‘Politics are why things aren’t getting done’: Andrew Yang on Covid-19 relief

CNN's Natasha Chen reports on struggling small businesses in Georgia and CNN political commentator Andrew Yang responds saying the holdup on Covid-19 relief is due to lack of leadership in Congress. #CNN #News

'Politics are why things aren't getting done': Andrew Yang on Covid-19 relief


  1. There is no “both sides” to this, the house passed a stimulus bill months ago, it is the duty of the Senate to put that bill to a vote and McConnel refuses to even put it up to vote.

    If the Senate doesn’t like the bill, let them vote it down and say why so that compromise can continue. What they’re doing instead is complete obstructionism.

    1. If it’s full of pork, the Senate should have had a vote and voted it down months ago so that they could be specific on what they want to compromise on.

      There is NO EXCUSE for not even having a vote

    1. @MAGA 2020
      Well,.. You Have Some Suggestions pal?
      Or are you just spewing some 💩 from your new troll account. Just to see what sticks.
      Many Are Getting Arrested
      Many Are Getting Attorneys
      Many Are Going Away,..
      with Many More to Come

    2. @TANGLDWEB Well while your reply made absolutely 0 sense. Also just further proving the point, of neither side is willing to respect the other, let alone work with them. Keep it up, its why Noone got anything. Great job 👍

  2. That guy was crying talking about we need help. Man I’m imagine that same man on tv living under a bridge homeless saying we need help.

    1. @Hue Yang Thanks for your perspective wumao. Coronavirus is your country’s fault and they should be held accountable first and foremost!

  3. Don’t cry, tell your guy in the White House who lost an election and thought he’s done with you! And talk to Mitch too, who all he wants is power. Power so he can do nothing!

    1. Yes our tax dollars to be specific to bad we can’t band together and fight this injustice they clearly won’t stop using our hard earned tax dollars as there personal slush fund and claim it costs to much to help the people they use one point in time we fought Britain for taxation without representation and now since we as a country we are so divided they use that against us because when we are divided we cannot do anything

  4. Andrew I laughed when you mentioned UBI
    I’m not laughing anymore sir !

    Americans are in food lines around the US Trump’s on the golf course

    0:59 People are at the end of their rope.

    *YES HELP DAMMIT* put politics aside

  5. These politicians are employed by US. My goodness be a good human and help these small businesses and people: forget politics and help!!

    1. Five trillion dollars went to billion dollar corporations with almost no government oversight on how the money is allocated and the FED pumped six trillion dollars into the stock market that’s over $11 trillion dollars that has been spent on protecting the wealth of the top 1% of our country just in the last 7 months. We are living during a time of the largest separation of wealth in American history and the top 1% most wealthy people’s net worth has increased over a trillion dollars during a pandemic, most of these people own corporations that received billions in bailouts; when roughly 1 out of every 6 Americans can’t afford food and roughly 1 out of every 9 Americans might lose their shelter because they are behind on their rent or mortgage. If 43 million (roughly the current amount of Americans behind on their rent or mortgage) lose their shelter and get evicted in January you better be aware crime and civil unrest will skyrocket. To put $1 trillion dollars into perspective, if you made $1 dollar every second it would take about 31 years to make $1 billion but it would take 31,709 years to make $1 trillion dollars. So if you made a dollar per second it would take 856,143 years to pay off America’s $27 trillion dollar debt.

  6. Bernie, Yang, All Progressives would have helped. Just like Canada has helped all. The US cares nothing about its people. Sad. 🇨🇦🇺🇸🇨🇦

    1. @J not true. it’s that smart people live in big cities (bc they can afford rent) and big cities have problems always. Smart people elect smart progressive politicians. That’s why big cities are all Democratic because the people are smarter than rural people. Progressives care about people, not like conservative scum that lie to dumb people

    2. @Hieronymous Ray But you guys talk about abortion, and how wrong it is, yet you blame those same folks for having those children. Well, since they did as you thought they should, you should have their backs.

  7. You think businesses care if you are a Democrate or Republican voter?? No! Politicians are the ones dividing the country

    1. @RIXRADvidz That’s why the American flag emoji 🇺🇸 comes first then the Yang hat 🧢 in my comment. It’s all about moving this country forward, it’s a movement.

    1. I guess Liberals support lifelong corrupt politicians and the establishment because they’re really smart 🤔
      tinyurl.com/y6ow9hxx 🎶

    2. @The Tweatles this isnt helping. blaming the opposite is ultimately regressive. if you guys were paying attention, both parties work for corporate america and does not represent the common people

  8. Yang is 1000% everyone wants it their way. It’s about America’s way and not the governments way.

  9. I’ve already told my kids we can’t afford presents this year. They are older so they understand. Them arguing about the stimulus is just sad.

    1. Gosh you realized, both parties make loads of personal money and get personal favors later. From the defense industry, why they have bipartisan support. Great detective work, your just about 30 years too late to the party. That’s common knowledge nowadays.

  10. Governor’s need to stand on the neck of Mitch McConnell, because nothings going to happen. This country is about to go down the toilet

    1. The country went down the toilet 4 years ago, when half the country decided the other half were nazi’s. Since then neither side is willing to work with the other, nothing got done. Is that really surprising? What were you expecting?

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