Poll: Sports & Music are the Greatest Achievements Since Independence | TVJ News – Aug 7 2022

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Poll: Sports & Music are the Greatest Achievements Since Independence | TVJ News


  1. JAMAICA I not independent JAMAICA didn’t get independent WAKE up WAKE up my JAMAICANS BROTHERS and SISTERS

  2. Ja nuh want work with what working for them them want what every other country has…just pure facts the government just gonna play blind eye to that cause the have to keep the upper class happy 😊

  3. No joke no development we import more food than we export we sell must over lands to foreign investors while citizen have to squat same old politician running the country for there white friends with off shore bank accounts while black Jamaicans suffer with high interest rate low salary not different from slavery we work hard to part bills for government rich private partners OUR make no sense tourism sector would pay foreigner more while they pay citizen less to do the same job has far has I see Jamaican ain’t independent because we are still fighting the same struggle with the modern day boasy slaves that sell everything for there own gain

  4. Is that the country’s achievements or individuals’ achievements? What about infrastructure development, education, healthcare things in the country to benefit the people. That’s what should be measured. What had JA achieved to develop the country and its people.

  5. just wondering when will the country strive to be more recognized for its achievements outside of sports and music ??? marcus garvey was neither a singer or athlete…i love my country but music and sports should not be the only things that define us as a nation !!!

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Neither bring up Jamaica economically. It would be nice to see academics here on top.

    2. True talk. But who is benefits from the achievement’s? Answer only the white Men, just like the Hotels & Reggae Sun splash. This is sad cause people of Jamaicans always be on the back burners looking in.

  6. This country has became more dependent since it so call indipendent theonly thing we can say we done good in since so call indipendent is in curroption and crime .

  7. wambach we party with wine back with dancehall who I’m about to phone Clash will want them back when dance keep what about people make money if you don’t mind make money bags with my make money the key and man make money while conman make money everybody have a good feeling when you stop. You have to stop fighting sleep and Nami built America

  8. That is all? I see more than that. The bumblings governments over the years have done some good.

    Unfortunately the crime/violence and abject poverty for a large number of people clouds the picture.

    1. Agree, significant focus on proper education, possibly online from better developed countries would help to reduce crime and poverty as they are both linked to a lack of opportunities to well paying jobs. Unfortunately, ministers can’t get a kick back from better educating the youth so they aren’t interested.

  9. Let’s not generalize the music, Reggae Music has put us on the map, Dancehall music might be doing more harm than good. I know Jamaicans love the vibes but we might as well name the Genre “Crime Promo”

  10. I will say something that does not fit the discussion some will say why you bring that up but I will Jamaicans survive massively Thu remittance from their abroad ..I understand sounds ignorant now but give the senders some gratitude 🤣🤣 do not curse me

  11. hay don’t se why de aftop band park and dance music y su nice al suite when dance & padding all of dance and party in you makeup son from all overware bicicleta from al overware con tu APAT

  12. Pls don’t patronise us most Jamaicans would gladly trade all these things for a stable economy,way less crime, proper infrastructure and an overall higher ranking on the human development index.

  13. Don’t forget crime rate we have been vote top 5 most murderous country for 5 years running and top 10 for the past 5 decade’s globally. This is not an achievement to take lightly Jamaican criminals have worked hard to achieve this amazing accolade.

  14. Tessanne Chin is no where near becoming a legend and neither will she ever. Many other legends deserve to be mentioned

  15. Ok so the citizens are doing all they can to keep Jamaica on top now what is the government doing?

  16. So what about Hurb Mckenly, Merlene Ottey and Dion Hemmings. U guy dont remember the foundation. If u forget the past u never kno where u going

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