1. @Linda C , yes, that I got. I was curious as to what her husband said to the Pope. Thanks for responding, I really appreciate it. ✌️🖖🍁🇨🇦🍁

    1. @Twitchy B Please enlighten us, what crime has he committed? Religion is a private matter that is between God and each one of us. Google what a 72 year old Hutu pastor and his medical doctor son had done in Rwanda against Tutsis. If only all of us focus on the Golden Rule of the Bible than beating each other up and acting as one is a better Christian than the other. I wish you Peace!

    1. It maybe fairytales but if it’s helpful to someone who cares. I love lord of the rings and it’s helped me through dark times.

    2. @Yves Paquette Lol fairytale? So you’re saying our DNA is not evidence of grand design? I had no idea books could write themselves.

    3. @Proud American
      DNA isn’t a book… it’s a chain of chemicals. If you mean to say that DNA is LIKE A BOOK, in that the combinations of its constituent elements (letters to form words in books, and chemicals to form proteins in DNA) behave in predictable ways and information can be generated by understanding these patterns, then in that way you are correct to compare the two. If you mean to insinuate that DNA must have an author because books have authors and both DNA and books have predictable combinations of constituent elements then NO… that second assumption is not supported by evidence.

      DNA is not a language, the letters we use to describe DNA are G, C, A, T and they stand for guanine, cytosine, adenine, and thymine (the chemicals that comprise DNA). These chemical combinations don’t spell out words and there is no “message”contained within DNA. All genetic codes are simply combinations of chemicals that have specific functions and those functions dictate the manifestation of specific traits. You are confusing an ANALOGY for a DEFINITION… DNA is “like a code,” DNA is not an actual code.

      Human beings use the word “code” to describe DNA because DNA behaves according to predictable patterns, as all chemicals do, and as codes do. This single similarity is the basis for the analogy. The analogy was NOT created on the the illformed suggestion that DNA is written by a thinking agent as codes are written by thinking agents. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that DNA is an actual code with an actual author… your religion has dishonestly convinced you to ignore this distinction between analogy and definition in order to force you misunderstanding.

  1. I lost my daughter last month
    I wouldn’t wish it for anyone else
    I understand your pain
    I wouldn’t tell you it’s going to get better
    We all need to have our own pace
    I pray that our Lord stays close to you and your family

    1. My deepest sympathy and condolences to you and your family. May the lord give you strength in your time of need. 🙏🫂

  2. He’s a person. If he makes you feel better by this then okay but he is person just like you

    1. A person with a title as a Leader/prime minister/president/Pope of the the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church

    2. a person….but not like you or me my friend. you can see the grace and love pouring from this man.

  3. I must admit, it don’t enjoy everything he has said and done, but this is a beautiful example of MINISTRY, empathy, love. May God touch and strengthen that hurting family. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽➕🖤

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