U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says will be transition to 'second Trump' term. Here's how U.S. President-elect Joe Biden reacted to the statement.
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well, Joe if your right, then you have nothing to worry about.
@Mark Andersen haha fraudulent votes. You will surely see when trump is president again. Watch and learn kiddo
Oh but he looks scared. See how he pokes at Pompeo’s name as a defense.
@Mark Andersen Votes from the deceased and pets. EveRy vOte CoUnts
@Jared Stevenson you are delusional kiddo go take your meds
@stuwhit08 yes with nervous laughter
Did he say there will be a smooth transition to a “SECOND TRUMP” administration? WOW!!
He’s shameless
Joe and his dead votes lol!
Trumpanzees and their fairy tales LOL
“Hahaha….”(Inward monolog; THEY KNOW!!
Who went straight to the comments?
paused the vid gave it a thumbs down, then hit the comments… You know you can’t trust these idiots to report honestly so why even bother.
I dont give legacy a minute of my time. I can read the headline
Can’t imagine how it feels to wake up in the morning and realize that you are Mike Pompeo. Must happen every day . . .
Is he high?
No it you…
seek help
ni difference between america and egypt political system.
Once a sycophant, always a sycophant.
i wonder if he realizes that if he keeps following the actions he is taking that sec of state Pompeo can be taken to court.. it just sucks he doesn’t want to lose his job
Creepy little confident laugh.
Does Biden seem as confident as a few days ago? What’s the big deal with a recount? Seems only one side is worried about a recount…
0:23 “so far”
He’s right you know
The votes have already been counted bud, you cant just say, I cant lose.