Amid the escalating tensions between the United States and Iran, President Trump is under siege and now he's taking fire from his own former National Security Adviser John Bolton. According to Politico, Bolton said the negotiations with Iran and North Korea were “doomed to failure.” Aired on 09/18/19.
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Politico: John Bolton Unloads On Trump’s Foreign Policy | Hardball | MSNBC
If you didn’t agree with him at the beginning why did you hire him?
Because after you’ve been fired by the President of the United States of America… you’re a pariah in both the political and civilian job markets. There’s simply no way to come back from that level of failure.
STFU…If you DEPLORABLES with TDS can’t back the CINC…STOP trying to OBSTRUCT him from what he’s doing FOR THE COUNTRY as a WHOLE. If u think u can do A BETTER JOB then Apply for the jobs, otherwise, It’s best that u don’t open ur GAP….. Everyone wants their 15″ fame….that’s about it.
Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?
Grump hires from Faux Noise and Bolton was on tv.
So Bolton wants a war with Iran the same way he wanted a war with Iraq, that by the way opened the lid to ISIS. Think about what lid could be opened if USA starts a war with Iran.
USA has to come to terms with the fact that while USA may be able to win a conventional war, USA can never win the peace in that part of the world. The Middle East is not Europe.
The only thing USA get out of going to war with Iran is for all potential enemies of USA to try to get nuclear weapons because they know that is the only thing USA respect.
USA is just not the all powerful nation it once was.
It takes time for a cowboy to calm down and adapt after he loses his horse.
Plus the Iraq war cost around 1.3 trillion dollar. The US would win against Iran, but it would probably cost 2 trillion or more for the occupation
@mark bui Guess what? It will cost lives too. Or isn’t that a concern for you?
@Baraka Hagatanga Don’t kid yourself. More to the point, don’t allow yourself to be indoctrinated with the supposed exceptionalism of the US. The US has bases all over so they can deploy troops to different parts of the world at any given time, among other reasons. Defense of others is way down on their lists of priorities. The US as a country is self serving as are the majority of the people.
@Marcia USA is number one, if don’t like that defend your own borders.
John Bolton was a war waiting to happen. In several countries. He was better sent home.
Pedro Joubert can’t wait til your drafted to the army to die
@8alot4t are you kidding? Do you think that 45 has ever cracked a bible? Seriously. He breaks commandments before breakfast
The Mercer’s are anti-Americans – they were behind the Cambridge analytics conspiracy #lock them up
Jason Swaim Obama isn’t the President now, give it a rest and acknowledge trump is doing a horrid job
@Judy Hogan Um, my response was to Lavern , who was having a fit bc Cambridge Analytica. My point, which you obviously missed, was that Obama used a big data company similar to CA during his 2012 campaign. Therefore, while people like you and Lavern like to whine about Ttump using CA to target voters, you think it was completely fine for Obama.
Your typical response of “well he isnt president anymore” is completely irrelevant to the discussion.
Jason Swaim well I consider it is. Goodbye
@Jason Swaim Trolls do not do their homework! Just want to waste everyone’s time. It is annoying. One Troll told me I was “a Osma Bin Laden lover” and probably should go back to his loving arms..” Just weird stuff turns up with trolls and Bots- subject matter was not even about the Middle East! LOL
Love your name “Trump Hating Proud American” cause that’s exactly what I am too. Great.
Can this guy speak without spitting and slobbering.
Nope. The blood-thirsty
@crackerasscracker hey, hey, Hey! No comparison
@Fostina Musonda no doubt. He’s been bitin off the truth too long…probably grinds his teeth @ night, dreaming about dropping MOAB’s all night. Terrible bed-mate…
I taught i taw a putty tat
It can be annoying in your earphones. It’s like he’s spitting in your ears.
To be fair, if John Bolton doesn’t like it, its probably a good thing.
Yes. True. But once this “Commander in Chief” decides to go at it, who’s gonna guide it? 45 listens to no one. Not even our own intellegence. He acts on his “gut”, which means, I hope that the WH kitchen doesn’t feed him after midnight
@Bmw EM lol yes so Trump answer was FAKE NEWS?
Paper St. Tr*mp has said many times, before & after the election, that his “very good brain” tells him what to do.(But, his “very good brain” can’t seem to stay on topic).One time I heard an interview in which Tr*mp said he doesn’t need advisors or books or to learn anything & he doesn’t know why, only that he’s always just known ‘stuff’. Reminds me of a schizophrenic hearing voices, cause I’m pretty sure Tr*mp is not psychic… Lol… We are screwed….
john smith #PABOTUS!
It’s unusual to agree with John Bolton.
Saudi Arabia started the war. Yemeni mounted a counter attack. But we’re supposed to have a response. WTF?
Shhh….we’re not suppose to mention Yemen
No Gordon the US asked the Saudi s to conduct the Yemen holocaust.
Gotta protect that sweet sweet oil
@Tessmage Tessera this needs to be said more and more because I don’t think a lot of people understand the madness of this.
Exactly what Trump wants……..
The warmonger was cut off from his fix now he’s mad.
New NSA, Mr O’Brien is a former Chief Hostage Negotiator, a job that requires an ability to persuade desperate, unbalanced people to give up. He sounds perfectly qualified.
Bolton better keep his mouth shut if he wants a money making book deal. : D
“Iran’s attack”? Where’s the proof?
@Infidel Apostate You’re right….that’s what you have a mouth for…carry on
Don’t worry, Trump will make up the proof.
Just do a little bush where Iraq was such a great thing with all lies, for all America wars are for profit only and all lies.
On a huawei phone somewhere, lol
A guy with a stupid Jesus avatar asking for proof! LOL
I wonder what John “You Must Die For Israel” Bolton thinks about it?
Bolton wouldn’t give Trump any more mustache rides
WE WEREN’T ATTACKED! Let the murderous Saudis take care of it!
Trump is cuddling up to the Saudis. He’s making his own deal as always.
Speak with your president!!!!
When John Bolton says you are a kook… i mean… we are now through the looking glass here, folks. VOTE BLUE. End this nightmare administration!
Enough is enough for voting the Blue movie
Houhti rebels did the the attack not Iran America shouldn’t be fighting for a dictatorship anyway.
We are a de facto dictatorship
That is nonsense.
@Jimusmc0311 We almost were, had Hillary’s coup using Fusion GPS worked.
The USA people should be happy that Trump has fired Bolton:
Bolton resigned. But of course trump says he fired him
Why hire him in first place if he’s not the greatest, what a turd grump is.
Thanks the USA doesn’t need anymore young people coming home with scrambled brains,blown off legs arms,and losing their souls for nothing.Please stop the madness.
@John Flynn amen
Extreme vetting should be for new hires. Trump is running out of future idiots!!
LOL Looks like John Bolton [ unlike John Kelly ] has no intention of keeping his mouth shut. But in all seriousness I’m glad to see him go.
Glad Trump Fired Boltan. Responsible For Thousands Of Americans Deaths.
He looks pretty orange in the daylight. Maybe he was wrong about those light bulbs.