"If Sanders is going to win the nomination, that's where he's gotta build support," Steve Kornacki says. "You see in that poll what happens when he does." Aired on 10/23/20.
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Poll: Bernie Sanders Jumps To Lead Nationally Among Non-White Voters | MSNBC
Go Bernie
@Ruby Studio yea DWS stepped down but kept a position. That changes everything. But your right its different now. Its even worse
Gabe Dudley Epstein was also friends with Trump…
It didn’t jump, you guys just never wanted to admit it was there
@Ford Bronco – It’s funny watching you guys trying to “think”.
@Democracy Now what’s even more funnier is having someone put up a comment without having something useful to put out.
@Mind and body Muscle – Can you form a coherent sentence. Thanks.
Let it be Bernie! Love to see him debating the liar-in-chief, Bernie has no fear, he’ll have no problem going after the ugly one’s bullcrap & stupidity on everything!

Turns out no one cares what failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has to say anymore!
Hillary Clinton has the distinction of being so sleazy, that she actually lost an election to the worst and more unqualified candidate in American history: Donald Trump.
@83jdc1 well, she did get more votes. It was only a matter of the distribution of those votes through the gerrymandered districts.
@Darrin Fry America has been around almost 300 years, she knew the popular vote didn’t matter and she still decided to not go to Wisconsin. Say what you want she is not President.
Non white voters? But I was told endlessly that Bernie Bros had to be white males. How can this be true? Did maybe the establishment interests lead you astray? Perhaps maybe. Bern Down the Swamp.

@Samou Semana Facts don’t care about your feelings.. Do you even know wtf Bernie said about Obama and white southern voters? ahh no you don’t because youre too busy pushing the old geezer to see who he really is..
@Samou Semana .
You gotta have some serious lack of perspective to try “Well actually” tactics on a video that just debunked the Bernie Bro definition the terrified establishment Dems leaders and right wingers have been trying for years now, and failing.
Bernie is like that everyready bunny who just keeps on keeping!
@H D He has a complete outline of his plan to transition – details at Yang2020.com Basically, a public option during a transition period with the idea for the government offered plan to out compete private ending in medicare for all. Control drug prices by pricing according to world averages, approval for drug imports and a government drug manufacturing facility to produce drugs that Americans are still being ripped off on, including jerking licenses. He knows that many individuals want to keep their private so he would allow that until they change to a just as good but less expensive government policy. I’d go to the website for sure to confirm that what I’m saying is correct. I believe he lives in New York City and has never personally lived in California. He’s trying to get Silicon Valley to work for all of us instead of creating massive unemployment which they will. He has backing in Silicon Valley because many of them don’t want to be responsible for the damage done to the public by their creations. His personal tech venture did not catch on. His success came from his position as CEO of an education testing company that was sold for big money. Then, he went to the mid-west and south to encourage and train and monetarily support start up businesses for young entrepreneurs creating a good number of jobs. Obama awarded him something called “Champion of Change” for his efforts. His plan for UBI is scaled to exclude everyday staples and a few other situations I’m not as up to date on but he is aware of the regressive result if it were to apply to everything. As to landlords and other price gougers, the people with the money have the power as they now can decide to take it or not, especially if a couple of them band together and get a really nice place. He’s trying hard to help us all.
ranting geezer “heart attack Bernie” is only energized when hooked up to a defribulator
@Boomer for Yang oh shut up and go crawl back that hole you came from, and take yang with you
Donate and volunteer! Make bernie 2020 happen
AGgleusr thx for making a better choice imo.
Bernie is another snake oil salesman like trump.. Bernie actually told Black people he would eliminate “institutional racism”.. wtf… its like trump claiming he can cure cancer. and both old white geezers have cult followers buyin into their bs
Bernie’s already winning by a landslide, if these polls took into account young voters and independents that will vote in the primary it would be clear
When Sentors Bernie Sanders says it’s for us,( citizens of the United States and forgien countries ) that’s very ture.
You know it broke MSNBC’ heart to post this. Quid pro Joe is a no go!
What does he meen ” How big of a problem is this?” Nope not biased at all are you msn …. disgusting. Bernie 2020 mutherfuckers
Sabine Katsavrias …it may have slipped past you, he was talking about them being stuck in the impeachment trial…but Bernie is still going strong

nope it did not but their words sure shows whos side they are on every day and it makes me so mad….
there does seem to be something happening in the national poll and in Iowa that is converging here. lol Bernie is the something happening
Something happening? Well say it Chuck you Moron Sanders is moving ahead!!
Are we finally done with the #BernieBlackOut? It’s about time.
They aren’t blacking him out anymore. Now it’s smear him to death.
Well, they simply can’t ignore Bernie anymore — given the fact that he is clearly going to win this race. So… no more blackout. Instead they’ll start attacking him with increasing ferocity, because Bernie scares the living crap out of the Establishment and this time, all of their attempts to dismiss Bernie have failed. We’ve been predicting this for a long time.
Bernie is winning because of his policies for the people and a life time of integrity. Something CNN knows nothing about.
I can’t wait for President Bernie Sanders.
@Jerky Trump f%cked me over on taxes
@EnterpriseB80 Name me one Legislation that Moscow Mitch allowed the Dems to get passed.
@EnterpriseB80 he was known as the amendments king. And worked with mike lee of Utah to end us support of the genocidal war in yemen. Stop lying. You guys are pathetic.
#BERNIE2020 Leading Among People Of Color And Young People
@manuel v – Red as in Russian, nice ;D
He’s also leading among female voters, apparently, women vote on policy and not gender like a lot of people would have us believe.
@Jerky yea right the majority of minority’s think hes a racist
and possibly moms with sons caught up in the injustice machines
2016 Warren Backs Hillary Over Bernie 2019 Warren Splits The Progressive Base 2020 Warren Smears Bernie Sanders
Trump’s going to win again
@Barry Sutton .
1:02 Kornacki wasn’t ready for the slide showing Bernie’s 12 point lead in NH

Yadu He was shocked and surprised!
Bernie is leading and gaining WITHOUT corporate donations AND he’s stuck in this trial!? That’s truly incredible.
Makes no difference.