CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten breaks down CNN exit polling that shows former President Donald Trump's favorability with Republican voters is trending in the wrong direction.
#CNN #News
Poll shows Trump’s popularity with GOP voters waning

CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten breaks down CNN exit polling that shows former President Donald Trump's favorability with Republican voters is trending in the wrong direction.
#CNN #News
If Trump announces a second run it will be a case of “how embarrassing”.
@Just Me we already cleaned up your MAGA mess. You’re welcome to the new world boring order of Biden. Sit back bored and not entertained.
Democrats have themselves to blame for Trump.
@CZ09 nah. I blame the voters who voted in Trump.
Can’t wait to watch him lose again. It makes me smile.
Yeah he just announced
Well this is a hard lesson for those Republicans to learn🤔
@STAY AWAKE62 I can’t wait for y’all to lose the 2024 presidential election, I wonder which government building you’ll try to burn down next
Watch them try an make LIARS great again! The g.o.p ‘s on U.S. PU
They won’t learn because most of their base is the MAGA-cult. The moderate republicans or conservatives have left the party and become independents or just won’t vote for their party or certain candidates.
@I reign supreme i have the number of a good psychiatrist. You want it? 🤣🤣🤣
@I reign supremeNot watching the senate too close are you IRS ????
All that time and just waning now. Some are truly slow, in all ways.
Doesn’t campaign, doesn’t debate. Is Secretary of State and oversees the elections. Sounds legit.
I can’t see Pence ever for President. It makes me wonder what he really knew and did in the Trump organization 🤔
@RaptorV1USA So you agree with me, Pence was honest on Jan6 and did his constitutional duty to count the legal votes for President Joe Biden. I already said the issue with Pence is everything *but* his actions on Jan6.
Independent and moderate voters which determine any elections honor the institution. On January 6, 2021 independent voters were disgusted, because the former president of the United States urinated and question the integrity of the 2020 general election even after dozens of investigations.
@Marvin Westmaas he did his job. He’s no hero.
@valerie Worse even, he’s an anti hero for standing next to someone with obvious mental issues ( must have originated with all the ‘winning’ the guy is so obsessed with ).
But on Jan6 Pence did stand his ground and did his job.
I never liked Pence, but he showed some conservative backbone on Jan6 and the days before when he was getting pressured to illegally use his ceremonial role to obstruct the peaceful transition of power.
It’s not worth much, he stands for true Conservatism which is the opposite of what I believe to be in the best interest of not just the country but the entire world.
only you though, or few
Hawley, we need to have a conversation;
Me, yeah we need to have a conversation about how to keep clowns like him out of politics.
Republicans need to break from trump first before we get the rest out
It’s Josh “Fraidy Cat” Hawley ….
The republicans party as we know it, is dead, and I am one of the people who killed it. 🤣😂😂😂
Hawley is like Oz, walker, he didn’t live in the state, he went to a state where he Gould we in. The other 2 the same, how Hawley won is beyond belief!
He breaks ish and looks around for who broke it. It was you, Hawley, it was you.
I think Bonespur waited until after the midterms,because he could claim the “Big Red Wave” was due to him,so all the glory would be his and his alone,that didn’t quite work out 🤣🤣🤣🤣
And, he thought his maga candidates would set it all up for him in swing states.
That Kari Lake defeat is oh so sweet… still buzzing
@Wayne Baehler media reply? Seriously? That is sooooo lame. You don’t like my answer, don’t blame the media, instead blame the MAGA crowd. And read a freaking book on Mussolini or Franco.
@Shane Best oh I think we can both agree on that. Just because it’s been done a certain way doesn’t mean we have to continue it that way.
@Dustin Taylor maga tears are nice.
@KB Peters it was and you know it was. So stop replying like a trump supporter would. You may not be 1 but your proving your no different than 1.
Me too but I can’t believe you actually support a proven racist multiple times over. That’s funny as hell. Now tell me again how racism is the problem. I mean tell me again how white supremacy is the problem. 🤣🤣🤣
The USA sent a message in 2020, we said it again in 2022, and will continue to say it in 2024— we don’t want Trumpism, we don’t want lies, we don’t want incompetence.
@San Antonio Strong you guys are the chaos
@Ty Gibbs Future Goat says the guy that’s wearing an ankle monitor, for storming the capitol. It must be hard to type, and lick your wounds at the same time.
@truth matters sure I am. The first thing you go to is January 6th when you help cause it by the summer of madness
And all we have is lies, incompetence, and corruption. Great discernment
Then why would you vote for Biden?
Me and every other liberal would like to thank you Trump supporters by for making this moment possible. It’s your tragic denial of reality and willingness to shout about it at every opportunity that built the bridge we needed for this victory. Never change.
I just want you to give us more inflation AND the possibility of another nuclear war…’s so exciting!!!!!!
@Shane Best Inflation is a global issue. How is Turkey’s right wing government handling it? Oh right. Inflation is 80% there. Nice try though.
@Shane Best you are a typical magmoron: Iq of 67. Graduate of Deliverance High…
Regarding Hawley’s remarks, how it that he is opining so grandly on the ostensible ‘death’ of the Republican Party when he was an integral part to said death. Spoken like a true Republican!
All around the world right wing politicians refuse to face the reality that people don’t like right wing politics.
To my mind Hawley is a weasel — an Oxford-educated weasel, but a weasel, and no less weasel for aspirations to Presidency. With such putative credentials — things of ‘qualification, achievement, personal quality, or aspect of a person’s background, typically when used to indicate that they are suitable for something’ [Oxford Languages via Google] — he would seem to be incurable impaired in judgment fit for further public office and indelible besmirchment of his Missouri constituency.
The Republican Party never came to terms with the Nixon debacle and it is not coming to terms with the a couple or more orders of magnitude greater Malheureux Trump.
What I’m seeing looks not unlike a dog’s returning to its vomit.
If the GOP wants any illusions of credibility, recovery, and survival it must utterly, unambiguously repudiate inveterate liar tdfPotUSA45, and while at it Richard Mulhouse Nixon as well.
It must forfeit any illusions that it can achieve service in the future by persisting in habits and behaviors into which it has intricated itself the past fifty or more years.
@Mantis10_Surf WAS
@John Coleman They are in a cult bubble.
@dutchdna, yes, what’s up with that DC Swamp creature cult bubble. The squad? Loonie tunes Biden and Pelosi.
This is MAGA country
I was surprised that Josh Hawley wasn’t running and fleeing the Capitol this time.😂
“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in!”
– Donald J Trump
It’s not a fake quote. Trump told the story at every rally in the last 6 years.
@Mantis10_Surf it’ll be the highlight of your life huh?
Do you know how many times we heard this? Obama lost 63 House seats and 8 senate seats in his 1st midterm vs 40 for Trump. All the media did was call everyone racist since 2009. Republicans won the popular this midterm by 7% largely from the big wins in NY and California and Fla and Texas.
@Mantis10_Surf “Trump country” has been obliterated by those who actually believe in this country.
@Mantis10_Surf He lost his last election,and will lose his next,and final one,too.He can always run for “President of Cell Block D”
“They’ll put up with almost anything, besides losing”
That’s a summation of the Trump era of the Republican Party.
Caught that comment too……
That from the biggest loser cry baby. I guess they got tired of all that winning.
So right!! They took all the Trump trash, as long as they thought they’d win. They were ready to throw democracy out the window
DeSantis is nothing but Trump 2.0. It’s not like he has a message or policy ideas. It’s all anti woke garbage
The lack of self awareness of Josh Hawley is just stunning
I couldn’t agree more. He’s a complete buffoon.
You made my day, mister Hawley, stating that the GOP is dead.
Greetings from the Netherlands 🇳🇱.
Josh Hawkey is an a**.
It’s surprising to us to hear Josh Hawley sounding like a reasonable man. His history has not been same.
Kari Lake needs to take care of her family and apologize for spreading lies. Parents who teach young people to lie are shameful and without true purpose in life. Stop the madness Kari and break from the Biggest Loser! Don’t underestimate the American voters. We have spoken! ❤
Lies? You stop spreading lies 🤡
@Deborah Whit A lol of my t’s nominees lost! 🇺🇸
What lies did she spread? You all voted for a proven racist multiple times over. So yeah it kind of keeps people from taking you seriously when you say the problem in the US is racism.
It’s incredible that they are talking about changing because they lost. Not because they realized they were wrong
You all voted for a proven racist multiple times over. Go ahead and tell me again how racism is what the problem is in the US.🤣🤣
@Lance Webster what are you talking about?
@jenuel vega Recognizing error is not a strong suit in the Trump cult. The Great Business Man in the sky leader models never having to say you’re sorry, let alone wrong, is “strong.”
why is that a suprise?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t we just spend a week talking about how inaccurate the polls for this election were?
Lmao “ you’re yelling at me” had me dying laughing. I was thinking the same thing before Anderson said it, dude was way to fire up