only a riot in your tiny mind.
Ahh, Portland. Where young people go to retire….
where all the geys go to play hole in one.
All I see is Arsonist, Looters, Destroyers of Public property.
What about the Native Americans a 0:39? Awesome demonstration of native culture. You should watch and learn.
These are all Biden voters.
The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Satan’s kids acting like their father. Democrats show their support for the antichrist’s “Man of lawlessness” by working to destroy law enforcement, disarm the law abiding, and prosecute the law abiding who defend themselves from the lawless mobs.
Go back to Cuba.
CubanExile . Hey, Cuban. I suggest you return to Havana. You may be poorer there but at least you have your dignity and safety. But wish America well and remember that tolerance towards law breaking always ends in disaster.
Feds must be hiding a lot of meth in that courthouse.
lol, portland, number 1 hub zone for meth and hallucinogens.
usa today needs to realize that we do not believe their fake news lmao
More like
China Today
@N STAR edit: China Tommorow
Big facts
In November, DO NOT vote for a Democrat for ANY office. See below for reason why.
Yeahh HELL NO!!!
No way in hell would I vote for a DAMN AMERICA HATING DEMOCRAT..
Yeah, the world is so much better than it was four years ago
*FAKE NEWS.* These “protesters” are killing eachother and destroying buildings. Why don’t you include that in your report?
Check out the avatar image on this goof – lol!
Charge them all with Sedition and Domestic Terrorism.
This is what happens when the demand for racism far exceeds the supply.
Liberal Econ-101
When you attack a building and a group of people THAT IS NOT A PROTEST IT IS A VIOLENT INSURRECTION!!