Poll: Most Voters Say President Donald Trump Is Tearing The Country Apart | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

A new FOX News poll found that nearly three out of every five voters believe that Trump is tearing the country apart as president. Maya Wiley and Eugene Robinson react.
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Poll: Most Voters Say President Donald Trump Is Tearing The Country Apart | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Poll: Most Voters Say President Donald Trump Is Tearing The Country Apart | The 11th Hour | MSNBC



    2. @Mark Haddox hey! Mark. You said everyone Knows that Lincoln was absolutely the worst president. My first time hearing this. So why was Lincoln the worst president in history in( Your) opinion, because I have never heard anyone say that. Serious question.

    1. Patriot Spearhead I doubt it. In 2016 These people had their votes taken away right in front of their faces and they didn’t say a word.

  1. For once, a poll I that seems accurate. We can’t let a narcissistic imbecile like Trump tear this country apart. He’s not worth it.

    1. @Dre Day Man, you need to do a lot of reading dude. I’m saying we were thriving economically before trump had taken over.

    2. @Charles Jones first of all, anytime we have a recession the bounce back is phenomenal but the bounce back for 2008 recession was weak under Obama… Obama and every other president before him allowed China to rip us off with hundreds of billions of dollars each year along with taking all the manufacturing jobs (everyone has been complaining about this for decades)

    3. @Dre Day scrutinize the meaning of the whole text. I said we were “well economically off”. Keyword “well”.

    4. @hojae yun yea but your wrong, after every recession the economy immediately bounces back phenomenally and starts to do very well but under Obama it just SLOWLY started to do well… as soon as Trump came into office he negotiated to bring back 6 million manufacturing jobs which Obama said would be impossible that’s just one out of many things Trump is doing great

  2. Whats really scary is, what kind of crazy psychopath will these 31% support after Trump is gone ?

    1. @Tessmage Tessera Fiction. So I`m a Russian bot? 2018 was not really a significant defeat. We lost the House.

    2. @Tessmage Tessera um no that’s the popular vote that you’re making a false equivalence of.
      Trump got more states,and won the electoral college 303 to 227.its like a basketball game. You can have more fans cheering your side on wanting to win but when the other team outscores you can’t change the rules just because you lost.

      This is the way it’s been done for over two centuries.it’s worked fine this entire time

    3. @六爷We need more social democracy not socialism. No one candidate is supporting complete socialism. Research and learn the difference.

    1. Donald KKKrump wants to make America WHITE again.He only wants immigrants that look like him……. FAT, CHUBBY,UGLY, GROTESQUE AND REPUGNANT.

  3. Remember folks ignore the trolls it’s time we quit playing Puty and his lackeys game register and vote,Thank you.

    1. Good advice. Although you should ignore the polls not the trolls. You didn’t learn a thing in 2016 did you?

    2. YouTube is mostly to blame for trolls. They know they exist. They know the harm they cause. They could give users the means to report them and they could do something about them but they choose not to. The truth is that they LOVE trolling because it generates controversy, which generates views and traffic which in turn generates revenue.

    1. @J Bell the last polls were accurate . Trump.lost by 3000000 votes. The electoral college wasnt in the polls.

    1. @Tomato Those are most likely the 31%. You gotta have hope. The moment you lose hope these people win. And not all evangalicals are bad. Admittedly the ones we always see on TV are the worst of the lot but there are a few who are decent people. Imagine that. This coming from a person with a name like mine. : )
      Also bear in mind that this is a Fox News poll. They are part of the conservative right wing propaganda and even they have to admit Trump is not doing well. I`m sure they are hating every moment of this poll results. If that doesn`t cheer you up a bit I don`t know what will. It kind of made my day.

    2. Well, he kind of has. He has united some of us, against him. He has a lot of us engaged in the political workings of the u.s. government that, otherwise wouldnt have been. I dont think that that poll was supposed to be that deep but, there has been some unity as a result of this travesty.

    3. @Rahim MajidYep a bad day for the propagandist hatemongers at Fox is always a good day but I’m not at all saying give up hope. I’m more saying; put effort into things that will make a difference, like helping people to register to vote and making sure they go out to vote. Even persuading Democrats not to back another more-of-the-same “moderate” (corporatist) candidate who could lose to Trump again is a v worthwhile thing to do imo. Trying to persuade propaganda-doped Trumpists is not a strategy.

    4. @Tomato I agree with GOTV. I draw the line at telling other people that a “moderate” democrat is not in their own best interest. I* happen to agree with you on that, but I’m not stooping to Republican/Russian tactics of refusing to allow differences in thought or belief within the democratic party. The Democratic candidate will be the Democratic candidate… hopefully the DNC learned it’s lesson (no guarantee, I know). But I’m still saying vote your conscience. I sincerely hope that the super majority vote will be “blue no matter who” in 2020… but it’s still their individual vote.

    5. Dy Dayton absolutely agree. Vote your conscience for sure and I think I know what your are trying to say about certain sections of the left who are super militant and can’t accept other points of view. That stuff is counterproductive. At the moment though we desperately need someone who can stand up to Trump In a sincere way, who is trustworthy, and who will actually do something to tackle the totally out of hand corporate greed, corruption and force through policies that will help real people. I think people underestimate how limp and unappealing a bumbling gaff machine like Biden would look on stage with trump. He might still win anyway given how disgusting trump is but there is a real chance he wouldn’t imo. I sincerely hope you are right that the DNC has learnt its lesson but all evidence is to the contrary atm.

    1. Ever talked to a trump supporter? They aren’t very bright. Which is of course why they support trump.

  4. Traitor trumpanzee tearing country apart since launching presidential campaign until now… impeach him..lock him up 4life

  5. Trump is the type of person who likes to push people’s buttons to just before the breaking point. And he lives for conflict. I hope America has had enough of his antics.

    1. Let’s just ignore the fact that his critics have been falsely calling him a traitor and a Russian collaborator his entire presidency LOL

  6. Of course Trump’s tearing the country apart – this is what his boss, Putin, want, right? The US has been sold!

    1. Maybe you should hold your own party accountable once in a while. If you did we would’ve never had a guy like trump in office. So pathetic

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