In his weekly general audience at the Vatican, Pope Francis urged parents around the world not to condemn their children if they are gay.
Francis has previously said he would not "judge" gay priests and that he supports civil unions.
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#PopeFrancis #Vatican #LGBTQ
The indoctrinating of children should be off limits. Let them BE kids.
Not anymore..thats their steal a generation..and if u look around its not hard to see wjats going on if u really want to..God Bless
Wrong! They should always be condemned.
This Pope is sinful.
Can the pope go one day without bordering on heresy.
It’s not our place to say he is being a heretic or not. That’s for the Vatican to decide
@Rule Americana where does it say that in the bible?
@My Lamberfeeties you protestant? The church came first before the bible
@Rule Americana no it did not archeology proves that. The church was formed FAR after religion
You know
The pope should actually read the bible.
bible says otherwise he must be reading his own writings and not God’s.
The emperor has no clothes ! However, much love to the children.
The pope fruity
My fellow Christian you see your problem

The pope of Babylon
Listen “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word (Jesus) and believes him who sent me (God) has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.John 5:24 Are people born gay? Do people choose to commit adultery or fornicate or are they born with a tendency to sin? Please think about it. Believe&repent today. Love Y’All