Poll: Voters split on party preference for midterm elections

Neither Republican nor Democratic candidates for Congress are seen by most voters as having the right priorities, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. The survey finds voters closely divided in their preference for this year's midterm elections and on the potential consequences of a Republican victory. #CNN #News


    1. @doof goobins I guess I’m a troublemaker for being tired of having to pick between 2 lying, mean, sell outs. As an Independent, it’s astonishing how both parties are full of people who only see what they want, and only (seemingly/mostly) vote based on egocentrism, and the less they know, the more overconfident they are. You try to straighten people out and they misunderstand/insult more. It’s amazing how both parties are full of biased n bad politicians/supporters. Like…

      Trump oversaw the record breaking 36% rise of our national debt just in 2017 to 2020 alone, reaching $27 trillion by late 2020 (projected to increase after that, though we should probably still hold Biden accountable starting around his 2nd year, along with his lack of solutions to economic issues n his SJW actions). That’s not counting Trump wanting $2,000 checks for every American as he was being voted out (Biden reduced it to $1,400) or counting the record breaking money “printing” done under Trump, or Trump demanding the “Federal” Banksters to artificially keep interest rates at record lows (till FINALLY they were raised under Biden after all the resulting inflation).

      Supply chain issues started under Trump. If all leaders in history acted like Trump, Earth would probably be nearly or totally out of fossil fuels and overburdened with pollution etc. while the leaders say climate change is a Hoax from China.

      Leadership shouldn’t be relying on the masses choosing from selfish, lying, harmful, condescending, ignorant sell outs. Contrary to popular belief, Earth actually thrived by a spiritual, merit (& charity) based system taught from (& documented by) the Vedas, along with all knowledge itself. They did less harm to people, animals, & Earth. Healthcare/education was non-profit, & they taught all math/major science. Rulers would sacrifice their life for the well being of others. People earned good karma, etc. The system: Varnashram-Dharma, which dominated the Earth until, as predicted by Vedas (which are the source of all knowledge) 5,000 years ago when Earth started falling into corrupt systems like birth-based caste systems, materialism, Marxism etc.
      We don’t have to keep cherry picking what we want to see from a comment, politician, party, or ideology while voting based on egocentrism, overconfidence of what we know, closed-mindedness, & distorting words/reality to suit our bias. Sadly, I think everything I said in this paragraph will continue to happen. Thus, if you want details, evidence, & good videos on all the above & more, click the sub/bell icons (channel: Playitalready) & check out some videos there. I’m more likely to see your comment & maybe reply, there, because coming back to read comments here is probably not worth it. Peace out.

  1. In a society with a healthy political system, the constituency would be choosing more along the line of values instead of party identity. And among those values there would be some common grounds that can be appreciated by all. It says a lot about America that common values or common grounds are something that can seldom be reached these days.

  2. Nice try, but we all know how it’s gonna roll this year when it comes election time.

    1. 12 Points to Reform US Democracy and the Electoral System.
      1) Get rid of First Past the Post (FPTP) (sometimes called plurality) voting, and introduce some form of Proportional Representation (PR) Rank Choice Voting (RCV) preferably – Mixed Member Proportional Representation (MMP(R) with Multi-Member Districts. MMP has voters select both a candidate in their local district and a party they’d like to win a majority. Everyone who wins a district gets a seat, and then additional seats are given out to ensure that parties are represented in proportion to their share of the party vote. This has a number of advantages. Unlike party list representation, people still have representatives with at least some ties to their local area. Voters get 2 votes: one for their local representative, and one for their favorite party. Mixed Member Proportional has familiar local representatives, and simple ballot.

      2) Eliminate/abolish the Electoral College (Article 2, Section 1, of The Constitution). This would normally be difficult, because the Electoral College is constitutionally mandated, and abolishing it would require a constitutional amendment. Over the past 200 years more than 700 proposals have been introduced in Congress to reform or eliminate the Electoral College – without any becoming law. It requires two thirds of the House, two thirds of the Senate, and three quarters of the States to vote in favor. There is another easier way to effectively end the Electoral College without technically abolishing it. Agreement of the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote. An organization called the ‘National Popular Vote Interstate Compact’ (NPVIC) is pushing to eliminate the Electoral College without tampering with the Constitution. Once the NPVIC has reached 270 electoral votes, the passed bills from all the states will kick in and guarantee that the candidate with the highest vote total nationwide would become the president. So far, 15 states (CA, IL, NY, CO, CT, MD, MA, NJ, NM, OR, WA, DE, HI, RI, VT) and the District of Columbia (Total = 196 electoral votes) have committed to the cause. The bill has also passed at least one chamber in 9 additional states with 88 more electoral votes (AR, AZ, ME, MI, MN, NC, NV, OK, VA). So, we need 74 more electoral votes to eliminate the unfair influence of the Electoral College. A total of 3,408 state legislators from all 50 states have endorsed it. https://www.nationalpopularvote.com/written-explanation *American citizens need to become politically active to make this happen before the 2024 election.

      3) Go back to reliable ‘hand marked pen and paper’ ballots publicly counted and scrutinized. Design simple to understand paper ballots, Standardize the voting system nationally across all states, and do NOT use ‘Black Box’ electronic voting machines (EVMs) or ballot marking devices (BMDs), because any electronic devices are too easily hacked or manipulated to rig voting figures even if using ‘block-chain’ technology. Cyber-attacks can also be undetectable. https://www.coindesk.com/mit-paper-rejects-blockchain-based-voting-systems-elections Paper ballots are more reliable and can be recounted if necessary. Democracy is too important to allow the possibility for cheating.

      4) Install an independent Election Management Body (EMB) to be responsible for the polling, conducting and tabulating of votes in elections and referenda, and the registration of political parties, oversight of campaign finance, design of the ballot papers, drawing of electoral boundaries, resolution of electoral disputes, civic and voter education and media monitoring for the safeguarding the legitimacy of democratic institutions and the peaceful transitions of power. They need to ensure all aspects of any electoral contest meets global norms and follows the fundamental guiding principles of elections, including independence, impartiality, integrity, transparency, efficiency, professionalism and service-mindedness, that perform in the best interest of the voters.

      5) Shorten the Election Campaigns to 4-8 weeks maximum (like most other advanced democracies. This also helps to get money out of politics). Ridiculously long campaigns (18mths) are a waste of money, resources and time; time that should be spent governing the country and providing social programs for citizens needs, not campaigning for re-election.

      6) Voting Days to be held on the weekend (not Tuesday), and possibly in conjunction with Veteran’s Day Holiday. (Make it easier for all citizens to be able to vote).

      7) Ban voter suppression, upgrade the Voting Rights Act, and introduce a 28th Amendment for the right of every citizen 18 years old and over the right to vote, or introduce compulsory voting (every eligible citizen votes – $50 fine if you don’t vote) Australia has compulsory voting and because of this 95% voter turnout. By contrast in the US millions of voters are purged from voter rolls, and at least 40% of provisional ballots are thrown in the trash can and not counted. It’s just another method of rigging the electoral system.

      8) Ban gerrymandering of districts to favor one political party. Independent commission should draw district lines, not partisan political parties. Voters should pick their politicians, NOT politicians their voters.

      9) *Consider a Unicameral Congress (only House of Representatives needed to pass Bills. There’s no need for the Senate to pass Bills, so situations like McConnell and the filibuster holding up important legislation cannot happen). *(NZ is an advanced democracy and has a Unicameral Parliament which works very efficiently). *(a Unicameral System is also one step closer to a direct democracy of all the common people). Unicameral System: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/unicameral-system.asp Bicameral System: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/bicameral-system.asp (*The majority of international governments use the unicameral system—with a roughly 60/40 split between unicameral and bicameral.) The only other option other than a unicameral system, is to make it mandatory for Bills passed in the House MUST be voted on immediately in the Senate. Mitch McConnell has sat on hundreds of Bills effectively blocking them from passing.

      10) Campaign finance reform (donations only via private citizens with strict donation limits, ban corporate funding and influence).

      11) Eliminate the need for political party registration (there’s no need to be affiliated to any political party, and it only encourages gerrymandering). No one should be loyal to just one political party. Force political parties to concentrate on policy to attract your vote.

      12) Term limits on all politicians (Congressman and Senators) and judges (in particular Supreme Court justices – no lifetime appointments).

    2. @Phone Account I will go so far as to change the first word of my sentence from “Most” to “Many.” I can’t find the article I used as a basis for my first entry, but I will continue looking. It’s been a few years since I read that results of that survey.

  3. If we had a speaker of the house that didn’t pas things that benefits her stock portfolio. But benefits the people we might heal

    1. If we had a minority leader that didn’t block things that benefits the people which Pelosi is trying to pass, we might heal

  4. Always thought I had a secret evil twin somewhere in the US, always voting the *exact opposite of me.* Now it’s official.

  5. If it’s like this now wait till the presidential election just going to even get crazier🤔

  6. We have taken measures to ensure that we will retain control of both the House and the Senate. This is far too much of an important election to rely on the voters so we have taken action to ensure that we will continue our control. We do need volunteers however, to ‘find’ the ballots that we are in the process of printing.

    1. @Kryptonarie 63 no, I am talking about our party. The Democrat party. Republicans may very well have taken a page from our playbook. They do that quiet often. We saw that most recently because they are involved in gerrymandering which was a Democrat issue for years. We invented gerrymandering. So, perhaps you are very correct and they are taking a page from our playbook but it will likely take them a long time to catch up with us. Stay safe and stay healthy.

  7. Solution to inflation: Remove ALL regulation on the Oil/Gas industry and guarantee 100 years of deregulation.

  8. 12 Points to Reform US Democracy and the Electoral System.
    1) Get rid of First Past the Post (FPTP) (sometimes called plurality) voting, and introduce some form of Proportional Representation (PR) Rank Choice Voting (RCV) preferably – Mixed Member Proportional Representation (MMP(R) with Multi-Member Districts. MMP has voters select both a candidate in their local district and a party they’d like to win a majority. Everyone who wins a district gets a seat, and then additional seats are given out to ensure that parties are represented in proportion to their share of the party vote. This has a number of advantages. Unlike party list representation, people still have representatives with at least some ties to their local area. Voters get 2 votes: one for their local representative, and one for their favorite party. Mixed Member Proportional has familiar local representatives, and simple ballot.

    2) Eliminate/abolish the Electoral College (Article 2, Section 1, of The Constitution). This would normally be difficult, because the Electoral College is constitutionally mandated, and abolishing it would require a constitutional amendment. Over the past 200 years more than 700 proposals have been introduced in Congress to reform or eliminate the Electoral College – without any becoming law. It requires two thirds of the House, two thirds of the Senate, and three quarters of the States to vote in favor. There is another easier way to effectively end the Electoral College without technically abolishing it. Agreement of the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote. An organization called the ‘National Popular Vote Interstate Compact’ (NPVIC) is pushing to eliminate the Electoral College without tampering with the Constitution. Once the NPVIC has reached 270 electoral votes, the passed bills from all the states will kick in and guarantee that the candidate with the highest vote total nationwide would become the president. So far, 15 states (CA, IL, NY, CO, CT, MD, MA, NJ, NM, OR, WA, DE, HI, RI, VT) and the District of Columbia (Total = 196 electoral votes) have committed to the cause. The bill has also passed at least one chamber in 9 additional states with 88 more electoral votes (AR, AZ, ME, MI, MN, NC, NV, OK, VA). So, we need 74 more electoral votes to eliminate the unfair influence of the Electoral College. A total of 3,408 state legislators from all 50 states have endorsed it. https://www.nationalpopularvote.com/written-explanation *American citizens need to become politically active to make this happen before the 2024 election.

    3) Go back to reliable ‘hand marked pen and paper’ ballots publicly counted and scrutinized. Design simple to understand paper ballots, Standardize the voting system nationally across all states, and do NOT use ‘Black Box’ electronic voting machines (EVMs) or ballot marking devices (BMDs), because any electronic devices are too easily hacked or manipulated to rig voting figures even if using ‘block-chain’ technology. Cyber-attacks can also be undetectable. https://www.coindesk.com/mit-paper-rejects-blockchain-based-voting-systems-elections Paper ballots are more reliable and can be recounted if necessary. Democracy is too important to allow the possibility for cheating.

    4) Install an independent Election Management Body (EMB) to be responsible for the polling, conducting and tabulating of votes in elections and referenda, and the registration of political parties, oversight of campaign finance, design of the ballot papers, drawing of electoral boundaries, resolution of electoral disputes, civic and voter education and media monitoring for the safeguarding the legitimacy of democratic institutions and the peaceful transitions of power. They need to ensure all aspects of any electoral contest meets global norms and follows the fundamental guiding principles of elections, including independence, impartiality, integrity, transparency, efficiency, professionalism and service-mindedness, that perform in the best interest of the voters.

    5) Shorten the Election Campaigns to 4-8 weeks maximum (like most other advanced democracies. This also helps to get money out of politics). Ridiculously long campaigns (18mths) are a waste of money, resources and time; time that should be spent governing the country and providing social programs for citizens needs, not campaigning for re-election.

    6) Voting Days to be held on the weekend (not Tuesday), and possibly in conjunction with Veteran’s Day Holiday. (Make it easier for all citizens to be able to vote).

    7) Ban voter suppression, upgrade the Voting Rights Act, and introduce a 28th Amendment for the right of every citizen 18 years old and over the right to vote, or introduce compulsory voting (every eligible citizen votes – $50 fine if you don’t vote) Australia has compulsory voting and because of this 95% voter turnout. By contrast in the US millions of voters are purged from voter rolls, and at least 40% of provisional ballots are thrown in the trash can and not counted. It’s just another method of rigging the electoral system.

    8) Ban gerrymandering of districts to favor one political party. Independent commission should draw district lines, not partisan political parties. Voters should pick their politicians, NOT politicians their voters.

    9) *Consider a Unicameral Congress (only House of Representatives needed to pass Bills. There’s no need for the Senate to pass Bills, so situations like McConnell and the filibuster holding up important legislation cannot happen). *(NZ is an advanced democracy and has a Unicameral Parliament which works very efficiently). *(a Unicameral System is also one step closer to a direct democracy of all the common people). Unicameral System: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/unicameral-system.asp Bicameral System: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/bicameral-system.asp (*The majority of international governments use the unicameral system—with a roughly 60/40 split between unicameral and bicameral.) The only other option other than a unicameral system, is to make it mandatory for Bills passed in the House MUST be voted on immediately in the Senate. Mitch McConnell has sat on hundreds of Bills effectively blocking them from passing.

    10) Campaign finance reform (donations only via private citizens with strict donation limits, ban corporate funding and influence).

    11) Eliminate the need for political party registration (there’s no need to be affiliated to any political party, and it only encourages gerrymandering). No one should be loyal to just one political party. Force political parties to concentrate on policy to attract your vote.

    12) Term limits on all politicians (Congressman and Senators) and judges (in particular Supreme Court justices – no lifetime appointments).

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    1. I’m not here to converse for her but to testify just for what l’m sure of, she’s trust worthy and best option ever seen

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