Politico: Trump’s Allies Know He’s Lost The Election | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Politico's Jake Sherman says that no Republican he's spoken with believes Donald Trump won re-election. Aired on 11/11/2020.
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Politico: Trump's Allies Know He's Lost The Election | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @M John all democrats try to think and control others, while simultaneously having your thoughts manipulated and controlled by your Democrat gods. … “you need to blah blah wan waan…..”

    2. @wyganter. Really interesting and enlightening article. Also read the one from a poll watcher complaining about the disruptive behaviour of the GOP poll watchers.

    3. That’s not _quite_ my read. I think this was “Plan B.” Trump was confident that the votes would be rigged in his favor. Not sure who he thought would do it, but he was confident that someone who would profit by it and could do it would do it. And, frankly, the results do look to me like that was done. Certainly, Trump knew about Florida ( and I hope we get to the bottom of that eventually and prosecute). Trump does not consider it an accomplishment to win honestly. He takes satisfaction from winning by cheating. It makes him feel superior to “out smart” an opponent by cheating him and getting away with it, than to actually out smart an opponent within the rules (which he actually isn’t able to do).

    4. @Dave Great…. ow stfu…we’re having a good time 🍺🍺🍺🍾πŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸ₯‚πŸ˜‰πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜Ž

    1. @RMZ life Well, now you sound like an isolationist moron. The US has never been self-supporting, you strongly rely on other countries trade and skilled workers. Also, last time I checked it was Japan and China who own a good proportion of your country’s debt. Which by the way, had sky rocketed under Trump – a deficit greater than Obama managed in 8 years.

      You keep fooling yourself that the US can go it alone, though, because I can assure you, that you absolutely cannot and no world economist would think so either.

    2. @X A yeah your right. Its not been all that long ago, that we built our own stuff and other countries were relying on us.

    3. Oh and almost half of America still believe in America…. Not the BS your talking. I hate you didn’t get to college before it was overthrown by Communist….

    4. @RMZ life Trump believes in lining his own pockets & getting his communist KGB Daddy to sort out his debts. That’s your America, not mine.

    5. @X A There we go with the Russian BS….If they could have got him impeached on collusion with Russia, don’t you think they would have? That’s what makes you Mad isn’t it? Trump didn’t need the governments money power or anything.He already had it. The left hates that he can’t be bought by you crooked people….

  1. And yet his enablers are willing to walk through this charade with him. Since when did someone’s ego become more important than moving this country forward?

    1. Why so worried about this charade if you have nothing to worry about?
      You pulled a four year charade with Russia, Russia, Russia, so please allow us four minutes to see if this is legit. Hypocrite,… thy name is Democrat.

  2. I don’t believe anyone is joking, the budget they forwarded and the new people trump inserted at the Pentagon is telling

    1. @Anonymous Male I’m a democrat and I wasn’t about to go in public. We’re in a pandemic I’m respectful as I can be to others.

    2. Clearly the fact that you voted for biden tells all of us thinking people that you do NOT care about the country. It is just that simple and true.

    1. @Black Swan you are WAY off with your comments. First off I am NOT a Trump follower I voted for Biden and second Trump will have to answer to God for all he has done just as you and I do too, but sounds like you have an issue with God so maybe you need to get it together. I will be praying for you to get your heart right just as I am praying for our country to work together to bring our country into a better place.

    2. @Cecile Joubert we are not saying covid is Trumps fault BUT the way he handled the situation by not doing anything to help. He turned his back on our country. That is a hugh problem just look at how many people have died when every week every month he lied about covid.

    3. @Christina Hernandez No, I’m sorry if you thought I thought you were a Trump supporter. You both are on team “God”, and I don’t think either Trump or your god has done a very good job. I actually think your god is fictional, but whatever. Sorry. I just don’t think your god has anything to do with anything.

    4. @Christina Hernandez Trump handled the virus fine its not his job to hold your hands. You should of been wearing a mask even gloves tucked in your mommys basement. Its up to the states how they decide how to handle it. And how much trash is out there protesting, rioting and spitting on eachother. Cuomo killed massive amounts of old folks what do you say about that. Pelosi on feb 24th come to China town and party its ok. Cuomo march 13th come to the parade its ok. You need help !

    1. I’d be honored if some fellow concerned citizens would take a quick listen to my acoustic piano & vocal YT performance of DANCING IN THE DARK by Bruce Springsteen in tribute to the United States of America and its next President, Joseph R. Biden. Peace and everybody stay safe.

  3. no republican will stand against trump baar pompeo and the whole grifters bunch. why not? they are part of it.

  4. These suits are designed for 1 purpose. To buy time. This is a coup. We are not watching a movie we are watching a coup.

    1. Quite a few of Trump’s supporters are quick to see conspiracy because of their paranoia runs amok just like Trump’s.

    1. Exactly! And how that man was laughing as he spoke, like come on! What is really going to be done to get him OUT?! We know they are all crazy and will do anything to keep power.

  5. The question one should be asking is why are the Republicans are trying to make Trump happy, screw him, as he has screwed so many

    1. They are afraid of the “Trump base” voting against them. They want to stay in power even if Dotard goes to prison.

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