Pope Francis asks for prayers for Pope Benedict XVI, saying the retired pontiff is "very sick."
Pope Francis is asking the faithful for their prayers as the health of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI worsens.
Speaking on Wednesday, Francis departed from his prepared remarks to announce that Benedict is "very sick." He didn't elaborate on the condition of Benedict, 95.
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#pope #catholic #christian
U think tgat will hppend
Plenty of water less phone cause of radiation less sugar switch to Coke Zero less coffee more vegies more sunlight but sit in shade sit outside in warm climate
Even though I am not Catholic my prayers are lifted up for his comfort and that his doctors hands will be guided in giving him comfort and health In the name of Jesus Christ amen.
Prayers have never helped anybody and will also not help here. Nobody can live forever. We were all born to die some day.
@Omar Sanchez Didn`t the last Polish Pope die although Cardinals prayed for him day and night?All sick people I know, who went to prayer camps to get better, all died.
You cant pray for a million dollars.
My whole life prayers have worked.
@William Henry Dr.med.Acquah There has only been ONE Polish Pope, St. Pope John Paul Ii. Pope Benedict is Bavarian, which means he is German. Both he and John Paul II suffered greatly from the Nazi’s in WWII.
@William Henry Dr.med.Acquahpeople are born to die .. You are to live your life and you will be judged. Were you a good or bad person? Did you recognize God or did you sneer at HIS mention? This life is a test for souls. You are on your way to failing.
@Billy Bob May the soul of my sister rest in peace. She believed in prayers when she got sick.She has been buried for over 3 years .
We hope you go before the old pope
I thought he was already taken out….?
I’m not Catholic but I know a false idol when I see one.
Apparently you don’t.
I keep praying and trumps still here. Guess one has to help themselves.
Whatever just another human if he is religious etc…then what’s to pray about exactly…
Acts 2/38
Oh, Lord Jesus, if it be your will, let Pope Benedict’s illness be as painless as possible, physically, yes, But Lord let the mental part be glorious and full of rejoicing!! Especially if it is time for dear Pope Benedict to go to you and your Blessed Mother.
“THERE IS NO WORSE IGNORANCE THAN YOUR OWN IGNORANCE” AND? Praying are just words that nothing, but ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, can do for any of us. Good afternoon family and good health to all. Excuse me for nothing, but only the joint ACTION with MEDICINE, SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY itself is that it can, and perhaps, do something effective and real in our lives
. BELIEVE, IMAGINE, FANTASIES and PRAY nothing can do. 

I do not take away the FAITH, I am only REALISTIC. They believe in what they want. One thing is to “believe” and another thing is to check those “beliefs” with FACTS
️ and REAL evidence without reasonable doubt. 


TWO popes ?
wow, that is so confusing.
Praying in vain? Christ is their god. A false god a man who got himself and his followers killed by feeding them hope in their guilts of losing their ways. Read those five books
“Prayers?” He’s 95 for God’s sake! Time to check out.
Nuff said?