CNN's Poppy Harlow presses Donald Trump campaign adviser Mercedes Schlapp on Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, as case numbers across the country continue to surge.
#CNN #News
Poppy Harlow clashes with Trump’s campaign adviser on handling of Covid-19

“Latina when is convenient.”
Is she legal??
Mercedes- just another one of those “Worst kind of people…”
The interaction between these women is almost comical.Poppy is doing a good job.
She can’t even answer a yes or no question
No one working for President Bunkerhead will ever do
Neither can Biden. No politician can so whats your point. She wont let her get an answer out
It’s like interviewing Houdini.
@Katie Freeman it’s almost pointless.
“..we lost the signal there..we lost Mercedes there..”
Poppy you didn’t lose much.
Note how it was immediately followed by a “Thank you” :p
I think it was deliberate. Poppy just got tired of her insane ranting.
Someone pushed a button …
I would have lost the signal way earlier in that interview.
Time will reveal…
Sadly she’ll be singing a different song once covid hits home
I love this interview.
She’s trying so hard to save her job
But the truth keeps clapping back
The billionaire’s daughter is telling unemployed Americans to “find something new.”
Thanks for the advice, Ivanka.
@Dallas Johnson thats not the point! Ivanka, who has started business with daddys name and money, is telling the guy who is out of work, “find something new to do”. Thats like a man writing a book about what its like to be pregnant.
@John Smith well according to your progressive comrades, men actually can write that book…you know…because they can be women now
@AUGUSTUS CAESER for what?? If Hillary is still walking, and the Dem mayors who let their cities go to sht are still walking, Trump wont be facing any sentence
Maybe she could go find something new because she sure as hell should not be in our Government.
“I have NOT read it.” OMG MG MG — does anything more really need to be said??? Pffffttt!….
Read the transcript…LoL
She called her out
Her daddy fled communism so now his daughter is embrasing fascism
Batista was the dictator before Fidel and crew. Cuba democratic history is non existent.
that Mercedes wears her ignorance like its a badge of honor
How much is she being paid? IF she really believes the BS coming out of her mouth – she needs psychological evaluation big time!
She’s got chops, next is a promotion.

Analogy of this administration: QUICKSAND …the more they talk, the deeper they sink
Thats not sand thier sinking into Albert!
Aw very true
Like Joe can even complete a sentence. Really. Talk about Quicksand. Joe will sink faster than Hillary.
@Rlammbo lol, he’s not the one currently sinking!
that would be dump!!
GOP should change their name to the DNP: Do Nothing Party
@SaibotKing2000: Those initials have already been taken: They could and should rename their party ‘G.S.P.’, which stands for Going Senile Party.
@duhmahsnabores More appropriate would be ‘Gone Senile Party’………..they have been there for quite some time
Are you sure. I think its the other way around. Dems should change their name to what they really are…..Socialist. You had it all with obama and sank the country. Trumps had it for 4 years and broke records on all fronts. Once covid is gone he will do it again. It will be back. Trump 2020
They should change the name of the GOP and renamed it the coronavius party of the GOP.
It’s also been suggested that GOP stands for: Got Other Plans.
Personally, I think that is true on soooo many levels.
Let’s be honest, nobody really takes anyone named Mercedes seriously!!
All she wanted to do was fight & not discuss the issues seriously!!
@Mercedes Schlapp: Trump to electorate: “Vote for me in November and I will send you a free can of Goya beans , just pay for the shipping.”
But wait, order now and get a free pillow stuffed with factory floor foam scraps.
Now that’s funny
Interesting how this woman gets so immediately on the defensive for being asked on some of the inconsistencies with her boss.
Mercedes, she’s an immigrant when she”s not being a ” Karen” wannabe like many latinas who marry a gringo.
I heard that also; “being a Latino woman”. Give it a break lady!
I thought she was a Chicano whatever that is . Y’all have so many names for yourselves
Almost 140,000 Americans dead, trumps response; “GET ME THE BEANS”
They all have been told to keep saying “bold and decisive” when talking about Trump. Every single one of his people keep repeating that.
Don’t forget “unprecedented”.
All western politicians have their rehearsed lines. Trump’s no different.