Political Panel Discusses Trump’s Last Days in Office, “He Lost The Election, It Is Time To Move On”

Peter Baker, New York Times Chief White House Correspondent, Emily Tisch Sussman, host of 'Your Primary' podcast, and Tim Miller, former Communications Director for Jeb Bush, discuss the fallout after Iran's leading scientist assassination and Trump's last days in office. Sussman says, "Republicans have to make a choice. Are they going to continue into the Biden Presidency believing that he is an illegitimate President?"» Subscribe to MSNBC:

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Political Panel Discusses Trump's Last Days in Office, "He Lost The Election, It Is Time To Move On"

Political Panel Discusses Trump's Last Days in Office, "He Lost The Election, It Is Time To Move On"


    1. When the education system in impoverished rural White America is fixed. It’s where Trump’s bulk of votes exist by default, or any other corrupt GOP politician’s bulk of votes exist.

    2. Heaven’s Court is coming to fight for Pres Trump 🗽🗽🗽, Because this earth’s court cannot detect Fraud/corruption, because they cannot see Truth with their two physical eyes & Earth’s court needs proof, even though there are visible voter Fraud/cheating in Mail-in ballots, night counting, late ballots, Foreign Dominion, etc….& most of the time injustice & untruth Win in human courts…But, heaven/universe creator sees all cheating/Fraud of Human heart/human hands, & So, in Pres Trump’s case, heaven’s Court is coming soon to bring justice & truth (Jeremiah 1v19; Psalms 82v2; 76v9; Luke 18v6; )…..& Heaven’s sharpened sword is coming to cut off all Liars’/cheaters’, Lie speaking/Lie arguing/evil speaking tongues ( Proverbs 10v31; Isaiah 34v5; Psalms 7v12; Rev 14v17; 1 Timothy 6v4;)

    1. Heaven’s Court is coming to fight for Pres Trump 🗽🗽🗽, Because this earth’s court cannot detect Fraud/corruption, because they cannot see Truth with their two physical eyes & Earth’s court needs proof, even though there are visible voter Fraud/cheating in Mail-in ballots, night counting, late ballots, Foreign Dominion, etc….& most of the time injustice & untruth Win in human courts…But, heaven/universe creator sees all cheating/Fraud of Human heart/human hands, & So, in Pres Trump’s case, heaven’s Court is coming soon to bring justice & truth (Jeremiah 1v19; Psalms 82v2; 76v9; Luke 18v6; )…..& Heaven’s sharpened sword is coming to cut off all Liars’/cheaters’, Lie speaking/Lie arguing/evil speaking tongues ( Proverbs 10v31; Isaiah 34v5; Psalms 7v12; Rev 14v17; 1 Timothy 6v4;)

    2. @Kwarkool And yet you believe you remove such a corrupted and evil individual from power by simply mailing in a vote, interesting.

  1. I’m not so impressed with Hollywood writers / movie makers anymore . Make a movie more crazy then what we have endured for 4 years .

  2. There’s NO rational explanation for Trumps behavior. We’ve never had a 74 year old toddler who has frequent tantrums running a country.

    1. Heaven’s Court is coming to fight for Pres Trump 🗽🗽🗽, Because this earth’s court cannot detect Fraud/corruption, because they cannot see Truth with their two physical eyes & Earth’s court needs proof, even though there are visible voter Fraud/cheating in Mail-in ballots, night counting, late ballots, Foreign Dominion, etc….& most of the time injustice & untruth Win in human courts…But, heaven/universe creator sees all cheating/Fraud of Human heart/human hands, & So, in Pres Trump’s case, heaven’s Court is coming soon to bring justice & truth (Jeremiah 1v19; Psalms 82v2; 76v9; Luke 18v6; )…..& Heaven’s sharpened sword is coming to cut off all Liars’/cheaters’, Lie speaking/Lie arguing/evil speaking tongues ( Proverbs 10v31; Isaiah 34v5; Psalms 7v12; Rev 14v17; 1 Timothy 6v4;)

    1. @SHIELD OF FAITH DO NOT CLICK ON THIS LINK unless you want to be subjected to the mad ravings, full of “End of Days” rhetoric, of an insane man.

    1. @Gina Mazyck The Lincoln Project is a bunch of rich globalist lobbyist that sold out the mid-western industries jobs to China years ago..They just want payback for supporting Beijing Biden if he becomes President.

    2. Just as many people care for trump just as many don’t care for him and the one who did care after 4yrs of him they don’t care and want hlm gone gone gone Gone

  3. The Republicans are trying to overthrow democracy, we must deal with these vile senile insurgents accordingly, or our freedom is at stake

    1. Heaven’s Court is coming to fight for Pres Trump 🗽🗽🗽, Because this earth’s court cannot detect Fraud/corruption, because they cannot see Truth with their two physical eyes & Earth’s court needs proof, even though there are visible voter Fraud/cheating in Mail-in ballots, night counting, late ballots, Foreign Dominion, etc….& most of the time injustice & untruth Win in human courts…But, heaven/universe creator sees all cheating/Fraud of Human heart/human hands, & So, in Pres Trump’s case, heaven’s Court is coming soon to bring justice & truth (Jeremiah 1v19; Psalms 82v2; 76v9; Luke 18v6; )…..& Heaven’s sharpened sword is coming to cut off all Liars’/cheaters’, Lie speaking/Lie arguing/evil speaking tongues ( Proverbs 10v31; Isaiah 34v5; Psalms 7v12; Rev 14v17; 1 Timothy 6v4;)

    2. actually they are taking the election results through the proper legal channels.

      Thats not threatening anything

    3. News flash for you they have never stopped trying ever since the time when they first came together and called themselves the white wig party that was the original name of the Republican party rich people who were stranded and who hunger for power and wealth both.

    4. As a Brit ,I am horrified at what is happening in America. From the International News Channels, it is easy to see who is the real Cheat .The problem is that he is threatening all our Western democracies, by casting doubt on all our Electoral systems .Your Electoral System needs an international investigation , with Computer experts, and Electoral officials ,as a suggestion ,from Britain, Australia, and Germany. The Germans are thorough-going and efficient in everything they do, and they value democracy very highly ,because they have only been a fully united country since 1990.

    1. Heaven’s Court is coming to fight for Pres Trump 🗽🗽🗽, Because this earth’s court cannot detect Fraud/corruption, because they cannot see Truth with their two physical eyes & Earth’s court needs proof, even though there are visible voter Fraud/cheating in Mail-in ballots, night counting, late ballots, Foreign Dominion, etc….& most of the time injustice & untruth Win in human courts…But, heaven/universe creator sees all cheating/Fraud of Human heart/human hands, & So, in Pres Trump’s case, heaven’s Court is coming soon to bring justice & truth (Jeremiah 1v19; Psalms 82v2; 76v9; Luke 18v6; )…..& Heaven’s sharpened sword is coming to cut off all Liars’/cheaters’, Lie speaking/Lie arguing/evil speaking tongues ( Proverbs 10v31; Isaiah 34v5; Psalms 7v12; Rev 14v17; 1 Timothy 6v4;)

    1. Uh, would you trust Trump to;
      A. Not exaggerate.
      B. Remember anything accurately.

      He lies so much that even he doesn’t know the truth.

      It would be very difficult to determine how much you could trust him.

    1. @McD5791 A lot of people don’t seem to care about the virus anymore. The exploding number of cases is all the proof, for all to see. Sad.

    2. All of you cry about covid restrictions when it suits you but then take to the streets when you see fit.

      you are all anti-american

    1. @Fletcher Forest Obama had 500 drone strikes in 8yrs approved by both houses. In 8yrs Obama’s civilian death toll is between 384 and 807 in drone strikes. Trump has the death of 268, 000 Americans on his hands. And the death toll keeps climbing.

    2. @Mike Steven , Just google it and if you can understand statistics a little, you will know, for example Germany has 20 deaths per 100k, and US has 81.

  4. The word he loves to use, loser, for everyone else but himself. He sits at a tiny desk and scolds someone, calling them a lightweight. He’s the loser here and will be remembered as a sore loser.

    1. Heaven’s Court is coming to fight for Pres Trump 🗽🗽🗽, Because this earth’s court cannot detect Fraud/corruption, because they cannot see Truth with their two physical eyes & Earth’s court needs proof, even though there are visible voter Fraud/cheating in Mail-in ballots, night counting, late ballots, Foreign Dominion, etc….& most of the time injustice & untruth Win in human courts…But, heaven/universe creator sees all cheating/Fraud of Human heart/human hands, & So, in Pres Trump’s case, heaven’s Court is coming soon to bring justice & truth (Jeremiah 1v19; Psalms 82v2; 76v9; Luke 18v6; )…..& Heaven’s sharpened sword is coming to cut off all Liars’/cheaters’, Lie speaking/Lie arguing/evil speaking tongues ( Proverbs 10v31; Isaiah 34v5; Psalms 7v12; Rev 14v17; 1 Timothy 6v4;)

    2. @lilly pad “Guess you did not see the thousands of whiners that cried, screamed at the sky fell into depression and complained for 4 years when Hillary lost. Maybe you think that makes them winners! Poor humpty dumpty democrats…” FUNNY, YOUR MESSAGE ISN’T EXACTLY LOVING EITHER. LOOK IN THE MIRROR BEFORE YOU JUDGE OTHERS, HYPOCRITE!

    3. He has lost by millions of votes!! Not a close race and there’s to fraud as He likes to argue just because he can! Well because We can ” he is out!! ” – Go change that dipper and keep your mouth closed!! Dipper Donald Trump!”

    1. @Linda Gray Looks like the guy from the basement is going to be President in a few days 🎉🎉🎉 He didn’t have to have super spreader rallies to win bloop!🤣🤣🤣 Oh and yes I counted him out when Biden won 306 electoral votes, what did Trump call it when he won by that much in 2016? Oh I think he said he won by a landslide!!!

    2. Renee H He may be when it’s all said and done. But Trump should explore every avenue open to him. There are some things that Trump said that made me cringe, and I didn’t always agree with him, but I always felt he had the want to protect us Americans. No attacks since he has been in. At least with Trump you know what you are getting. Joe will tell you what you want to hear. He is a true politician. There are lots of unanswered questions about this election, and we should all want to know for sure if there was fraud or not.

    3. @Linda Gray Now Linda I know that you see he has lost at least 30 or more legal cases and people are just tired he doesn’t have that many options left and it’s not going to overturn the election if he manages to win one or two. It’s just time to face reality he did not win and it was a free and clear election. No fraud, it wasn’t stolen, the fact that he is a sore loser and looking crazy out here with not an ounce of proof. Don’t you think if he had proof he wouldn’t have had to file so many cases, he would have a case to consider, but he just don’t have any proof. I hate that he is putting this country through all this because his feelings are hurt and he really wanted a second term. But in a race there can only be one winner. Plus he is asking his supporters to help with his legal fees and their hard earned money is going to waste and we are in the midst of a pandemic people have lost there jobs but will still try to help him and he really don’t care about y’all, you will see when it’s all said and done. I didn’t support him but I had to live with it, there were a lot of President’s I didn’t like but again I had to live with it, life goes on, I just continue to vote to let my little vote count and he is trying to take away millions of votes that real people are wanting their voice heard too Dems and Rep alike. I’m just tired of the tom foolery now, it’s over. Oh and Linda thank you for being nice in your comment, just because we are on different sides doesn’t mean we have to be nasty, we just agree to disagree peacefully.🙂

    1. lilly pad just saying… he’s a criminal.

      But … you know what? You’re right. Seems like you needed to hear that today 👶


    2. Odd, I feel bad for Bernie, AOC, and their crew….they were played like fools by Joe’s corporate machine😷

    1. @Can’t Get Right
      They found plenty yet did not have the power (McConnell would not allow) to convict in the Senate.
      I guess you don’t believe in the rule of law.

    2. @lilly pad
      The list grows everyday and Trump’s fans ask everyday “where is the crime”.
      I bet you are still hanging on to Binghazi.
      Tell me how long did you believe in the Binghazi story?

    1. I have concerns! Please sanitize now; it will make me feel safer and reduce my concerns. People have concerns! That concerns me. Are you concerned? Reach out with any concerns! There were some concerns concerning Covid. Do you have concerns? Does Covid concern you? Reach out with your concerns; it’s so healing! They reached out to me with some concerns. Are you concerned about your future concerns? Sharing your concerns can be so healing! They expressed concerns; share your concerns, in response, in a safe space. Does anyone have any concerns? Which concerns are most concerning to you? Reach out with your concerns, but be kind. Please sanitize now; it will make me feel safer and reduce my concerns. Having concerns is understandable, I’m also concerned. Are you concerned that you have a bulleted list of concerns that concern you? Many are concerned. Does your health concern you? I reached out with my concerns. Did your doctor express concerns? The latest developments were very concerning! Did they cause you concern? My kind thoughts go out to those with concerns! I shared my concerns because I was concerned that so many had concerns; it was quite concerning to see the sheer number of concerns. Confronting our concerns is so healing! Do some symptoms concern you? It was very kind of you to share your concerns because we were concerned about your reluctance to share your concerns, which concerned us greatly! Those suffering with concerns about increased concerns are understandably concerned. The intensity of my concerns has many concerned; however, they admit to being equally concerned, which is very concerning. We have a concerned group now, to share our concerns, in a safe space of kind concern, free of judgmental opinions to be concerned about. Please sanitize now; it will make me feel safer and reduce my concerns. Try to reduce your concerns by reaching out to your doctor about that latest medication that some are concerned about. That news was very concerning. Are you as concerned as I am? Have you reached out with your concerns about it? Remember that my thoughts and concerns are always with the hundreds of thousands who suffer existential concerns each moment, because I’m very concerned and care deeply for each and every one of them, and their unique concerns. CAN YOU FEEL THE NATION HEALING? Please sanitize now; it will make me feel safer and reduce my concerns.

    2. Don’t worry about it. President Trump is bringing our military back to the states to surround the White House before January 20th so all this is just ratings talk. He isn’t going anywhere. Lock and load.

    1. And it is obvious that he has dropped all pretense of being president.he is now guilty for all the people who die with him doing absolutely nothing in the White House.

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