NBC's Carrie Dann and Quibi Shawna Thomas break down new poll analysis from Quibi and NBC News focused on younger voters. Aired on 9/17/2020.
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Poll Analysis: Young Voters Will Vote For Biden Over Trump | MTP Daily | MSNBC
If they vote.
@ailblentyn Yes, unfortunately it seems so!
@Hamfist – We’ll vote when we have a candidate that’s not the same “old” Corporate and partisan hack that you idiots love to go round and around with every four years.
We voted and were fooled TWICE with Obama who ran as a progressive alongside moderate Joe..not again. Trust not again.
You do realize that CNN and MSNBC are trying to get the HARRIS Administration elected, right??
@MJB For Trump One and the same. Will still do nothing for anybody!! But it does not change the fact that Trump is a disaster! America has the option of being shot by Trump/Pence or stabbed by Biden/Harris!
@Brian Mitchell I partially agree with you, but I disagree that Trump has done nothing. Personally, he spurred my business growth by cutting my federal taxes significantly! If you have time, check out why I support Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5mVWfUjim4? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFANfCD-0Ys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEyltSKu6aQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui7Y9Z5HvOM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w1Ca5xwSIQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0djSbczl81s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFWqIIHY63k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaihuiT24Vg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZTuJHda2os https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFWqIIHY63k Here’s how racist Trump is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONcMiNch_RE BLM is being PROPPED UP by the FAKE NEWS MEDIA with LIES, because they believe in this Marxist, Anti-American Movement!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJb4xEPhiVQ
Please vote country over party!
@m kelpie , lol you’re part of the herd. dont front so hard. poser.
@Aesthetical That was stupid thing to post…
@Aesthetical Trump Doesn’t Care https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLaMFzKt2zI&ab_channel=ReallyAmerican
@m kel – Great idea! Green Party2021 and then the finale with the peoples party 2024.
Maybe your party will get the memo this year that you can’t run the same playbook, gaslight dem voters, and expect a win. *plays Michael Moore rerun*
You do realize that CNN and MSNBC are trying to get the HARRIS Administration elected, right??
Don’t count on that. Most aren’t racists or pedophiles.
Kids have been brainwashed in schools for years. One good thing about Covid is that school curriculums have been exposed and will be corrected! This curriculum: America should be defined as a racist society where all whites are culpable and guilty of having privilege and should be punished and all blacks are the victims, IS NOT WHAT AMERICANS WANT TAUGHT TO THEIR KIDS!
@Pam Deshane Where’s your avatar, Pam?
“I don’t understand why people don’t get it. Trump is a racist.” — Michael Cohen
“I’ve known Jeff [Epstein] for 15 years. Terrific guy! He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”—Donald J. Trump
@Allan Burns Are you sure Joe Biden isn’t a racist? C’mon man, Are you a junkie? You ain’t black unless you vote for Joe! According to Joe: Latinos are more diverse than blacks!
I pray anyone that sees this is successful in life.
These comments are getting stale
Pray for the millions of children dying of aids and/or starvation in Africa. When he has answered that prayer.., maybe, just maybe, you can pray for me.
You do realize that CNN and MSNBC are trying to get the HARRIS Administration elected, right??
Dems: “I’m not sure we can win with a platform like, burn loot mur…
@Ocasio-Cortez4prez2022 there’s nothing good about trump before being elected president or now .
@Ocasio-Cortez4prez2022 He might have, um, manly problems.
@Carlus Wilmot have you ever noticed how leftists speak about Trump the same way Christians speak about the devil? And Democrat politicians aren’t quite a Jesus parralel, because I think most leftists realize they’re not perfect either. But you sure won’t call them out on any of the hypocrisy they’re guilty of. You’re in a cult, that’s what I’m getting at.
@Ellen Peba So you don’t know what windmills are for. Sad. What about Trump freeing ISIS just to please another dictator in Turkey? What about Trump freeing more ISIS by killing the one man who was still going after them? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!!!
So you’d be OK with someone forcing a hysterectomy on your mom so she didn’t have you? That’s who you’d vote for, huh?
That’s not really there for Biden what is she a Republican
“I don’t think science knows” -person who claimed there were airports in 1776
Person who claimed we should use nukes on hurricanes. Person who claimed we should drink bleach. Person who claimed we should bring the light inside the body. Person who claimed humans have finite amount of energy. Person who claimed we should buy Greenland. Person who claimed that the sound of windmills cause cancer… and so on, and so on!
OK I heard that interview to be honest he never said to drink bleach. He was questioning if it was feasible to do something like that to the woman standing there from the CDC. The look on her face was priceless. He’s got the brain of a 10-year-old that has the brain of a five-year-old. Maybe we can fill up condoms and then drop them over California to put out the forest fires. Which wouldn’t have happened if we would’ve swept the forest.
@Justin Credible Trump/Pence 2020
@kickn-aDead-cat I resent that! My 10yo is a lot smarter!!
@Justin Credible nice list bro ! He’s said/done so many stupid things I’d lost track of them.
Just a thought. If Trump gets his voters to first vote by mail and then stand in line at Election Day to see if it was prossessed, isn’t that election interference?
I am sure our vote counters would not count the same person twice. The people who voted get their name crossed out unless the system is screwed up and they get counted twice? Looks like a problem?
pinebird The interference in this thought I had is about the time it actually takes to check that it is correct. Imagine having hundreds or 1000s voters before you in line at the poll just there to check.
You do realize that CNN and MSNBC are trying to get the HARRIS Administration elected, right??
Here’s MORE election interference: the DEMS pushing ILLEGALS to vote, by claiming that “no one is ILLEGAL” and legitamizing sanctuary cities and states!! This is ACTUAL election interference!! Only CITIZENS are allowed to vote, but the DEMS don’t care!
SO, tell me Peter, do you really care about election interference???
Polls don’t count. When you actually vote – it might.
Trump 2020 https://youtu.be/NZnSwXAcNy4
Trump 2020, 2024
Remember “save the women and children”? Looks like our women and children will save us.
Lmao, Hillary had way larger margins in 2016, y’all are gonna lose in a landslide
@Logan McLean Uhhhhh, nope.
John Lewis said so
As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.
@Logan McLean Trump Doesn’t Care https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLaMFzKt2zI&ab_channel=ReallyAmerican
No surprise there.
Trump the only President in my 53 years of living to actually do everything he ran on…
He did build a wall. Less than 3 miles worth, but I guess it’s not a lie to say he built the wall.
@CJ J More like 300 miles, and growing stupid!!
@CJ J they build 3 miles by lunchtime… or shall I say, by time you get out of bed.
@James Norred On December 17, 2019, acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Mark Morgan stated that 93 miles of barriers had been built during the Trump administration; according to CBP, at least 90 miles of that replaced existing structures.[13] By May 2020, only 16 miles out of 194 miles of wall constructed under the Trump administration was new fencing; the remainder was replacement for outdated or dilapidated sections. According to CBP, 321 miles had been completed by September 15, but they won’t release how much is new any longer. Because they know it’s hardly anything.
So now some basic math (I know that’s hard for someone as dumb as you). 16 out of 194 in May. 321 built by September, would mean that 127 was built between those dates. If all had been new, that would mean no more than 143 miles of NEW wall.
143 miles at most in over three years. Wow. That’s really impressive. Maybe If President Pumpkinhead gets another TEN terms he can finish it.
And who exactly paid for that wall? I seem to remember something about Mexico paying, but instead it came from benefits for military personnel.
You did say something accurate. The wall IS growing stupid. Along with you. But you were already there.
@CJ J 1st. of all mark morgan is nothing, a nobody, and obviously knows nothing.
president Donald Trump has been saying at every rally, news conference, campaighn event, and straight to the news reporters faces almost everyday without wavering, that 300 miles of new border wall has been constructed.
Not one time has anyone of one of them disputed that to his face. or in the news, or called him a liar for claiming that.
Not even fake news network cnn.
None of them fox, cbs, abc, or cnn, have ever disputed that, or called him a liar on that claim. That he continues to bodly proclaim to this very day.
You are seriously dillusional if you think that they wouldn’t have pounced on that already if it was not true, since he 1st proclaimed 300 miles of new wall has been constructed.
IT IS 300 (acctually 300+) miles of new border wall constructed since president Donald Trump took office in january 2017.! Besides the hundreds of miles of repairs made on the old already existing border wall since january 2017.!!
There is also many miles of privately newly constructed border wall that they do not dispute, but like to say is poorly constructed, and could calapse in their fake news negativity crap.
Go on, take a road trip, and see for yourself.! It is clearly marked where the old border wall ends, and the new border wall that does go 300+ miles beyond it begins. Take a road trip, see it for yourself. You can drive the entire border wall old and new on the U.S. side.!
And construction is still continuing past mile marker 300
as I type this comment.!!!
I doubt young voters will vote for Trump, when he is trying to dismantle Tik Tok.
@—— are you really that fooking dumb. i’m 58, my mommy died 5 years ago
Patty Carey, My mother is Harriet Tubman and she’s 198 years old.
@—— mommy’s not to bright
Daniel Houston and her daughter isn’t either.
young voters vote for who their professors indirectly tell them to vote for. in case you haven’t been inside a college lately, it’s a leftist indoctrination machine for people who are still too young to think for themselves.
They’re not worried about you, you won’t show up November 3rd.
As far as popularity is concerned, the younger voters realise that both parties main goal is control…of everything
The younger generations can’t fear mongered by emperor with no cloths on and they can clearly see he’s nothing a carnival barking boy calling Wolf playing the victim

Given that public schools are now democrat indoctrination centers now , this is no surprise.
2016 is revisiting the _Dems…_
More like 2018 revisiting the Repubs…
I’m sure they will, young adults that age are most likely as well to die taking a selfie or texting and do in the thousands now every year
Hope young voters take a good look at this election and get out and vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Its urgent and we need to move forward with excitement. Take a good look at Donald Trumps failed response on COVID19 and how it has impacted your life, this nation and the economy. It didn’t have to be like this or this bad. Trump has focused on his own interests during this whole time and people. Joe Biden will give us better leadership on COVID19 and get the economy up and going.