NBC News' Steve Patterson reports on the right-wing rally in Portland, Ore., that has local officials preparing for potential clashes with a protest across town.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Portland Braces For Potential Violent Clashes Between Right-Wing Rally And Protesters | MSNBC
Praying for Portland. God help us all.
@smackdowner Not when FB, tgop, and many with oil and gas interests have been LYING to people. That is UNCHRISTIAN.
It is not God who has left us – but we who have left Him. If you believe God is Truth. Then, following LIES, takes us away from God.
That’s OUR FAULT not His.
@tim murphy thanks mate!

@Michael Parks no worries
@smackdowner You can’t blame God if you’ve done it to yourselves. 40% of Ameticans not wearing masks with community spread = self-inflicted.
Liberals need guns
Their group isn’t very big, let them just fade away
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 You obviously have never used the Canadian system; we Canadians love never having to pull out our wallets and we don’t have long wait times as you uninformed Yankees keep insisting.
@Scott Allen
Yes I do.
@Ken Bugbee, I’ll have to rewatch the video because I didn’t.
Or let em do a circular firing squad.
Oh wouldn’t it be fun to have a fire slurry plane & just waste all of em’.
Wtf are they doing there anyway.
BarelyLewd yummy hooters.
*all they can to escalate tension – with the goals of chaos; assault; and murder.*
@camaro6914 did you notice her shoulders are missing in the picture?
The only reason these members of Trumps *Armed Militia* are in Portland is to pick a fight at the direction of *Donny the Dictator*
@Dramatized The proud little boys and Patriot Prayer have attacked others many times, including attacking counter protesters who were minding their own business and sitting on the patio at a Portland pub, knocking a woman unconscious.
They have the right to have the rally. But if they go looking for trouble then I’m sure they’ll find it. And probably more than they want.
@Benji Jarman I agree with the irritation. I supplied “proof” to ‘William Bailey’ for you.
Exactly about the ‘member’ thing. My sister-in-law’s nephew was involved in the event that eventually caused the formation of the first Antifa ‘organization’ – Rose City Antifa. It was Hammerfest held by a group of Neo-Nazis in 2007. He moved soon after but kept in contact with friends associated with it plus has done some internet work to expose hate groups. None of them say they are “members”. They participate in activities and coordinate activities but there isn’t membership.
Trying to make people understand and plowing through the propaganda b.s. is frustrating.
Here’s the link which I was going to give you earlier.
The reason I ask is your harmless group was just classified as a terrorist group 2 days ago. Just like ISIS. No answer?
@William Bailey Funny you say that.Many antifascists traveled to Syria to fight ISIS.But as the FBI Director says…you can’t proscribe an ideology.Banning Antifa is just a Trumpian diversion.
@Benji Jarman so the FBI are liars? I thought they were in charge of the Russian collusion hoax. It was their evidence that declared antifa a terrorist group. So which is it. Are they liars or are they telling the truth?
@William Bailey You do know that antifascism is a global movement? Not an American organisation.
What happens when trash ventures out of the trailer park. They have no convictions. They’ll go home by Monday and the legitimate, necessary peaceful protests will continue.
@Jenna C I could type a little slower, and more spaces, if that is your speed. Hey, I’m not knocking you for being slow. You do you, big girl! Even you “special” people matter! Don’t forget your helmet, pumpkin!
@Dave Kegley look up your own link you lazy POS. Plenty of them out there if you know how to use a search bar.
@Lex Gaming the kkk doesnt exist either.
@Thing Fish her kids and mine?
@Ferox I’m not a leftist or a democrat but you’re definitely a violent racist inbred trump cultist. So seriously how many kids do you have with your sister?
Portland metro 2.5 million.
Doesn’t look like very many showed up
MelanieLauree and like useful idiots Antifa shows up.
Proud boys come south out of Centralia and Chehalis WA. A bunch of mouth breathers
*Writer: Biden’s economic proposal a mass of major tax hikes*
July 24, 2020
*Joe Biden recently went public with his new economic proposal, and it’s a page from the hidden agenda of the new Democratic socialist playbook. He favors 10 major tax increases on high-income earners, investors, corporations and heirs. He is also proposing a higher progressive tax on income and on wealth.*
*In his proposal, corporate income tax will go from 21% to 28%, which means corporations that employ thousands will again move out of the country and take jobs.*
*Biden also wants to eliminate the special low rate on long-term capital gains, raising it from 23.9% to 39.6%. This will end the bull market on Wall Street and directly have negative results on retirement accounts.*
*Also Biden wants to do away with the “stepped-up basis” in one’s inheritance, which means you will pay huge taxes on any appreciated assets that you inherit from your parents or grandparents.*
*Quite frankly, if Biden gets in come November we will all be up the creek without a paddle or at sea without a compass or rudder.*
i bet when they commit crimes the D O J will not prosecute using the RICO act against them even though it will be used against protesters and or rioters. In Louisville the cops were giving armed militia tips, as to where they could patrol and keep an eye on protesters, not rioters just normal protesters. So now the police are allowing militias to police protest? Is America Great yet, or do we not achieve greatness until we are all policed by trump supporters? If the protest is calm provocateurs will provoke. Make no mistake once they get a taste they will not stop at “patrolling” protest.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
1000 on both sides
Lets see what the police do when they start to riot?
Well the Democrat Governor or Mayor hasn’t done nothing in over 100 days of rioting, looting
“proud boys”…… sounds very right wing fachismmy. I guess trump will call for calm and restraint……… Hmmmm.
@David Hale site your source of the amount of businesses looted and burned. 100 days of protests….that means over a hundred buildings have been burned to the ground, right? Where are they?
@David Halea white bugaloo member killed police officers in California but y’all conveniently won’t talk about it.
Renai Renai the cost of the riots since Floyd death has been almost 2 billion dollars in damages.
So during the riots since Floyd death there’s been no businesses or people killed in those riots ?
Even msnbc stood in front of burning businesses reporting it.
@David Hale I don’t think they’re ALL racist. I think they have been deceived. Nevertheless, they are SUPPORTING a racist – knowingly or not. But, as you say, they’re all different. Many of them think they’re voting for “a better economy”. Tho, after 6 bankrupted businesses and a failed Pandemic response. The US economy is “in the toliet” – with no Gov’t help coz trump wants cash for the 1% before he’ll help “normal people”. He doesn’t care about “normal people”, he encourages them to get Covid, so he can PRETEND – on camera – everything is “normal” – another LIE.
Michael Parks Hahahaha whatever. Your just a puppet repeating what Rachel Maddow tells you.
More Cameras than Trump Militia…..
Yes I hope it stays that way
It’s the fat boys
when they roll down a hill in formation ? Operation rolling thunder.
Sounds Trumpy … proud boy’s ..that is about his speed.
Carlus Wilmot I know right, antifa sounds more bad a** but their the good guys unlike those terrorist Trump supporters that dress up like antifa every night and terrorize the country
Proud boys ha ha ha, even the name is pedestrian.
And your speed is ANTIFA terrorists.
@Carlus Wilmot ANTIFA terrorists group. Yes
Better than soy boy.
1:40 “Far-White”
Freudian slip OF THE CENTURY.
I died so hard
Rob G. Excellent comment
Yep! I caught that. He wasn’t wrong.
Proud. boy, little scare soldiers, they need their guns to feel like a man………proud BOYS!
@Anthony Egidio hatshepsutof Ethiopia but it was called the land of kush she was a great general and Pharaoh I think it was around 700 BC give or take
M G, do you know what’s said about people who insist or (in your case) pretend to be smarter than others?
@Anthony Egidio good for you will how that works out for you.
slappy91able I don’t know what they say. but we can talk about physics, differential calculus, thermodynamics and advance circuit diagnostics if you don’t believe me and if you have knowledge of it.
prove me wrong IF you have a science degree.
otherwise you are just rambling.
btw. I never claimed to be smarter than anyone, someone insulted my education so I mentioned my qualifications and area of expertise.
Anthony Egidio ugh… no one said there were no women fighting wars in the past; I said that the image of a soldier since ancient times, was portrayed as a young male. Japanese culture had badass women warriors, but my point is that the saying “feel like a man” has nothing to do with misogynistic bias, it’s just a saying that’s being around for centuries.
That crowd size is not worth the press coverage. Pack up the cameras.
@Eric Klaus <---- Incoherent obtuse loser
Abolish the police
arrest the cops
Flavius Stilicho …..Go put your head in the sand…

just like TRUMP this BS is playing out!!!!
2000 people not enough
Without the headline and the audio I would have thought they evacuated a trailer park or something.
B iden2020

TRUMP SUPPORTERS having a yard sale before TRUMP losses.
We told them to leave and they didn’t. Is it really any surprise that violence is breaking out? They’re not welcome here.
Who told who to leave and who’s not welcome where your comment says nothing I would like to agree with it but I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m hoping you mean the proud boys are not welcome
I agree. The far left aren’t welcomed.
@Darla Bot She meant the proud boys. They’ve been identified as a gang by Gavin McInnes himself.
The USA should drop nuclear bombs on Portland. It provides ZERO benefit to allow it’s denizens to continue surviving.
These “proud boys” look like a bunch of nitwits, military surplus wannabes.
This is what they are …..
Typical deplorables !!
@Barbara Majer Venture away from MSNBC and you’ll see that about 75% of American support the Proud Boys
@YouMockMe these douches, wouldn’t ever be heard from if not In a group and if they didn’t have their guns, but no you got that wrong these stains promote violence.
@Jevon Little I can’t wait to get a few of you Antifa punks under my transmission dragging you down the highway.
Nick Bolton, Tactical Guy!
3 star Sturmbahnführer with a Tactical Shaver, Flashlight, Tactical Sunglasses, all camo’d up. Ready for battle.
At this point, defending Trump is an odd hill to die on. But at least when you do die, he’ll call you a loser for it.
@James Murphy Historcal tho. These freaks just want to continue what german soldiers tried doing and failed to do.
@Otakun The vegan you do realize that Trump was calling our fallen soldiers loosers right?
@Tyler Hensley Exactly, these trumpets don’t care. They just wanna play Stormtrooper for the Clorox, he speaks for the injected bleach.
@Tyler Hensley
You do realize unverifiable anonymous sources don’t hold up against over 20 named fact witnesses that denied it was ever said ?!?
Why on earth would a gown man want to belong to a group called the “proud boys?” And exactly what are they so proud of? They should probably change their name to the “Prepubescent Boys.”
Lol proud boys and and antifa don’t mix on end you have extreme right on the other extreme left be ready for a civil war
Well said David. Proud little boys that don’t actually have anything to be proud of. That’s why they’re so angry all the time.
It’s not a right wing rally, it’s a hate group. Call it like it is media!